Meta Question

nebule's avatar

Anyone studying philosophy with the Open University here? Or elsewhere?

Asked by nebule (16472points) February 9th, 2009

I’ve just started studying and seen as how i spend a lot of time tearing myself away from here to go and study i wondered if i could fuse the two together in any shape or form… and i was just intrigued….and if so…how do you limit your time on Fluther? off now to do some work!!! naughty me!!!

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2 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

Fluther is so addictive, isn’t it. My only Internet access is the iPhone. If I feel that I am not getting enough done around the house, I have my son take it to school with him. I love spending time outside and wonder how I will be able to tear myself away once it gets nice out.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, my. That is sort of like putting the diet shakes on the shelf next to the triple chocolate cookies, isn’t it? It would be better if your gottas and your wannas were widely enough separated so that you couldn’t reach both with a flick of the same fingertip. This is one aspect of the down side of using one device for all purposes. Be tough.

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