Why isn't there a 'Your Questions' section?
Asked by
asmonet (
February 7th, 2009
Sometimes, I don’t quite believe how many questions I’ve asked, sometimes I just want a quick reference, or to browse through some of my old questions out of curiosity. Why isn’t there a page that lists the questions you’ve asked personally? I can’t really think of a good reason not to have one.
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52 Answers
view your profile. click on your username under your profile pic. up top is questions asked, answers given. below your fluther is a list of all your questions.
There is. It’s on your external profile. All your questions.
No, it only lists the 25 most recent.
I know my stats, 52 Questions Asked. But unless I search for myself and weed through every result, there is no page that lists them all. Why wouldn’t that be in the account section?
Or—eh?? Only the last two months’ worth? My profile shows 36 questions asked, but lists only 25.
Ah, maybe, but still you’d think that’d be a feature, no?
You’re right. No idea. Seems like there should be. Why not ask our makers directly?
Sh! I’m gonna pm them. I swears.
as a technical aside: is anyone else’s lurve meter not syncing up with what the “recent lurve” column says? my meter is off.
@eponymoushipster, don’t know if you are aware that other members can max out with you—? You can receive only about 100 lurve points from any one member. There are days when I see more than 100 lurve posted in my account, but my number went up by only 5 or 10.
@eponymoushipster: Do a search for lurve. :)
@Jeruba: I’m inclined to believe that’s almost entirely my fault. I kinda lurve the crap out of you. :)
oh ok. wait – 100 a day or EVER? it eventually increases (like just now), but the +5 posted to “recent” like 10–15min ago. ok. let me search.
“search for lurve”....“looking for lurve in all the wong placez”
I love it when people discover that.
They feel so ripped off, but then they realize how hard it is to get to 1K, 5K and the glorious 10K Club Membership.
i don’t feel ripped off, it’s just kinda meh. i hit 1k on here in under 2 weeks. 5k will be a bit trickier methinks. the thing there is that partially it hinges on a constant abundance of new users.
Trust me, when you hit 4K, 6K, and 7500, the lurve just plateaus.
ah well. i guess i’ll have to go back to my day job of being a really really sexy hot male model.
This, like all the other decisions of our creators, proves to be both Brilliant and Wise.
And no, @eponymoushipster, I don’t think so. I think it is more likely to be a reflection of the frequency, consistency, and aptness of your comments.
@asmonet, I agree there are plateaus, but I think the pattern may be an illusion. That is, I doubt that people have the same experience of where the plateaus occur.
And thank you, darlin’. You’re one of my lurve magnets too!
@asmonet I’d give you lurve points for the topics but you’ve received all the points that I can give.
I’m going to bed now
@Jeruba: I agree to a point, but the community is fairly small, factor in the regulars who are more apt to lurve, I think it’s natural that with established user patterns there is a general pattern that may fluctuate moderately by a few hundred lurve either way.
I would think.
@Jeruba but even if you lived on here, and were some all-wise guru, you’d eventually top out with everyone. or if you were a really snarky jackass, but with a heart of gold.
if we have, let’s say 150 active active users – and you connected with half – you’d hit 7500 pts (not counting consecutive day points) rather quickly. best case scenario, but still.
@jonsblond: Aw, I’m maxed out on you too!
@Jeruba: Also, those seem to be fairly consistent with the other high lurve users. We all had a similar time line or that’s how it seems from seeing those answer scattered about the site.
shouldn’t there be some indicator, showing who’s maxed out on you? Perhaps in your fluther listing?
@asmonet, well, then, I’ll just say that at my current 4168, my pattern seems to differ, but I am not in your realm yet, so I can’t speak with much authority.
@eponymoushipster: I’ve been ‘active’ since September 18th, 2008. I made my account before then but I forgot about it as soon as my browser closed I forgot about it completely. I stumbled back here completely by accident and got hooked. I’ve really only been here six months, just under actually. And I think I’ve gained lurved rather quickly. You’d surprised how much lurve I get that never gets added, and all that. Stick around, the more your lurve grows the more interesting it gets to keep an eye on it.
