General Question

nikipedia's avatar

What brightens your day?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) February 11th, 2009

Pretty much everyone I know is bummed out right now, and I would like to do my part to combat this, at least until things start to straighten themselves out.

So: what are things people do to cheer you up, or things you’ve done to cheer other people up? What are some good carepackage suggestions for the long-distance people-in-need-of-cheer? Do you have heart-warming stories about cheer being spread? Do you need to be cheered up? I’ll send you a cheerful postcard…!

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36 Answers

adri027's avatar

My little mamas.

augustlan's avatar

Smiling, happy people holding hands cheer me up. People who smile as they pass you, say “Thank you” and “You’re welcome”, and are just generally friendly and kind. These things even work on strangers! With friends or family, a funny card can do wonders, too. I think it’s wonderful of you to think about what you can do to brighten someone’s day.

steelmarket's avatar

Care package items for the bummed? We all know the usual stuff, cookies, chocolate, wine, etc. But here is something that can make a long term change in how they feel: a package of full spectrum light bulbs.

Sound wacky? Here’s why…
Most people have regular light bulbs in their home, which (even with “daylight” bulbs) give light that is more toward the yellow part of the spectrum. But, in the funk of the short, dim days that come with winter, what our bodies (and eyes) crave is sunlight. Sunlight is truly full spectrum light. Short of simply getting more sunlight, which the weather often thwarts, full spectrum light bulbs are the next best thing.

Plus, the full spectrum light will reveal much truer colors than normal bulbs, making their rooms look brighter – in more than just lumens.

Other than that, for a belly laugh send them links to Dr. Horrible’s Singalong Blob and Sister Myotis on YouTube.

robmandu's avatar

My wife just made rice krispie treats… on sticks… dipped in chocolate.

So… yah, that works.

[Edit:] they might not be gluten free – just saw the tags – aw well, you’re still welcome to some.

wundayatta's avatar

I try to make people laugh. I try to entertain. I may not do a good job, but when I do succeed, it’s wonderful.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Quick, let’s all head over to robmandu’s house, he’s got treats!!

Bri_L's avatar

I also like to make people laugh. I do better in real life than on here.

As for me, I just like to feel like I matter.

shrubbery's avatar

brownies!!!!!!!!!! i love when my friend brings me round brownies. even gluten free ones! want me to get the recipe from her?

pollensarick's avatar

I just got out of bed 0530 made a cup of tea and listened to the birds’ chorus, what a joy and it’s free. Just take the time to listen for 5 minutes it is beautiful.

AstroChuck's avatar

Usually, the sun does.

Divalicious's avatar

My pets brighten my day. Their cute funny looking selves and their charming exasperating idiosyncrasies make me fall for them all over again.

cookieman's avatar

My daughter. I cannot stay in a bad mood around the Boopachetta.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Getting a phone call from either one of our daughters. My best friend is my oldest daughter. We are so alike. We tell each other things that mothers & daughters shouldn’t, but we’re that close. We have a ball together.

Our youngest daughter & I have had some issues in years past. We used to be like oil & water. But since we’ve moved back home here, that situation is so much better. She’s taken to calling me almost every day. She confides in me more & we, too now, share many laughs.

My husband will say “let’s just go somewhere tomorrow” & we’ll just take day trips on the spur of the moment. So it all boils down to special times with my family that brightens my day & makes me happy.

flameboi's avatar

My wristwatch, and some coffee and vino after dinner, that cheers me up :)

EmpressPixie's avatar

You do! (Sorry, that was my first reaction.)

Buying new stamps. It might sound silly or crazy, but I love getting to choose new ones and looking at all the pictures. Plus, there is NO WAY in which it is wasteful spending.

Bri_L's avatar

Oh, when my kids first see me and come running at me, even though I know I am about to be tagged in the groin because they are both about that hight. Their smiles, I tell ya.

robmandu's avatar

Oh, and @cage’s videos on Vimeo are always a quick pick-me-up.

cdwccrn's avatar

Sunshine and grandchildren. Chocolate chip cookies help, too, especially Jane’s.

cookieman's avatar

@cdwccrn: Chocolate Chip Cookies for certain.

Jack79's avatar

seeing my daughter smile :)

Blondesjon's avatar

My phone isn’t ringing.

My mailbox is empty.

I’m naked…with a partner :)

does it make it creepy if I spell it pardner?

tiffyandthewall's avatar

a softer world usually does the trick for me.
when someone’s hinting that they’re bummed out online, i usually just go for instant pick-me-ups like cheesy comics or youtube videos. it’s not much and it’s not hand-made or anything (usually!) but it’s the quickest thing and is usually at least good for a smile.

at school, if one of my friends is upset, i write them a sympathetic/funny note and draw stupid pictures for them, and today i gave my friend a bunch of starbursts when she was having relationship problems. it didn’t make everything better, but i’m sure she appreciated it.

cage's avatar

@robmandu d’aww thanks. Turns out your love always makes me smile.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Blondesjon no, it makes you the type to wear your spurs to bed.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Another thing that brightens my day is when my dog snuggles up next to me and gives a deep contented sigh.

cyndyh's avatar

When I get a call just to say “hi”.

tabbycat's avatar

My dog and cats. My friends. Learning something new. Seeing someone really talented do his or her thing.

zuidlaren's avatar

Right now it is classical music played by WCPE who do a wonderful job filling my
day in Singapore with music during the night in the USA..

Practising Aikido with friends, Scuba Diving, Eating out with friends I have known for
years, and of course hearing from the younger members of the family..

cage's avatar


robmandu's avatar

wow! circular reference and haiku to boot! GA, @augustlan! Well played!

Step2hen's avatar

Sunshine and good humour together or on their own!

bob_'s avatar

Talking to a certain someone.

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