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seVen's avatar

Why some think that Prince William is the Antichrist ?

Asked by seVen (3492points) February 7th, 2009 from iPhone

Yes he must be charming and good speaker as well as great power , maybe even deceive he’s a good “Christian” to deceive even the elect, but c’mon he’s not all that, right?!

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31 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

people think he’s the Antichrist? i’ve never even heard this. I just thought he was a poof monarch to be.

Dog's avatar

Gee- I was told by a lifelong friend that Obsma was the Antichrist. If this is the case I had best start drinking my wine collection now.

Conspiacy theories never grow old do they?

asmonet's avatar

Who are these crazies who think that?
Oh, you?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

conspiracy theories about who just might be the next antichrist (since Nixon is dead) are the stuff of average minds.

jackley's avatar

Martin Luther asserted the pope during his lifetime ( Leo X ) was the Antichrist; it’s always the same nonsense.

Dog's avatar

Me?? No- I do not buy into any of it.

KatawaGrey's avatar

You’ve listed 4 criteria and I’m just curious, are there others? If those are the only criteria for the antichrist, then, by golly, they’re certainly a dime a dozen, aren’t they!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jackley wait, in olden times did “Antichrist” mean “child molester”?

asmonet's avatar

Kat, I lurve you.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@asmonet: Thank you, thank you. I’m just hoping seVen will pop back up to defend his narrow-minded ideas rather than retreat and ignore a direct plea to his logic, should such an animal exist, anyway.

And, as always, I lurve you too! :)

asmonet's avatar

@KatawaGrey: :-* seVen does sometimes, other times no. We’ll see. Oh, seVen? Where art thou?

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Really, I thought Rush Limbaugh was the anti-Christ.

AstroChuck's avatar

No, because I am the Antichrist!
No wait. I’m the lizard king.


AstroChuck's avatar

I think seVen is my favorite question asker.

asmonet's avatar


Yep, no matter how I look at his name, it always looks like very unfortunate cleavage.

madcapper's avatar

I just thought he had a tool-shed hair cut… Anti-Christ? No. In fact no anti-christ will ever come from Britania…

AstroChuck's avatar

Come on you guys. Don’t you get it?
AC – AstroChuck
AC – AntiChrist
AstroChuck – 10 letters
AntiChrist – 10 letters
AstroChuck – Evil incarnate
AntiChrist – Evil incarnate

Jesus! Do I have to hit you over the head with something?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@AstroChuck i think hitting Jesus over the head is part of it.

fireside's avatar

I always thought it was Nero

janbb's avatar

I just can’t get into questions about the AntiChrist – don’t care at all.

bythebay's avatar

@AstroChuck: What does it say on the side of your big ring?

syz's avatar

Good grief, British upper crust are wayyy too boring to be anything as cool as an antichrist!

asmonet's avatar

And any decent Whovian knows he’s far more likely to be a werewolf.

fireside's avatar

@asmonet – hemophilia, my arse

asmonet's avatar

We are not amused. ;)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Antichrist? I thought he was an alien, like his grandmother.

asmonet's avatar

@aprilsimnel: His Grandma just got bit by one. ;)

AstroChuck's avatar

Forget the AntiChrist. Fear the AstroChrist.

asmonet's avatar

Oh noez!

DWW25921's avatar

I’m a Christian that has actually researched this subject. No, Prince William is not the antichrist. Neither is Obama. Yeah… (awkward) not even close.

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