Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Have you ever removed anyone from your fluther?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) February 10th, 2009 from iPhone

I’m curious. Does the person lose lurve if this happens? I have accidentally removed someone, then added them back and I wondered what happens to the lurve.

Also, someone brought to my attention how large my fluther was and how long it took to scroll down to my comments section. I get a little fluther happy I guess. If someone answers in a way that I agree with, I like to add them. If I decide to whittle down my fluther a bit, will these jellies lose lurve?

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55 Answers

richardhenry's avatar

Lurve is only ever given, and not removed (unless someone has been cheating the system and their ass needs to be punished). That holds true for this case; if you’re removed from a Fluther, you don’t lose your lurve and you aren’t notified. Once you’ve been added to someone’s Fluther, if they remove you and add you again you don’t get more lurve.

jonsblond's avatar

@richardhenry Thanks. I wasn’t sure if I should have asked a mod this question or fluther. Yes, punish those asses if they do cheat the system! ;)

EmpressPixie's avatar

I’ve never removed anyone from my fluther, but I’m also quite lazy about adding them. (To the point that I wanted to PM someone the other day, went to my fluther to find them, and spent 10 minutes going, “Well SURELY I added them…”

jonsblond's avatar

@EmpressPixie lol I’m the complete opposite. My fluther has gotten so big, I can’t find who I’m looking for!

kullervo's avatar

Cool I just saw “jonsblond is crafting a response…” while I was viewing this page. Nice feature. Anyway I don’t see anything wrong with being a fluther friend whore but if you add everyone you ever run into it’s not really a shortlist anymore is it?

marinelife's avatar

I can’t remember. I don’t think so, though, because I still have a couple of people in my Fluther that I have not seen active on the site in months.

I am actually slower adding people. I get embarrassed if I notice I have not added someone whose answers I generally admire.

jonsblond's avatar

@kullervo You have just been added to my fluther for fluther friend whore. Lurve it! I guess I’ll just be a whore then. :)

kullervo's avatar

@jonsblond added! right back at you. I can’t figure out whether you or blondesjon are the female. I am guessing you are jon’s blond and a girl right?

cak's avatar

@jonsblond – that’s a title I’ll never forget for you…“jonsblond is a fluther whore” bwahahahahahahaha!!! lurve to you!

jonsblond's avatar

@kullervo That’s right. We confuse many with our names. Sometimes people think that we are the same person, but get to know us and you’ll see that’s not the case.

cak's avatar

@kullervo – just don’t have a drink and try to figure them out! ;~) By the way, welcome to Fluther!

jonsblond's avatar

@cak never thought I’d love to be called a whore lol

cak's avatar

@jonsblond – I know. If you said it any other way, I wouldn’t have mentioned it.

kullervo's avatar

@jonsblond erohW – yeah saying it the other way really doesn’t feel the same.

cookieman's avatar

The only person I ever removed was @cprevite. That guy is an assho…

wait a MINUTE!

cak's avatar

@cprevite – geez…I’m slow today. I read that twice before I got it. Lurve to you!

wundayatta's avatar

To actually answer the question: no, I have never removed anyone from my fluther.

Bri_L's avatar

@kullervo I thought I added you! Well your there now!

I have if I have not heard from them or seen them in a while. By that I mean I don’t recognize the name or icon, click on it and see they have not signed on for over 6 months or something like that.

loser's avatar

I have only removed people by accident. I don’t always let my phone load all the way. Then I’m like, “Oops! Sorry Gail!”.

richardhenry's avatar

@loser I find it strange that you only ever remove Gail from your Fluther. I sense a grudge!

gailcalled's avatar

@RH; Loser and I are madly in love. Keep that in mind.

loser's avatar

@RH: Ha! No, I’ve done that to a few people now. Just one time I did it Gail about 3 or 4 times in a row.

@Gail: Yes, we are!!!

Bri_L's avatar

@gailcalled that explains why your so distant and non responsive. I, I guess I’ll just step aside.

AstroChuck's avatar

There were a couple of (then) newbies I had added to my fluther that hadn’t been on for over 8 months, so I removed them.

augustlan's avatar

Only once. It was a newbie who had added me, and I returned the favor (which I don’t always do, now). When he later proved to be an ass hat, I got rid of him pronto.

