Whedon fans: Excited about Dollhouse tonight?
Actually, you don’t have to be a Whedon fan at all. I’m just looking for a few jellies who are excited about the premier of Dollhouse tonight. Any thoughts going into this series? Concerns? Excitement?
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44 Answers
I am soo excited about Dollhouse. I mean Eliza soo hott.
OMG, that does come on tonight.
Wait a minute, that’s a Whedon production?
. . .
Now I’ve gotta watch it. Along with the Sarah Connor Chronicles, of course. Thanks for the heads up! ^_^
Yesssssssssss! I have a feeling it will be a let down. But hopefully that’s just the pessimist in me talking. There can never be another Buffy though…and Eliza Dushku is meh okay. Buttttt it can still be good. Ok, I’ll stop talking now…
I was never a fan of any of the Faith episodes in Buffy/Angel, but I’ve been a huge fan of all three of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly…. so yeah, I have some pretty high hopes.
Beyond excited. I have been counting down for MONTHS. I truly believe that anything Whedon creates is gold.
@MrItty I wasn’t a huge fan of the Faith stuff in Buffy/Angel, but she was good in Tru Calling, so I have hope. (I almost said faith which would have elicited groans, I’m sure.)
@PnL: I read a review on i09 that said basically, they were really worried but it totally kicked butt. Which made me way more excited to see it.
Yes! Yes! Yes! I’ve been going on about it all week.
@EmpressPixie – YAY! Now I am more excited too :)
And yeah, I wasn’t a Faith fan either. Never saw True Calling.
That’s tonight? Thanks for the head’s up! (I stayed up way too late last night watching Serenity on SciFi.)
I love the Faith story line. The juxtasposition between her and Buffy created a very interesting dynamic.
Hm, that was an…interesting review. Meh, we can be our own judge of the show, but we’ll see it soon enough.
Anyone else underwhelmed?
Not gonna look at this thread until I see it in CA.
Well, it’s clear that Whedon has some sort of…fixation with Eliza. And, after watching their interviews on the website, they apparently think very highly of one another. (Seriously, if you haven’t already been to the website, check out the interview they do with those two or the Comic-Con video. You’ll see what I mean.) Does anyone else feel left out of the triangle, or like they’re missing out on the answer to, “What’s so great about Echo?”
Idk, Tahmoh Penikett says the first three episodes will be a little…well, he heard a critic call them “procedural-like,” so we aren’t truly immersed into the backstory of the main characters that much right away. Apparently by episode four, though, the show should really be bursting onto the scene and showing its true colors. Question is, will viewers wait around that long for the show to really come into its own, or will they regret not bringing their full game to the table right away?
I’ll stick around and watch it to see how it turns out, but to be honest I felt about as “eh” as I did on the series premiere of “Sanctuary” on the SciFi channel.
15 minutes in and I can already see the potential. It’s so Joss.
Damn! That girl has some great gams.
I agree about being underwhelmed. Though, to be fair, it was only the pilot. There’s so much to cover in pilots…lay the characters, the setting, the story, the background, etc. So I will give it a couple more eps before calling it quits. I still don’t see the attraction in Eliza, but maybe I just need time to warm up to her.
I liked it. I think it has great potential.
I liked it and will probably watch it regardless because I watch some truly awful stuff sometimes. Part of it seemed a bit too much like acting, but after a while, they really got into the swing of it. (The beginning wasn’t doing it for me at all.)
“Underwhelmed” is how I felt, too. I can’t honestly say I can tell people “That was SOME show”. I’m STILL having a problem with the rich guy getting killed. That’s not supposed to happen. It didn’t fit right. Boy did HE not get his money’s worth!
And I have serious concerns with any show that has such a strong “sexy, hot, beautiful woman” pitch. Makes me wonder if that’s done to supplement a poor story.
We’ll see.
@Mr_M: I know, right? He could appeal to so many more people if he just kept the sex appeal down to a minimum. I mean seriously, I did not want to see Echo’s derrière hanging out from her dress as she was dancing in the beginning. Come on now, Whedon. Give the girl some class!
The client did not die.
Joss has always used female sexuality as a a means of power. Buffy kicked vampire ass in some pretty skimpy, and may I add uncomfortable, outfits. We are supposed to question the capabilities of beautiful women, the position a beautiful woman holds in society, and how much female sexuality is used by the world at large. He even explained it well when Echo and the client meet for the first time.
Buffy had a slow momentum as well, and it turned out to be the best TV show in history. IMO, of course.
