Who gave you your very first comment?
Asked by
asmonet (
February 7th, 2009
I was just looking through my comments to get back to everyone and I had almost 60 pages! It occurred to me I’d forgotten who I spoke to first..apparently, it was:
andrew privately said:
“Welcome to the collective!”
September 21st, 2008
Now, I’m curious. Who sent your first pm? And what did it say?
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110 Answers
augustlan said :
Welcome to Fluther! Seems like you’re fitting in just fine :)
I <3 Augustlan :D
AH! I gave Jayne his first! I think! :D
I hope. :’(
Don’t stop writing on my account, Jayne. :)
I hate to have to tell you that sndfreQ, that sneaky man, beat you with an underhanded “welcome to Fluther” posted maliciously in my private comments section. Its a sad story.
Beans4life, who seems to have disappeared! He thanked me for saying something nice about George Harrison.
At least i had the cojones to declare my love in public!
Right. So you get the official first spot. and first in my heart, of course
It was KatawaGrey, offering me a very kind and cordial welcome.
DeezerQueue gave me my first comment. She said: “I adore your avatar.”
This was on May 25th, 2008. I joined on April 8th. How come no one gave me a warm, welcoming greeting when I first joined?
It was from breedmitch and he said, “Looks like we read the same Beatles book.”
My first comment was from Trudacia welcoming me to the collective and telling me not to worry about stupid people making stupid comments (as the first person to answer my first question was).
@Jeruba I’m glad I did and even more glad that you stayed!
SoapChef – welcomed me with open arms and I thought it was (and still is) the kindest words I’ve received on Fluther to date. Thanks!
@KatawaGrey, you and Augustlan were the two reasons I didn’t turn on my heel and walk away that first day. Maybe incredibly rude first answers are a kind of hazing.
[Edit] Bri_L, cak, Monsoon, and Zaku were also quick with encouraging welcomes.
@Jeruba: I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.
And “Awwww!”
It was my daughter flyawayxxballoon. She said “Hi, Mommy :)”
@Jeruba & @KatawaGrey I’m so glad you stayed!
I don’t remember my first question. :’(
I’m with Jeruba, newbie’s have it hard!
@augustlan: I’m quite glad we stayed too!
@Jeruba: There were some burns in there. I guess it is kind of a hazing. The ones who are strong enough to take it stay and the rest get weeded out.
General query: do moderators get any kind of notice of new joiners? Maybe newcomers should be awarded a half hour of guardian-angelship before they are completely on their own. I’ve seen a lot of first-question-askers take a drubbing, and it is hard to understand why. Everyone can see they’ve got only one point.
Jeruba! That was your first? I totally went there and3watched my nerd fellows. I feel like you’ve been here longer! Lurve. :)
@Jeruba: Not that I know of. Stay on topic meanie! ;)
@asmonet, that was the day I fled the toxic fumes on Askville after a month’s sojourn.
[Mod says] We do not get any notice of new members.
Augustlan says: I don’t know why people are mean to newbies.
because they smell like skunkbutts.
asmonet is right. I happen to know for a fact that their butts do smell like a skunk.
You can smell it too! It’s a gift wouldn’t you say?
Ya’ll totally derailed my thread. It’s all good. I still lurve you all. :)
Sorry, @asmonet. Want us to go trolling for newbies and give them first comments and then send them over here to report to you?
@PnL: Aw, look at me. So new. :’) richardhenry has the honor of being the first to ever answer me, no wonder I’m so partial. Thanks! I guess I was wrong on my start date, 21st not the 18th.
@Jeruba: Yes. This would please me greatly. May I spank them for initiation? Opinions? Comments? Requests? ;)
Ok, I just posted three welcomes.
I think you should wait and see if they ask to be spanked, don’t you? Quit salivating, dear. They’re not Liam Neeson.
Oh jeez. Sometimes, I forget everyone can see everything. Well, they still might be David Bowie.
