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antimatter's avatar

I am thinking of writing a book, what do you think can be a good seller?

Asked by antimatter (4434points) February 11th, 2009

I am thinking of writing a book, what do you think can be a good seller?

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16 Answers

benseven's avatar

I think starting a book with the aim of it selling well is a backwards way to go about it. I’d be writing a book because I have something to say on a topic I’m knowledgable about, or an idea for a work of fiction – and then if it does well that’s a bonus.

antimatter's avatar

Now that I am thinking of it referring to the term seller was what idea for a non fiction book would work?

mea05key's avatar

write a thriller like how harlen coben did. Twist after twist. I would buy your book.

discover's avatar

Some topic which is unique, about which very less has been written about. You can go for specific topics rather than larger than life topics and write them well and exhaustively. So, you can market your book saying that this is the best book on ..__________…

Jack79's avatar

Wanna write about me? Everybody else seems to be…just found out today that I apparently held up a lorry in Bulgaria using a .45 magnum. That was just 2 months ago and I don’t remember a thing! lol

seriously, you wanna write non-fiction? do I have a story…

Darwin's avatar

Write a thriller/romance about a serial killer vampire being hunted down by a one-armed but beautiful female former FBI agent and a tall, handsome cop with brilliant blue eyes, dimples and psychic abilities.

That’s what seems to be on all the book racks these days so it must be a good seller.

Dog's avatar

Your question is similar to one I get from new artists “what can I paint that will sell?”

The answer I give is to paint from the heart. Any work- be it a book or painting needs the fuel of passion to make it stand out. If you follow your passion the sales will follow.

gailcalled's avatar

You could start by writing a perfect sentence and then a perfect paragraph. Don’t repeat yourself. Don’t repeat yourself. Learn when to use a comma and when to use a full stop.)

Be clear. (I don’t understand this sentence. “Now that I am thinking of it referring to the term seller was what idea for a non fiction book would work?”)

Fluther is a good place to practice, try sending us mini-essays. For credit, find the mistake in that last sentence.

I am teasing (almost).

Read prose that you admire. Ask yourself “Why”.

adreamofautumn's avatar

The fantasy genre is huge right now. I’m pretty sure anything involving witches/wizards/fairies/vampires/etc. has a shot!

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Eh, you are confusing the content of your book with actual marketing of your book. Yes the content should be good, but good content doesn’t = good sales. It is not uncommon to have mediocre content and great sales all because of how you market your book. So my advice is write your book about what ever you want, but read a book on how to market it and you will do a lot better.

Darwin's avatar

@LKidKyle1985snark on Are you thinking of “Twilight” perhaps? snark off

LKidKyle1985's avatar

@benseven I like your romantic view point of writing but in all honesty writing a book is not necessarily a hobby it is a way to make money, so if you like to write and tell stories and your goal is to make money doing this, sales should be an accompanying thought through the entire process.
@Darwin lol yes that is a great example.

gailcalled's avatar

@L: I would have to disagree. If you like to write and tell stories, your goal should be to write well and tell a wonderful story. If done well, and only if done well, the money might follow. There is a lot of unpublishable and unpublished stuff floating around. The publisher and the public determine the sales and not the writer, unfortunately.

antimatter's avatar

Hi thanks for the input, well I’ve been thinking about it and perhaps I should write a book when I have something to say and to be honest I do have something to write about.
With all the problems in this world do we really need to read about hate and our true natures. I think I would like to write a story about the good things in life.

benseven's avatar

@lkidkyle1985 – I’m flattered you think I’m that naive – I’m more than aware it’s a profession and sales are important. Is that really the way it should be? I’d compare it to the pop charts: full of cynical and manufactured rubbish geared toward sales, where the music with real heart is found elsewhere.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

First off I never said anyone was naive, I only said your viewpoint was romantic, there’s a difference and you displayed it perfectly when you said you know writing books is a profession but is that the way it should be. And second off, if you want to make money doing something other than working hourly or salary jobs, knowing the basics of sales is important. Maybe you don’t have to sell your book, but you def have to convince the right publishers to print it. Its like saying, oh I really like making shoes, and I make shoes really well, lets forget about the sales, if they are good enough everyone will buy them!
If you want to be successful plan for success, don’t just hope it happens.

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