@Jeruba: Lady, you’re well on your way. :-*
@eponymoushipster: Christ, I hate posting back to back. No, there shouldn’t, it would defeat the purpose on anonymous lurve to an extent.
@asmonet yeah, it’s definitely interesting to track. Have you ever set a goal of lurve to get in a day?
i’d kinda like a way to track Fluther in Digsby.
@asmonet no, posting back to back builds character. Yeah, i suppose. But how often does someone say “Lurve for X?”
No, I don’t do that. I never really thought to. I would like to be a 10K clubber. I think that I’d be the youngest actually now that I think about it. I just think it’d be fun. And it motivates me to give good answers consistently…or as near consistently as my sense of humor allows.
yeah, i try to give thoughtful answers for serious questions and just be myself most of the time. how i respond on here is essentially the same as i respond in real life to questions. which perhaps is scary, but TPTB can suck it.
Yep, this is me in real life.
Word to your mother and junk.
to boot, i am actually a monkey covered in robes. who has been to space. this makes social settings rather awkward, as i’m inclined to fling my poo hither and tither at will.
plus i drink.
I can see all my questions, but then again I haven’t asked very many. For some reason I don’t get many responses. Must be a newbie thing. I lack lots of lurve too. Someone asked earlier if cool people answer only certain questions…lol
@joni1977: Welcome to Fluther. :)
Eventually, the more of a rep you build around the site, I’ve noticed more or less people will show up n your questions. Be nice, and they will show. Then again some questions have a limited appeal, not that it’s necessarily true for your past questions but it’s partly luck of the draw. Sometimes you pull a crowd, sometimes a fervent few, and sometimes no one. It happens to all of us. :)
I complained about this earlier. See what the web design team had to say about it.
Yes! PnL to the rescue! Clicking…
Awww thanks Asmonet, I can feel the love! :)
@PnL: But that was eight months ago! Hmpf.
@asmonet – i know :( they have a lot on their plate, but I really want pagination for the Qs on the profile too. just wanted you to know you aren’t alone in this quest!
:) Thanks! You’re ever so helpful tonight. Lurve.
Even if pagination is a bit much, wouldn’t it be easier to just have a private list for reference in the account section? People could still search for your old questions. I just don’t think people would need pages on their profile. I think aesthetically it wouldn’t work as well. Unless, instead of the multiple number links it just said older questions and continue from there. But even so…one page would be more efficient. So when you’re searching you don’t have to go page by page, you could just pop it open and CTRL + F or scroll.
That’s how I’d prefer it actually. :-/
the best way to have your voice heard about a wanted feature is the contact form.
I will word that better when my brainmeats aren’t frying.
Hopefully, tomorrow! Thanks for the link. :)
…are you a zombie? o.0
And that’s all for me tonight folks. Have a wonderful evening, buckle up and don’t drink and drive. Goodnight!
@asmonet I will buckle up in my bed
being a zombie, I shouldn’t take any chances
Many people have said this already, but let me add the cherry on top:
View your profile, and then go scroll to the bottom to see “Questions you’ve Asked”
Now, I have seen someone ask like….300 questions or something, and not all of them are posted. There must be a limit. I can see that you are not a new Jellie heading towards 10k and you may have asked many questions, but that is all I can do to help.
Yeah, don’t get it.
Resolution: Ask less questions? :S
So it seems that the feature (adding pagination to see all of your questions) is on the to-do list, or was at least at one point. I would love to see it working. But in the meantime, you could use Google to find most of your questions using this search string: site:fluther.com/disc “asked by [your username]” It found all of my questions, and also found a page where the title is “Send to a Friend” for each of the questions… but it’s the best Google search I could come up with, and until the pagination works, it could be useful :)
@dynamicduo: That particular search term helps, I think I did fry my brains, I didn’t even think of that last night. :)
I totally agree, this would be nice, like under the “Activity for you” link. :) GQ ‘Mo! STH :)
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