Allie's avatar

Yeah, I’ve definitely removed people from my Fluther.

gailcalled's avatar

—@bri: Not neglect, not oversight, not disenchantment but overworked, overstretched, overwrought and overMiloed. (See PM.)

Bri_L's avatar

@gailcalled – I am sorry to read you were overwrought. I hope things have improved.

@ AstroChuck – you used to have me in your fluther but no longer. Was it because I said your icon looked like a pic of my dad when he was a lad? Or that near miss with the car? I am sorry for both by the way.

loser's avatar

@Gail I’m so sorry, my love! I didn’t know!!!

Bri_L's avatar

Go to her loser. Comfort her.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I haven’t had the occasion to remove anyone from my Fluther yet which is good because I have a really fine group of folks in there. And I hope I never have to because I want to believe that anyone and everyone I add are all great people. It’s looking very positive so far. :o)

gailcalled's avatar

@loser and Bri: Not much you guys can do but thanks for offering. My 94 year-old mother has an 83 yr old boyfriend, whose name she cannot remember. Do we need to write a pre-nup?)

jonsblond's avatar

@Bluefreedom You do have a fine group of folks in your fluther! ;)

Thanks for including me!

Bluefreedom's avatar

@jonsblond. You’re welcome. And I need to start being more industrious and adding more people, starting with the peeps in this thread. I’ve been getting lazy!

asmonet's avatar

Yes, I have. For the exact same reason as Aug.
I like to add newbies if they strike me as a good addition to Fluther, but if I turn out to be wrong, they GTFO, and quick. I think I’ve only done it a few times though.

90s_kid's avatar

I never unadd people from fluthers, no matter how annoying they get. My goal, which will never come true, is to be in everyone’s fluther so PM it up folks!

Knotmyday's avatar

I never delete mine. They’re mine, all mine. It takes me a while to warm up, though, and like Marina I have forgotten to add some.

gailcalled's avatar

I treat the “My Fluther” the way we did with parties in grade school. Either you invite the entire class or don’t have a party. I consider everyone here invited to my ongoing celebration.

90s_kid's avatar

Well you do not have a fluther, which is a big part of Fluther (Lets see…the name)
Why don’t you? I have already asked you this question before and do not get it.

gailcalled's avatar

I cannot answer any clearer than I have. I am sorry you don’t get it. Maybe someone else can paraphrase it for you. My Fluther has only recently been an available feature. There were several years of no My Fluther.

cookieman's avatar

ah, the dark ages of Fluther. Back when you had to get up to change the channel and a soda was only a quarter.

gailcalled's avatar

Back when I still had dial-up, I didn’t know how to use Textile or enlarge thumbnails, and Milo was only a figment of my imagination.

AstroChuck's avatar

Gail, I see it this way. You have class and don’t the need constant ego re-enforcement that I do. That’s why I dig the my fluther feature.
Kevbo is another flutherer with class.

loser's avatar

I just love you guys!!!

kullervo's avatar

@gailcalled and @90s_kid :
I thought I was special and now I see I’m just another one of your groupies :(
Still Lurve you though :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

@loser. We love you too, buddy!

gailcalled's avatar

@kullervo: You’re taking the wrong perspective…we are family and sometimes actually sing in perfect harmony.

90s_kid's avatar

Lurve her not me..:P Just kidding i don’t care.

Knotmyday's avatar

@loser – echoing Bluefreedom; true dat!

90s_kid's avatar

[ @AstroChuck] @gailcalled @kevbo
That is lame. You should have a Fluther, whether popular or not.

asmonet's avatar

I think the point is that they’d rather not single people out but rather love everyone equally and enjoy the experience as they go. No need to click a button to be fond of someone.

90s_kid's avatar

Variety is the spice of life! Have EVERYONE in your fluther!
The other, optimistic way around.

asmonet's avatar

That goal is impossible. New people get added, you’ll never find the ones that don’t post anymore. As for having everyone add you not everyone will. i just don’t get this goal.

90s_kid's avatar

Well, maybe not literally everyone, maybe, but you know, the popular folks who actually know who you are.

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