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Is Big Brother watching me?
I was watching the History Channel earlier this evening, when all of a sudden the television switched to the Discovery Channel as the “Science of Sex Appeal” came on. When I tried to switch back to the History Channel, the television wouldn’t let me. I got a message on the screen that said my VCR was recording the program and I couldn’t switch channels. When the show was over, a message popped up and said the recording was finished. Then, the television switched back to the History Channel on its own. I would say someone in the household programmed the show to record, but there isn’t a VCR attached to the television, only a DVD player, and it 1) doesn’t record and 2) has been unplugged for about a month.
It was an awesome show, and I don’t mind being held captive and watching it. It actually provided some interesting information about attraction and behavior based on body chemistry, and I recommend watching it. But what’s up with my television? No one knows how to program anything on the television. We don’t have TiVo, only regular cable service.
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