What are some new "compliments" we should use?
Asked by
andrew (
February 10th, 2009
I’ve grown tired of the ones we have—(you know, the greetings under your username!) Time to add some new ones! Can you help us? We’ll be selecting them in the next few days.
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125 Answers
What? Are you serious? Did you see this? :P
This was just asked. I say glad to see you. You have a way about you.
@PnL: Yes, well, I’m aggregating those as well… for a different purpose.
I think I reamed someone the last time.
“we lurve you!... we really lurve you!”
Mmm! You smell lemony fresh!
Oh, there’s that twinkle in your eye!
If I had three chocolate chip cookies, I’d give you TWO!
Baby, are your assets toxic? Because I’d love to bail you out.
Morning sunshine, what can I do for you today?
We made some coffee, so you can Fluther longer and later.
Have you met Dr J? HIMYM reference
Way to go! Hurrah! We are right behind you!
Here’s your smile for the day =]
If you haven’t learned how to break your iPhone yet, it’s probably never happening. this one should probably go in the passive-aggressive thread
Sit back and relax. We will do the dishes today.
We are cheating the last person from lurve so we can give it to you instead.
“A Flutherer we can believe in!”
If we’d known you were coming, we’d have baked a cake.
shouldn’t that be “you had me @ @”?
Those pants do not make you look fat!
There’s something in your teeth. No, more to the left. There, you got it!
Put some pants on, for God sakes!
You float our boat.
Was that you?
Do you want pancakes? I’ll get them from the frizzer.
We thought you’d never get here!
You make us feel complete.
Ah, just the one we were waiting for.
Smile, you’re on Fluther.
One word…plastics.
Is that an iPhone in your pocket or are you just happy see us again?
Careful…AstroChuck is pantsless again.
Thank you, username, but there is no charge for awesomeness.
Breathtaking, simply breathtaking!
How do you look so darn good every single day?
You’re back. We must have won the lottery.
OH MY GOSH. Made you look.
Are you my peanutbutterfish?
He’s standing right behind you…
That flutherbot is one suspicious character…
Hello, darling. We missed you.
Come on in, the doorbell’s broken.
Who wants s’mores?
Do my eyes deceive me? You’re gorgeous.
Dr J’s lost a contact; can you help?
I lurve to lurve you.
Baby I lurve your way. everyday
Oh, happy day.
Have we got a question for you!
Hey good lookin’, what ya been cookin’?
You look delicious. Positively mouthwatering.
Why did the jellyfish cross the reef?
You’re not planning on wearing that out in public are you?
I know, username, I can’t believe it’s not butter either.
Careful, username…your lurve is showing.
Tip: shift regularly to avoid chair butt ridges.
Won’t you be our neighbor?
We’ve got you right where we want you.
Only you could make that color combination work.
Your eyes are like pools of mystery.
From Pretty Woman: In case I forget to tell you later, I had a great time tonight.
Fluther intervention time! No, just kidding. You keep Fluthering.
You’re looking lurvely today.
That last answer was perfect! How do you do it?
Resistance is futile.
My, don’t you look dapper!
I like yours, but it should just be “Behind you…”
How did you escape the paparazzi?
Really, put some clothes on.
Have you been working out?
We dreamed about you last night.
I’ll just put this ‘log out’ button somewhere out of the way. You won’t be needing it.
“Whisper sweet somethings in our ear”
“The first one is always free (+1 that is)”
How do you do that ‘glow’ thing?
Like a good neighbor, Fluther is there.
Thou shalt not go without Fluther.
You’re the cat’s meow.
Our house is your house. Welcome.
Nobody does it better.
You’re the cream in our coffee.
“We don’t need no stinkin’ greetings!”
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the fluther forever. Amen.
Username! You got your fluther in my peanut butter!!!
Fluther…Now with 30% more jelly.
Guess we’ll have to retire your avatar
“Lurve is the way of life!”
That was stupid…All I could think up…
“Does your mother know you’re here?”
Hello, we lurve you, won’t you tell us your name?
My fluther has a first name.
