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Trustinglife's avatar

Do you like the new "Like" feature on Facebook statuses!

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) February 12th, 2009

Reminds me of Lurve! I love it!

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18 Answers

Allie's avatar

Soooo copied Fluther. Harumpf!

nebule's avatar

lol… I’ve not seen it yet…although i am a little sleepy this moorrrrrning…aaaaaahhhh…. will have a look now… :-) thanks for the tip off!

tennesseejac's avatar

hey, i saw it earlier…. where did it go and what is the deal with like?

Vinifera7's avatar

I saw it… meh..

whackyrusty's avatar

To like is not the same as to lurve.

Kiev749's avatar

@whackyrusty Hahahahaha… Dimitri Martin Reference?
Saying i am sorry is the same as saying i apologize, unless your at a funeral.
and i never knew what it was. i just went with it.

KrystaElyse's avatar

I’m not really impressed by it.

wilhel1812's avatar

I like it, i don’t Lurve it.

I think it won’t be used much on statuses, but on pictures and such. Like on digg. I guess it will appear on your news feed: “13 of your friends liked John’s photo…”

dynamicduo's avatar

I find it’s neat. I’ve already used it once when I wanted to tell the person that I enjoyed their item, but not enough to write out a comment.

robmandu's avatar

I think it’s similar to starring a tweet or “liking” a tumblr post.

You could “like” something for several months on Tumblr, but had no way to review the posts you’d previously “liked”. Then a couple of weeks ago or so, they rolled out Tumblr v5 and now you can bring up the list of things you’ve “liked” in the past. Now that is useful.

I don’t think Facebook will let you bring up the list of things you’ve “liked” yet. No telling if they even will add that functionality. But I hope they do.

steelmarket's avatar

Lurve and like are really take-offs on whuffie from Cory Doctorow’s book Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom.

From the Wikipedia explanation:
“The usual economic incentives have disappeared from the book’s world. Whuffie has replaced money, providing a motivation for people to do useful and creative things. A person’s Whuffie is a general measurement of his or her overall reputation, and Whuffie is lost and gained according to a person’s favorable or unfavorable actions. The question is, who determines which actions are favorable or unfavorable? In Down and Out, the answer is public opinion. Rudely pushing past someone on the sidewalk will definitely lose you points from them (and possibly bystanders who saw you), while composing a much-loved symphony will earn you Whuffie from everyone who enjoyed it.

A gross Whuffie score looks the same to everyone viewing it, but a weighted Whuffie score is subjective. This meta-Whuffie takes into account right-handed Whuffie (the amount given by people you like) and left-handed Whuffie (given by people you dislike). Another variety is pity Whuffie, given to those who are down on their luck.”

DandyDear711's avatar

No – not really. I don’t want FB to be competitive. I like how it is done here.

autumn43's avatar

I don’t care for it. Here you get lurve/love for your answers. There you get the ‘like’ for just saying that your hair is all messed up this morning and your eye is swollen from pink eye. If you don’t get a ‘like’ you might start to feel like the last guy picked for the team in gym class. Here, the lurve is smooth and fulfilling.

DandyDear711's avatar

thanks Autumn – you said it perfectly!

robmandu's avatar

@autumn43, I’m sure that’s a possible side effect… although I see none of the difference you perceive with lurve.

If they fully implement the “like” feature – meaning they provide you a way to go back and review everything you’ve “liked” – then it’s less a feature for the “likee” and more for the “liker”.

That way, when you like someone’s posted item (status, photo, link, whatever) and then “like” it, you can come back days/weeks later and bring up your list of historical “likes”. It’s a bookmark. And it’s very handy. Let’s just hope they build it out.

I’ve been wanting a similar feature on Fluther for a while now. I have to content myself with using regular ole social bookmarking sites to specific fluther quips, which I find irksome.

aidje's avatar

I have a bad feeling about it. I foresee people becoming offended when they are not given “likes”. Kind of like eProps on Xanga, or top friends on MySpace. It bothers me when people look to that kind of thing for affirmation.

melanie81's avatar

Not really. There’s so much junk on FB now. I just wish it were simple like the old days :(

autumn43's avatar

@robmandu – I can see what you are saying. But since I only have a small number of friends, I pretty much like whatever they are going to say or post anyway. Maybe it is more for the people who have hundreds of friends – to keep track of “likes” out of that large number.

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