I have a question about a Fluther question and hopefully it won't get removed. My question is legitimate although a little strange maybe.
There is currently a question floating out there entitled “Is Fluther a front for the CIA?”
Every single answer in that question has been removed by moderators (except for moderators responses) and my latest answer of about 8 minutes ago has already been removed.
Does anyone know if this is just a running joke about the question itself or are all of the answers removed because at least half of them or more are off topic about the original question?
Just curious. It’s not a really big deal.
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155 Answers
[ removed by myself, I have a family to think of, after all. Accidents do happen. ]
CIA cover up. It’s the man, and he’s keeping you down. Fight the power!
it’s all a plot. watch out for pancakes and amorous chickens.
Moderator responses are removed too, check again :)
As for why this is happening, we have no idea, but it might have something to do with the rest of the comment removed because I am too young to die
Shhhhhhh, If you talk about it out loud, they’ll put you in the frizzer…
Oh, Blue, now you’ve done it! You let the cat out of the bag. Watch your back & stay out of dark alleys. ;-)
This all sounds very suspicious to me! I don’t know what to think anymore! If I give all of you lurve, do you promise not to stalk me and look in my bedroom windows?
@Bluefreedom: Sorry, I never make a promise I can’t keep! ;)
I just knew I shouldn’t have been walking around the house naked while plucking chickens and eating pancakes.
It’s very difficult to trust anyone nowadays.
I hope asmonet enjoyed her trip to the zoo.
Wow, even Ben and Andrew got the boot. I didn’t think that was possible. Seems the mods have taken over, I guess.
Lucky Eambos, though.
@eponymoushipster. Nope, I was choking that one. Um, the other one. You know what I mean! :o)
@Bluefreedom LMFAO.
@omfgTALIjustMDu she and the panda ran off together.
It’s definitely not a joke. It’s really really serious. Seriously.
^^^^ A moderator come uppance contest, awesome! No, wait! Moderator versus Manager! That’s even better. :o)
Wait, that was a gag? Oh crap, I think I’m in trouble…
The CIA loves to recruit from the Ivy Leagues, like Brown University, alma mater to non other than the founders of Fluther, Andrew and Ben. Coincidence? I think not.
That was a drive-by post removal in record time. Holy crap!
Removed by Fluther moderators.
Kidding. I did that myself :)
They must be watching you closely. I know I am.
Pay no attention to the giant, staring, big brother, dollar bill pyramid decorating, ever encompassing, all seeing eye.
I mean, uh, there’s a question about the CIA?
That is frightening, mighty frightening.
Rock and Roll hootchie coo/Lordy mama light my fuse
Light my fuse, man!!! I mean do you SEE it man?!?
Light my fuse….........KABOOM
Fuckin’ game over, man!
They’re catching up to me…....<<<<running>>>>>
Removed by the Central Intelligence Agency
@fireside. We just jumped straight from Moderators to the actual CIA. We’re all in deep s*** now…....
We’ve compiled everyone’s information. Poland is nice this time of year. Goodbye.
@CIA. Great answer. Lurve.
Read this message quick. It’s about to be removed by…..
You have just been erased.
Commenter is being raped by monkeys as we speak. Move along.
Fluther member removed by CIA
Wait just a darn minute. It’s not only posts going bye bye, now it is entire members. The CIA is henious I tell you! Heinous!
@Bluefreedom what the hell…...are you giving away top secrets or something???
@jbfletcherfan. I must be. Look at how many posts of mine that have been removed. I’m a marked man!
I don’t think you guys are funny AT ALL! The CIA has powers beyond any normal or legal limits. The spy on all internet traffic from the ATT building in SF. They know everything we say. The-wait a minute,someone’s at the door————————================================================================================================================================================================================================================(timed out)
@Bluefreedom I told you I was going to send Giant Jelly after you.
@Allie. And you did very well, young Padawan. The force is strong with you.
Any chance you can call him off? lol
@Bluefreedom I know, that’s what I mean. Before the night’s over, they’re going to be taking you in a dark room with just a single light bulb hanging over your head. They’ll do the water torture. Be strong, eagle man. Don’t let them do mind games on you & break you down!!!
@jbfletcherfan. I need bodyguard services in exchange for lurve. Any ideas?
@Bluefreedom He chickened out a looong time ago, I’m afraid. I fear you may be on your own. Do you not have a Star Trek transporter there with you? If you do, you’d better use it fast!
