General Question

KrystaElyse's avatar

So, what's for dinner tonight?

Asked by KrystaElyse (3601points) February 13th, 2009

I’m in one of those moods where I can’t decide what to eat. What are you having? (or if you’ve eaten, what did you have?)

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44 Answers

laureth's avatar

Roasted pork tenderloin crusted with herbs, mashed redskin potatoes with a little sour cream and garden-grown chives mixed in, pan-dripping gravy, and brussels sprouts.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I had steamed rice with teriyaki chicken and steamed vegetables. :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I had fusilli with fresh grated Parmesan, and mesclun green and spinach with Balsamic dressing.

MrMontpetit's avatar

Perogies with Bacon Bits and Onion Salt…. mmmmmmmm

DeanV's avatar

Chicken noodle soup. I hate being sick…

tennesseejac's avatar

Nachos and Beer, what else…. its Friday

Bluefreedom's avatar

Baked chicken, potato salad, a whole wheat roll, and a diet coke.

Jayne's avatar

Potbelly’s! Yeah baby!

Milladyret's avatar

Mini-broccoli-pie. Not the best ever, but I’m at work so my options are limited. Blæh.

KrystaElyse's avatar

@Milladyret – That actually doesn’t sound too bad. I lurve broccoli.

Jayne's avatar

Yes indeed. Nom.

arnbev959's avatar

I had vermicelli with butter and parmesan cheese.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Two strips of bacon, herby eggs, chips and guac and LOTS OF MEAD.

blondie411's avatar

tortilla soup, yummys with extra cheese

peyton_farquhar's avatar

Always. Oatmeal.
<<college student.

Jeruba's avatar

Coming up: steak, baked potatoes with sour cream, spinach. Tomorrow: tuna casserole.

laureth's avatar

Mmm, mead! Lurve for the mead. Lots of lurve!

KrystaElyse's avatar

@EmpressPixie & @laureth – I’ve never had honey wine before! I must try this.

fireside's avatar

I went out and had BBQ ribs.

MrMontpetit's avatar

@Jeruba Thanks for making me hungry, after I already ate. D:

KrystaElyse's avatar

I think i’m going to skip dinner and eat these chocolate covered strawberries I have in the fridge :P

Milladyret's avatar

I know, broccoli IS good, but not the pre-fabricated stuff we have at work… I’m a nurse, and the food here at the hospital isn’t always the best :P

KrystaElyse's avatar

@Milladyret – Oh noooo! Not hospital food! :(

Milladyret's avatar

Yup, hospital food. But at least it’s free :P

KrystaElyse's avatar

This is true! ;D

bythebay's avatar

We had mustard & horseradish glazed pork tenderloin; sautéed zucchini & mushrooms & Parmesan cous-cous. It was accompanied by a tasty Pinot Noir. Happy Friday.

Knotmyday's avatar

Chinese…hooray! Love Chinese.

@empress or laureth; where do you find mead? I needed some a while back and couldn’t locate any.

thankgodforbeef's avatar

I’m so nauseous right now that I’m worried going to the cafeteria will make me gag. That food doesn’t smell quite right on a normal day… :(

laureth's avatar

@Knotmyday – I find mine in the basement, since the husband makes it. ;) However, I’ve seen some at places like Whole Foods or maybe a very well-stocked liquor store. The most common, not-too-bad brand is Chaucer’s, but it’s not nearly as delicious as homemade.

gailcalled's avatar

We had yet another power outage – from 6:00PM to just now. I dressed for dinner in my parka and miner’s lamp; the cold chicken sausage, 4 oreos and a glass of water was very tasty.

bythebay's avatar

@gailcalled: I’m sorry for your dark & cold night. I hope you warm up soon.

gailcalled's avatar

We all have land lines so there was a huge amount of bitching and moaning on the phone. I have power now. Milo has stopped being freaked out, I can flush the toilets and wash a few dishes. My fire in wood-burning stove is dying down, but it is becoming really old news. We had high winds last night which brought down more power lines.

The best purchase I have made all year was the miner’s lamp. I bought several for local friends. Aside from being a hot fashion statement, it frees up both hands.

bythebay's avatar

<giggles> @gailcalled: If you wear that miners lamp and carry your basket to the market, you’ll be the talk of the town! :)

gailcalled's avatar

btb: Interestingly, here in hicksville, no one would even notice. It’s the women with the plastic surgery, 4” boots, and designer jeans who attract attention.

gooch's avatar

Shrimp Provecale

chelseababyy's avatar

Dominos. I know it’s bad but we’re sick and lazy.
Buffalo Chicken Pizza, Cheese Pizza, Chicken Kickers and Cheesy Bread :O

critter1982's avatar

pulled beef tenderloin with some jack daniels bbq sauce, grilled red potatoes, and some corn.

LindaDT's avatar

Parmeasean Chicken. Awesome.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@knotmyday: I was tasting the Chaucer’s mead (regular and raspberry flavored). I would definitely recommend Chaucers and you may be able to get it at your local booze store. It probably runs anywhere from $9 – $15. It’s $12 at my local store.

Knotmyday's avatar

Hooray! I can order it. Thanks, ladies.
Gail, I was about to send some colleagues to check up on you. Glad you’re weathering the storm.

gailcalled's avatar

“Weathered” is the right word. It has been wearisome. However, my sis – four miles away and about 2˚ warmer, discovered that her daffodil leaves are 4 inches above ground as of this morning. And I brought in some forsythia to force. So hope springs again.

The roads have disappeared, however, leaving huge, rutted mud pits. Driving in mud is just as problematical as driving on ice. I shudder to think about the undercarriage of my car, also.

gooch's avatar

Gail are u serious about snow! It is 73 degrees here. It is hard to imagine we are in the same country.

gailcalled's avatar

@Gooch; Wind chill makes it a balmy 17˚ now. This morning on our 3 minute walk, Milo and I saw several tips of daffodils sticking up about 1/4” above soil.

It’s a challenge.

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