And truthfully, I didn’t mind the view. ;)
@tiny, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t mind the view, either! But I look at it like I do four letter words in a comic’s standup routine – filler for an act that hasn’t much else.
P.S. How do you know the client didn’t die? I must have missed something?? Talk to me!
@tinyfaery: sure, but there are ways of exuding sexiness and being beautiful without looking like a tramp in the process, lol. That’s all I’m saying. I mean do you have to show off half your rear end to get a guy to dance with you? I really don’t think so. Well, not a respectable guy anyway, and the guy she was with didn’t seem all that superficial to me to begin with. It just didn’t seem necessary to me.
And the promos—I mean give the girl some guns to hold, or something, and people will still notice her. Heck, she proably doesn’t even need props ‘cause she’s already good-looking. Not everyone wants to see her lying naked in a puddle of water, though. But that’s Whedon’s choice.
As long as things keep getting better from here and doesn’t take things borederline XXX, haha, I’m good.
They said he was going to live at the end.
I say wait. Her sexuality is not her own at this point. Let’s see what happens as she becomes aware. I’m excited about it.
Thoroughly unimpressed with the entire concept. How am I supposed to feel an emotional attachment to a person who doesn’t exist? Why should I care what happens to her? Echo is a human body with no actual mind or personality. Nothing to care about, whoever she was before is effectively already dead. The personalities they implant on her each week are one-episode characters that cease to exist before the end of the episode. I’m not getting what I should feel interested in in this series.
I’ll give it another two or three episodes to see if I’m proven wrong… pilots often are very different from the series itself afterall. But so far, meh.
But she’s clearly developing her own personality despite their best efforts. So you are supposed to get interested in her as a character as she develops.
You don’t feel an emotional attachment to someone who has become the ultimate slave? We are going to witness a woman become herself, in every possible way. I rewatched Saturday night, and I have to say I like it even more.
“she” isn’t an ultimate slave. “She” doesn’t exist. As the investigator said, “she” was effectively killed before the first episode started. There is no person there. There is a body with a blank mind.
I did not at all get the impression that somehow the original personality is reasserting itself. What dialogue or scene suggested that? Is that the point of this show, that whoever Echo was is going to slowly come back to life? If so, that completely went over my head. <shrug>
It is suggested that something has gone wrong with the procedures when she remembers something she saw as Echo when she is Ms Penn.
She does exist. She has a body and a brain, she has family and friends. The human mind finds a way; her memories are coming through; people are looking for her. Tons of foreshadowing here.
<shrug> Like I said, I’ll watch the 2nd episode too, and give it another shot. We’ll see if my opinion changes…
@EmpressPixie – “she remembers something she saw as Echo when she is Ms Penn.” : I don’t think that happened. She remembered something from Ms Penn’s past history. I think? I love how we the viewers aren’t even sure what happened haha
Echo’s memories came through when she saw the other girl getting the treatment. And it seems like Echo gets flashes during her treatments.
The flashbacks they showed her getting were from Ms. Penn’s original memories. (Watch the halfway mark of the fourth segment of the episode.) I don’t think they were Echo’s.
She was noticing that she couldn’t remember how she got the pain in her knee, though. But that wasn’t a memory, just a realization.
I would like it if her own memories came back, though. Then her story would really be starting.
On a side note, did anyone else think that Eliza’s acting sorta resembled Summer Glau’s character in Firefly/Serenity when either of their characters were experiencing flashbacks or semi-psychotic moments? They both start muttering things that, at first, seem irrelevant. Eliza’s “you can’t fight a ghost” versus River’s “He didn’t lie down, they never lie down” or “two by two, hands of blue,” etc….
I’m talking about when she remembers seeing the blonde girl get her treatment—with a needle in her forehead. She has that flash when she’s meeting with the client and he’s cranky because she’s trying to be all “I’m sooooo experienced” and he knows she’s not… exactly what she thinks she is.
Just a reminder for everyone to watch tonight :)
===possible spoiler for westcoasters===
At least this episode made it clear that Echo remembers things from previous imprints and engagements, as well as from when she was Caroline. All things considered, a better episode than the pilot.
I thought the last episode, where Echo is wiped clean through a cell phone, was REAL good, I must say.
It just keeps getting better.
I was worried for a while, but I think it’s finally starting to get on a roll. I don’t think it’s nearly as good as Whedon’s other stuff, though.
I thought last night’s was the best episode so far. It reminded me a bit of Alias. another favorite of mine
I was going to post a new question: How cool is the Dollhouse now? I luuuv!
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