It’s J-E-L-L-Y…
Hey, you don’t look as crappy today!
Good, you’re here. Now we can eat.
Go on, let it out. You’ll feel better.
Oh, no. Not you again.
We’re on your frequency.
You’ve got the magic touch.
Let’s spend the night together.
You’re once, twice, three times our favorite.
The Nobel Committee called; we told them you’re busy.
“At least we’re not MySpace.”
@Vinifera7 ehm, true, i suppose.
“Thank God we’re not MySpace. Tom’s not really your friend, you know.”
You sure do look spiffy today!
Ohh! Me so fluther! Me lurve you long time.
Okay.. you can stop replacing random words in one-liners with “Fluther” and “lurve”. It was somewhat funny the first few times, but it’s getting rather dull.
Can I put my big toe in your belly button?
@Blondesjon geez, yeah, cut the fluther and get the lurve back to your fluthering fluther! Son of a jellyfish!
You make me want to punch a baby.
Meh, you’re right. But neither are a lot of these.
@Venifera7…compliment…your lack of spelling skill was never funny to begin with.
You could obviously tell what the fuck I meant.
“come for the snark, stay for the answers”
We thought you’d never get here!
@Vinifera7…I see we have no problem spelling the dirty words.
There was a reason Mom always loved you best.
@Marina…Total lurve for the Smothers Brothers.
You make hot dogs taste like a gourmet meal.
I had a craving but it disappeared the second you showed up!
You must be a jelly because jam don’t shake like that!
You make my heart go afluther.
You must have this mixed up with the MENSA collective.
Nice tentacles, you been workin’ out?
Want a walnetto?
You are our sunshine, our only sunshine.
How you doin’?
“Wow, you’re almost as cool as richardhenry!”
C’mere. MWAH! What a cutie!
“I noticed you noticing me, and I wanted to put you on notice that I noticed that.”
Take your coat off, stay a while. This may already be one.
Thank goodness you’re here! We had a question for you…
Hey! Where did you come from?
Have you always been there?
The Internet was lonely without you.
You have a question? We have answers!
Free answers! Just ask!
Have you gotten smarter? I thought so!
You’ve been practicing that smile!
@andrew I like “hayte” more. Don’t hayte on me bro. :(
Dahling, you look mahvelous!
They should put you on a stamp!
Where have you been hiding?
Sit down! Take a load off! I’ll make us some tea!
You’d make us weak in the knees—if we had knees.
“You make my jelly jiggle”
@90s_kid only perverted if you take it that way. i didn’t even think of it in that sense when i typed it out, but hey, whatever.
it was more along the lines of the “you’re the cream in my coffee” or “you’re the fruit filling in my danish of life.”
I coulda edited the response, but to keep it fair, Oh okay. I just assumed it on past experiences….
@90s_kid please don’t make me destroy you.
@90s_kid and you’re a moppet with floaty hearts! plus, outside of the avatar range, you can’t see it, but i have a gun. a big one. also, snacks.
Sit down and stay awhile.
Isn’t there something similar?
@90s_kid Good catch! The thread is getting long. Yes, aprilsimnel’s is similar. I like the tea touch in hers.
@eponymoushipster…I’ll take you on fella. I’m a callin’ you out.
naked roman/grecko wrestling? not in a gay way. just the way two naked fellas can wrestle around on the ground until one gets on top of the other and pins…
Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?
@Blondesjon is the text in bold your suggestion for a “compliment”?
or should we inform your wife of a possible change in your facebook relationship status?
@eponymoushipster…If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard that I’d be able to give you a hundred and remember to get a reciept.
stupid IRS
“Who is that really creepy person sneaking up behind you?........... Haha! made you look!”
C’mon in, the water’s fine.
What about “You should be a Saint.”
Or “How’s Life?”
To make it ghetto, go “Haw’s Lyfeeee?”
Are you sure you aren’t confusing “ghetto” with “weird place inside your head”?
You look more like you do now than you did yesterday
Now that you are here my day is complete
Whaz up, bro?
Hold that pose till I get my camera
Are you back at the library, ‘cause I’m ready to check you out!
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