Odd love of older men? I don’t know what you’re talking about…<<whistles>>
Shimako – They thanked me.
Scamp was the first I remember connecting with though.
Everyone remembers their first. It was magic.
Well, let me go have a looksie…
First comment ever: Johnpowell. “And you can use this” with a link.
First public comment: Wildflower. She congratulated me on my Fluther interview.
Okay, not in bed yet. Allie! I didn’t know you had a fluther interview!
Only the second fluther interview ever! God, asmonet! Don’t you know your fluther history? There’s a test on Tuesday.
First comment ever from johnpowell
First public comment from marissa
@AstroChuck: I am shamed.
Now let me sleep, you bastards!
It was before you were a jelly, asmo. I think it was anyway.
Edit: Never mind. T’was a month after you joined.
It was the interview that put Davis, California on the map.
My first comment was from Bri_L,
“Good one! Hee! Hee!”
I have no clue what’s it’s referring to but I’m glad it was amusing!!!
@ my guess is it was a joke you made.
And I am honored
My first coment was from augustlan
“People can be so stupid, can’t they? Maybe they’ll come around, and if they don’t…they are not the people for you.”
September 19th, 2008
tinyfaery privately said :
Welcome! I am enjoying your posts.
September 19th, 2008
SpatzieLover said :
Thanks for the bite!
I love horseplay
I’ve cleared many of them out, but I’m pretty sure it was Snoopy welcoming me and telling me to fill out my profile so people could get to know me better! Followed closely by Figbash with some great insight about Fluther.
Do I really have to tell you?
OK, it was Shilolo, sadly, and he said:
“Hi there. I’m one of the moderators here. First, I’d like to welcome you to Fluther. Second, I would like to ask you to try to avoid textspeak, as this is against the Fluther guidelines. Thanks.”
The first nice comment was IBERnineD saying:
“Wow I’m glad she made it! I’m sure it was a hit!”
I can not even remember the point of that >.>
It took a while for people to welcome me, though more on threads than comments.
My first comment was this one from BronxLens: Looks like a wonderful community and information resource. Bet I will look more in depth to what they have to offer. Thanks Super’. I must have made barely a ripple until I hit 1000 lurve because I didn’t get any “welcome to fluther” messages, but I did get a “Congrats on 1000” message from Marina.
Harp sent me my first comment. I don’t even know what it was for; I could look, but I’m lazy.
I am quite proud of mine:
andrew privately said :
[mod says]: Your avatar, while quite enticing, isn’t quite work-safe enough for fluther. Will you please change it?
Mine was from @Mindyann who is not very active. She was commenting on my response to her question about her WiFi router and her iPhone.
@Sueanne_Tremendous: I’ve heard your avatar mentioned in the past, but I never saw it myself. Still have it somewhere? I’m dying to know what it was.
You did. Is Santa too fat?
What was your first avatar?
shockvalue asked if my username referenced tillyandthewall.
i think that’s when i realized this would be my new home haha
I have it but not on this comp…pm me and I will email it to you….
August 9th, 2008 marissa privately said :
Curious question, are you from Askville? I recogonize your avatar, it is afterall quite memorable.
Se remembered your ass?
Strange because it had been banned for so long. I’m glad it is tolerated here.
No offense, but I get sick looking at it. It’s disturbing and I try not to look at it.
Wow! That is so interesting. I wonder why you feel that way. The power of images never ceases to amaze me.
You know, you could focus on the map of the world aspect of it, and maybe it wouldn’t disturb you so much. Didn’t you have… I mean, don’t you have globes in your classroom that looks almost like that?
@daloon, what I notice about the ass is that the cheeks are not even, one is more round than the other. Being a huge fan of symmetry that drives me batty! Other than that I think it is a lovely and very creative avatar.
@SuperMouse: I think you’re right. I relooked after your comment, and my first thought was that it’s just a difference in the way the light falls, but now I’m not so sure. But, if it helps you, I think you should assume that the shadow on the left cheek is what masks the pure symmetry of the…. uh… two halves of the world, shall we say?
