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nebule's avatar

Have you ever kissed a Frog (the animal kind) eek is that PC????

Asked by nebule (16472points) February 12th, 2009

Have you? What happened?
I nearly did once just to See…you know..just in case it was true…
but bottled out at the last minute bummer
What would you like to happen if you did kiss a frog?
Would you be prepared for Prince Charming??

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13 Answers

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ve never kissed a frog, personally, and since the story goes that when you do kiss one it turns into Prince Charming, that’s not going to help me as a guy. I’m not a switch hitter.

Now, if I could kiss a frog and have it turn into Princess Charming (someone like Salma Hayek would be high on my list), I’d give that frog a smooch to remember.

dynamicduo's avatar

Funny question. It wouldn’t have been PC if you had said “Have you ever kissed a Frog (the French kind)? :)

I’ve kissed one when I was young, the result of playing truth or dare in a park with a swamp at night. That frog was hard to find, but the guys found it nonetheless. It was a bit gross, but a dare is a dare.

I’d love for a Prince Charming to show up. Princes have money and gold jewelery and nice robes on them. Yes, I would mug Prince Charming, and then set up a frog-kissing business to mug all the other hidden Princes. And I’d do this even if we weren’t in today’s economy. Princes are overrated. I can take care of myself.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Nope. I let a goat nibble my fingers once at a kiddie farm. They itched something awful until I could get to sink.

At least I wasn’t attacked by trolls.

seekingwolf's avatar

I kissed a frog when I was little. It didn’t change into a prince and I was very disappointed.
I tried kissing a toad later that day thinking it may work, because it’s a toad…nope, no luck.

:( How sad.

emmaroid's avatar

Kiss a Frog?No way! they eat too much GARLIC!

Allie's avatar

I’ve never kissed a frog.
One of my best friends goes to UCSC and there’s a tradition there to lick the first banana slug you see for good luck. So, I’ve licked a banana slug.

asmonet's avatar

@Allie: That’s so much worse. :D

I’ve kissed a frog.

nebule's avatar

I’m so glad….you’re all as nutty as I am! Hurrrrraaaaaaah!!!

Jack79's avatar

no, but I once kissed a princess and she turned into a frog. Does that count?

asmonet's avatar

@Jack79: Bad luck, dude.

Darwin's avatar

I haven’t kissed a frog but I have been peed on by one. They do it when you pick them up and they think you are going to eat them.

I have also been peed on by turtles and someone’s dog who lifted his leg on me.

Sometimes it sucks to be me.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I had this boyfriend once…


Dutchess12's avatar

We had a frog on who was always trying to get the girls to kiss ‘em!! Never happened tho…er, maybe Jelly did.

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