General Question

asmonet's avatar

Is anyone else drunk?

Asked by asmonet (21470points) February 10th, 2009

Please tell me I am not alone!

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38 Answers

Allie's avatar

Boo! You suck. I can’t be drunk. I have three papers due tomorrow.
Drink one for me!!!

Kiev749's avatar

Haha. i have a pretty good buzz going but I’m not sloshed. yet. :)

KrystaElyse's avatar

I’m still sober….this isn’t fair!!! D:

asmonet's avatar

Yay! That’s one for my team!
What are ya’ll even doing up?!

Allie's avatar

West coast, yo. It’s only 12:36a.

Kiev749's avatar

Central standard. I just got home from work. about to hit the ol’ sack.

El_Cadejo's avatar

nope not drunk, high as hell. :P

augustlan's avatar

Not drunk…just the usual insomnia.
I have a tooth/ear ache as well :(

asmonet's avatar

It’s four in the morning here, and I am now passing out. I swore I would drunk Fluther when I was at the bar and even high-fived over it. That’s a binding contract as all second graders know.

Please use this thread to be as silly as you please, I will read in the morning.

I hear my pillows calling me.

asmonet's avatar

By the way, Lobster Thermidor, Mojitos, Reheaded Sluts, Royal Flushes, Dirty Bong Waters, Rum & Cokes, and Spinach Dip make a happy asmo. Take note.

madcapper's avatar

I wish. I have gotten to the point where I can’t even afford to drown my sorrows of debt haha

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m at work right now and carrying a firearm so no, I am definitely not drunk. Maybe later though.

madcapper's avatar

Firearms and drinking go together like peanut butter and jelly, so why not?

Bluefreedom's avatar

@madcapper. Because the military seriously frowns on the whole idea of being drunk on duty and especially if you’re a military policeman (which I am) armed with my duty weapon.

Allie's avatar

Mmm.. Redheaded sluts. That was the first drink some guy bought for me on my 21st birthday. I’ll never forget my first slut.

damien's avatar

It’s 10:30 in the morning here so, no. Not yet. I was about 12 hours ago, though!

danny's avatar

I’m 26 and have never been drunk… Am I missing out on all that much?

Bluefreedom's avatar

@danny. No, you’re really not missing much. Especially the day after when the hangover hits. It’s different for many people but it is still an unpleasant and unwelcome aspect of drinking too much. Even though this opinion of mine probably won’t be very popular with many others, here it is anyway – being drunk is totally overrated.

danny's avatar

thank you blue!

Bluefreedom's avatar

@danny. You’re welcome. To add something to what I wrote above, having a buzz from drinking and the slightly euphoric feeling that comes with it certainly does feel good but being flat out drunk is just not a great time, like I mentioned above.

jonsblond's avatar

@asmonet The one time that I’m not buzzed. Go figure!

It’s morning for me now, sorry I missed it ;)

Cardinal's avatar

Bragging about being drunk. That is just wonderful. Check out the long term heath benefits of drinking excessively. Look into the living arrangemens made available to you by the local authorities. Are you currently making more money then what unemployment pays? Think about the lines of people waiting for any job, including your job! Show up for work impaired and you will be disappointed and sorry PDQ!

You go Danny! Asmonet is clearly an immature dope. To be drunk is one think, to brag about it publicly is another thing.

jonsblond's avatar

@danny I second what Blue says. Big difference between being drunk and being buzzed. When you are drunk, you have no control. It’s a terrible feeling, especially the next day. You aren’t missing out on anything.

loser's avatar

I knew I forgot to do something!!!

@Cardinal: No, asmonet is NOT an immature dope. That was harsh.

LanceVance's avatar

Nope, waiting for friday night. It’s gonna be smashing.

gailcalled's avatar

(Perhaps this badinage is more suitable for campfire or chat room?—yay Im durnk?)

asmonet's avatar

@Bluefreedom: The hangover really doesn’t hit unless you have a lot of sugary drinks, you don’t drink water after or you’re still young. :)

@Cardinal: Let’s clear a few things up, I feel your attitude took over your ability for rational thought for a second there.

Was I bragging about being drunk? No. I mentioned that I was drunk, and really that was a bit of an exageration. I was very tipsy to be honest. I did not drink excessively, in fact I had one each of those drinks excluding the Mojito, had a lot of food at the same time, it was over five hours and I finished with water and insisted on taking a cab home. My rule is, the last drink is water, and if you think you might be okay to drive, listen to the ‘might’ and get in a damn. Prior to last night the only drink I had consumed in the last eight months was red and white wine at Thanksgiving. Four glasses for the entire day. I don’t think anyone could use the word excessive when speaking of my drinking.

As for unemployment, I’m not on it yet, so don’t worry about me getting wasted on the government’s dime. Even if I was I find it highly unethical to waste money that is a gift on trivial expenses. I only had Lobster and drinks because someone was treating me, and insisted I get whatever I liked. It was a fun night, and with my family members health in the last year, losing my job, and home, I sorely needed a night to just be happy.

I have never and will never go to work impaired in any way. I find it to be irresponsible, immature and quite frankly pathetic. It violates my own personal work ethic and it is not an option.

Long story short, go screw yourself. And move out of that glass house – I’ll throw rocks.

@loser: Thank you, darling.

asmonet's avatar

@gailcalled: That was my one ‘typo’. I was amused by it, so I left it in. :)

loser's avatar

@asmonet Hey, I got your back. Tipsy or otherwise!

gailcalled's avatar

@Asmonet; I wasn’t talking about the typo but the concept being more suitable for the other sites available here.

asmonet's avatar

@gailcalled: I appreciate the clarification, though I disagree. As I appreciate the occasional fun questions that have no real purpose other than to have fun. To each their own. :)

Kiev749's avatar

@asmonet Hurrah to you. No one should judge anyone based on actions and postings. Who cares that you decided to enjoy an evening and post a bit. It is to my attention that many people drink and Fluther. :)

asmonet's avatar

@Kiev749: Thank you, I agree completely! :D

madcapper's avatar

@Cardinal I think your a “dope” how about that? There is nothing wrong with being drunk especially if you aren’t an alcoholic. Next time keep your holier-than -thou comments locked tight within your mouth. You just sound like a prick…

Allie's avatar

[mod says:] Alright, let’s all get along like good jellies.

loser's avatar

But we were just defendin’ the little lady’s honor…

madcapper's avatar

true, only defending her.

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