Oh man. You’re back. It’s over. :o)
@Bluefreedom Noooo, it’s not over. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet.
Alright you fuckin’ jellies. What the fuck did you do with my husband!
Co-winky-dink or something more sinister: Good Eats tonight was about…..pancakes.
Blue, if you had a cashew or pancake, you wouldn’t have this problem!
@cak yep they got him. don’t drink welch’s grape juice either!
Wait. What?!
Why would the Culinary Institute of America be involved in Fluther moderation?!?!?!?
Are messages being passed in cheesecakes or something….?!
@Snoopy I love the sport choice – looking good, snoops!
Let me just clear this up. If cheesecake was passing in front of me, message or not message, it would not, I repeat, NOT make it past me! :-)
Listen up fellow jellies, if they get a hold of you Don’t Talk. If you are being waterboarded just remember, it is simulated drowning, you are not really going to die. Hang tough and don’t say a word. Electrodes on your nuts? It will stop as soon as they flip the switch. Hang tough and don’t say a word. If we all just keep our cool the CIA will move on to Askville.
What if they hook up those electrodes to a mammogram machine!!!??? Us gals would be toast! Literally! You guard your nuts, eponymoushipster. You’re on your own! We’ll have to guard our boobs!
This is all Blue’s fault! Where IS that man??!! He’s probably skipped out on us & left us holding the proverbial bags.
Removed by the friggin moderators again u gotz a problems with itz?!?!?!
Nuts taken to be shocked and awed by moderator. Nothing to see here
I’d LIKE to see the CIA come and try some of that power-hungry, ham-fisted sh
I’m like a magic elf, filled with happiness, riding a unicorn on a rainbow. but with huge junk.
@eponymoushipster Hahahaaaaaa, it must come from all that heavy lifting you do all day there. ;-)
I see a bunch of new posts here about nuts. Mine are still intact but I wouldn’t put it past a moderator to separate me from my jewels. That would be bad.
they can watch me carefully while i eat my pancakes.
yeap pretty much. and a system of hanging weights.
I’m starting to feel like Rodney Dangerfield here. I get no respect!
And neither do my answers. :o)
Well, you did kinda bring the hammer down on yourself. They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so enjoy it.
Yeah, I’m wearing a target all right! Woe is me.
@Bluefreedom Maybe if I ask nicely Giant Jelly will give you a second chance. You interested?
Blue, this may be your only chance!
I can’t guarantee anything. No promises. Giant Jelly does what Giant Jelly wants to do.
I hear that you can sometimes you can sometimes bribe Giant Jelly with riddles and interesting discussion topics.
@Bluefreedom: I don’t know Blue, can you handle it? I heard the Giant Jelly can only be bribed with pancakes.
@Allie. Give me a second chance! I’ll be good, I swear! Consult the Giant Jelly and see what it has in store for me. Please.
Does he prefer plain, or blueberry?
I can get pancakes. I will MAKE pancakes. I will hand feed people pancakes here.
@Bluefreedom, pay no attention to the jelly behind the curtain…
I’ve consulted Giant Jelly. It is in his or her hands now.
and the crowd is hushed as they await the fate of their former comrade, Bluefreedom. Whose very existence hangs in the balance…
@Allie. Thank you, ma’am. I’m off to dinner with the wife. Maybe there will be good news when I return. If this message has been removed, I’m calling my shrink.
@Bluefreedom you think that’s your wife…have you looked at the soles of her feet?
my nuts hurt from all the zapping. <goes to look for vaseline>
tick tick tick
he’s still there, unmuffled and free
tick tick tick
<—Eliminated for inappropriate elimination
My most recent post before this one was removed (again). Apparently the Giant Jelly has decided against me. My juju is bad. I’m going to get psychoanalyzed tomorrow.
Blue, I’m sorry buddy. It appears that you may be doomed. Offer a cashew – or a chicken! We know how much you love those chickens! ;~)
@cak. Tis’ true. My high hopes have been dashed and now I must offer a chicken in supplication.
@blue – is there a chant that goes along with that? Perhaps if you wear a loin cloth, as well. I don’t know, it’s late – it’s been a long day. That’s all I got!
@cak. I’m open to suggestions at this point. For now, I’m going to don my leopard skin speedos and recite Shakespeare and see what happens.
