General Question

steve6's avatar

Anyone on flight 3407 Newark to Buffalo?

Asked by steve6 (2569points) February 12th, 2009

plane crash

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14 Answers

kevbo's avatar

I read 49 passengers on a 50 seat plane. Sucks.

Also, it crashed into someone’s house.

eponymoushipster's avatar

from CNN, it said it was on route from Newark, NJ

multiple fatalities, one confirmed death on the ground.

it was a commuter jet, operated by Colgan Air.

48 aboard, capacity of 74.

Darwin's avatar

I would suspect you won’t get a lot of affirmative responses to your question, Steve6.

steve6's avatar

I was just letting people know in case they weren’t watching the news and they wanted to know.

eponymoushipster's avatar

it’s all over CNN right now; they’ve already had a press conference. per Anderson Cooper, the plane is still on fire, 3 hours later.

eponymoushipster's avatar

as of 1:25am EST, NY State Police reporting all 48 aboard were killed. :(

eponymoushipster's avatar

it’s awful. they just said it was what 2 years with no fatalities, then the whole Hudson river thing – and everyone lives – and now this.

jrpowell's avatar

So is this pilot the anti-hero?

Will we celebrate him? I’m sure he did his best.

asmonet's avatar

That’s a bit insensitive.
If you had been the one to tell them…that’s a shit way to do it.

TaoSan's avatar

yeah really! Talk about foot in the mouth…

no offense…

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TaoSan's avatar

only if you shower…

asmonet's avatar

Huh. Too bad I missed that one.

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