I’m more bothered by the cellulite on Asstralia.
I checked with photoshop, lightening, flipping and comparing. The cheeks, they are equal.
It bothers me, too, @daloon, and I think it’s because it looks as if it were meant to be rude. It’s the intent of intentional rudeness that offends me and not the rudeness itself. As I look at this full-size, it seems to be making a statement about the countries that are positioned right, uh, there, and that’s why it strikes me as rude.
Aesthetically, I think it is quite brilliant. I assume that the map is photoshopped onto those contours and is not really a tattoo.
It does look asymmetrical to me, too, and I thought that was probably because of the stance of the model, who appears to be posed with more weight on one leg than the other, so one side looks rounder and the other flatter.
@Jeruba – I thought that was full size. JUST KIDDING!
After all, look how tiny my bum is.
Sorry. Those were off-topic remarks, so…
I was teasing, too. Don’t worry about it. =)
I fully support my question being used in this manner. Continue.
That sounds suspiciously like an inside-out comment.
Brings new meaning to the this fabulous song:
Where, where, are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over,
And thought I found true love.
You met another and
Phht! you were gone.
Lets seee my first comment 3 days after joining was from a jelly no longer with us asking me where to they could find hallucinogens (i was off to a good start right :P)
My first private comment was Welcome to fluther! from Bri_L.
Also helped me out with those nefarious scratch disks. Thanks, Bri_L!
I actually deleted the first two public comments that I got though.
The first one was from a moderator something nice about my avatar
and the second one was from JackAdams apologizing for a misunderstanding.
Though at the end of his comment, JackAdams made some comment about moderaturds. And since our PMs had nothing to do with moderators, I felt like it was a dig towards the person who made the first comment.
I was pretty new and didn’t know what was going on. Just knew I didn’t want some passive-aggressive grudge to play out on my PM profile. And didn’t really want to be choosing sides. So I just deleted them both.
Who are you trying to fool, Nimis? Everybody knows you are JackAdams!
I re sent your accusations, MAIL MAN.
I will be expecting a POD, ‘Pology On Delivery.
February 10, 2009, 12:37 PM PST
I just realized that I have never sent anything but private comments. I am to lazy to check and uncheck the box.
So many times I start some question and people turn it into something else…it’s fun to read
Why is….I won’t ask it…
OK….why is it….giggle I can’t!
Why is it multicolored?
let’s pretend I neeever asked that.
Didn’t you know? When you fly over the world, all countries are color-coded.
@fireside: thank you. I kind of overlooked that it might be a little difficult to sort out at that size.
@asmonet: Also there are boundary lines drawn in mile-wide red ink across the surface of the earth. Man, they are hell to move when the countries change boundaries!
what’s with the volcano down there?
Oh wait…It really isn’t a butt?
@90s_kid We prefer to think of it as the world’s rump.
@90’s kid, I don’t know, it is close to Valentine’s Day, and you have seemed to take a shine to a newly appointment moderator. Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
lol, he’s taken a shine to daloon, too.
@90s_kid- I was referring to your retooled avatar.
@AstroChuck Oooh. Holy Crap oh.. Ok then….take that 1st comment back. Wrong time to say it haha.
I guess I just don’t fall in love during a full moon.
My catch phrase was better :P
It takes me a long time to get to them, but this is why I never stop following questions. I would miss out on things like this.
Haha, same here Petey. :)
Mine was from Jiminez… and though that completely counts as a muchly appreciated welcome, both of us being from wis.dm, it probably didn’t count so much as a welcome to this site as a ‘you made it over here in one piece, too? here’s some of the others over here, btw’ sorta thing.
It was SherlockPoems with “Regarding your answer: Wishing you the best of luck! Hugs from Katie” in response to one of my answers about finding my soul mate.
She doesn’t seem to be around too much? I think she’s lurking though since she was last signed on 3 days ago.
Hey Sherlock! Come out of hiding! :)
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