@blue – OMG…I just snorted! Ok, well, we’ll search for something tomorrow. I’m afraid my brain is officially turning to mush! Bedtime for me!
Night, my friend – and I’ll pray for better luck, tomorrow!
@cak. Thanks cutie. Sweet dreams and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. ;o)
I bet the pancakes are sounding good right about now.
@Foolaholic. That sounds very good. There is always a time and place for pancakes. :o)
At this time (at least where I am) I recommend Denny’s.
Spell IHOP and add “ness” to the end. (Don’t spell “ness” just say it.)
Actually, I don’t think there’s an IHOP nearby me (I’ll have to double check). But the grand slams at Denny’s always hit the spot when we’re bored and hungry around 4am.
@Allie. IHOP…<<<<vocalizing what you told me to>>>>......
I’m probably missing something important here right? :o)
@Foolaholic. I like Denny’s too. Nice choice on your part. IHOP’s are pretty darn good and it’s kind of a bummer you don’t have one nearby.
@Bluefreedom.. Did you say it?! =] You have to say each letter individually then say “ness” at the end.
@Allie oh, that’s just n a s t y
I see what you did there…
The first time my friend made me say it it took me forever to hear what I was saying. I kept repeating it over and over and she just laughed and laughed. Then, it hit me…. and we both cracked up.
who else is a fan of lqtm?
@Foolaholic. I just heard of that acronym here on Fluther a couple of days ago. I actually think it’s pretty good.
@Foolaholic works for me. i lqtm/ltmq all the time on here.
Come on guys…I just got up. Don’t make my brain work this early in the morning.
Do moderators have a link that says “remove” or something? or…How does it work?
@90s_kid. I have no idea but they used it on me about 23 times yesterday and it is very effective.
lol, now they are unremoved by the moderators
Blue, you’ve been liberated!
@fireside. I just noticed that. I tried to go back and count all my removals and now most are back. I’m losing my mind. :o)
Fluther really is a front for the CIA, which is why all the questions are removed.
btw I am the front for some Australian guy called Jack. He told me not to tell you though.
@90s_kid Central Intelligence Agency or Culinary Institute of America.
both have connections to pancakes and chickens.
stockholm syndrome indeed
Wait, so what’s going on here? jon’s going to get down with some pastry chefs?
@fireside neh, NEH! chickens. government chickens.
Chicken? Chicken and waffles? Chicken and… pancakes? OMG! Syrupboarding!
@fireside…MORK MORK MORK! chicky in da basky.
@aprilsimnel yeah, instead of drowning, you think you’re gonna get diabetes.
All this talk of chicken and pancakes is making me hungry. Someone cook me a steak! :o)
@Bluefreedom – Steak = Chicken? Did the cow fly over the moon?
Chicken fried steak? mmmmmmm
@cak this makes me want to go to Cracker Barrel, hang out with the blue haired ladies, get fat on biscuits and gravy. if only CB had beer…
Okay, okay. I’ll have one of each of whatever you all just said. :o)
Cracker Barrel is a great restaurant, by the way. Good choice!
oh yum…biscuits and gravy! I swear, you’d think I was pregnant, I’ve been craving those things, lately!
Dang it! The nearest Chik-Fil-A’s in Jersey! New Jersey, that is.
@aprilsimnel – that is sad, my friend! not the time to mention I have two, within 5 miles of me, right?
@aprilsimnel yeah, i can almost see one from my apartment. i’m trying to think what’s comparable…
true story: i went into one about two weeks ago, in a tux, en route to a wedding i was in, and the guy goes “you look like you could be in a wedding.” bright guy
@cak i should have said “yeah, i’m the groom. gimme some free waffle potatoes!” i wasn’t the groom, btw
next stop MIT.
@aprilsimnel high five for a ben folds five reference. i did want a grandma’s apple pie
Hmmmm…I think the experiment is a success!
The CIA has managed to confound and confuse everyone sending them off into space and implanting subliminal messages of pancakes & Bisquits & gravy.
Yep…..I’d say internet mental manipulation has certainly proven to be an effective means of brainwashing the thundering herd! lolololol
Be careful!
I hear that they are planning to control most of the 20 something to 30 something crowd with psychedelic Tater Tots. Beware!
Hey..works out well for me, they will never know I am rejecting the census! lololol
I wish the CIA could give me a certain food?
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