General Question

antimatter's avatar

What piss you off the most in life?

Asked by antimatter (4434points) February 16th, 2009

My useless cousin borrowed three DVD’s from me and lost them after two weeks she returned them damaged.

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22 Answers

emt333's avatar

i don’t get it did she lose them or return them damaged?

LKidKyle1985's avatar

well if thats what you get most pissed off about in life you are doing pretty good.

Bluefreedom's avatar

What pisses me off most in life? How about these for starters:

Bad drivers
Child abuse/molestation
Animal abuse

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Feeling helpless. Pisses me right off.

danny's avatar

How innocent people all over this world are being executed by extremist groups for stupid reasons.

antimatter's avatar

That’s the tip of the ice burg after she returned my DVD’s she told me some crappy story that she moved her room. Than she wanted to borrow more DVD’s and 50 bucks! When I said no she tells me I am self centered and should push my DVD’s up my ass. After wards she phoned my wife and told I slapped her! Do you think that justify as been pissed off.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@antimatter. Your cousin seems pretty ungrateful and uncaring for other people’s property and feelings. Additionally, she appears to have a short fuse and she’s a liar to boot because she told your wife you slapped her. You might consider having much less interaction with her in the future if you can help it. She sounds like a headache and a handful. Just my two cents on the matter.

antimatter's avatar

@Bluefreedom thanks for the advice, fortunately my wife chose my side.

cookieman's avatar

Narrow mindedness
Abuse (particularly of children)

When faced with any of these, I become frustrated and angry.

similar list as BlueFreedom

antimatter's avatar

All those points pisses me off as well, what do piss me off more than ever is that people don’t have respect for one another or for them selves.

davidshoukry's avatar

* Being shafted by employers
* Seeing pregnant women smoking
* Bigotry of all shapes & sizes
* Child cruelty

Other things too, but these pop to mind right now!

anne09's avatar

Getting hurt by loved ones
bad words
too much expectations

Jax's avatar

People do, take any stranger on an average day. They’re often more rude to you than they think they are. Taking your parking spot, cutting in-line, walk straight trough you and the coffee you’re holding, next yell at you for spilling coffee…

Just some simple things I see daily, things they wouldn’t do at home or work but when they don’t know you it’s ok….

robmandu's avatar

All the serious ones have been mentioned. So, moving on to the lighter side…

So-called Easy Squeeze mustard.

laureth's avatar

People mistreating workers. Retail workers, waitrons, clean-up folks, people that they don’t see as people or who they think are “below” them. If you’re interacting with someone who is at their job, they are generally obliged to take your crap – they can’t run away, and they need a job – but it doesn’t mean you are obliged to be a jerk. A service worker is a person just like you.

Other things piss me off too, like all the stuff @Bluefreedom mentioned, but that’s always there. The service worker thing irks me on a more immediate level.

mcbealer's avatar

on the same wave length as robmandu…

It irks me when people ruin a book or a movie by throwing in a spoiler even though
they know you haven’t read the book/seen the movie.

robmandu's avatar

Alcohol bender black outs also suck.

aprilsimnel's avatar

When I’ve disappointed myself in some way; when I’ve done something for expediency’s sake or to keep the peace when what needed to be said or done should’ve been said or done.

robmandu's avatar

Having to dial 1 for long-distance from a land line.

…Especially in very large metro areas where there’s no way to know in advance if a particular number is long distance or not… so you end up trying it one way, and then have to try again after getting the error message: We’re sorry. It is not necessary to dial a 1 for this number.

Mr_M's avatar

Adults that do things for attention and people who whine all the time like they’re the ONLY one’s with problems. Liars and phoneys tick me off, too.

robmandu's avatar

Dental plaque.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

Well asking what pisses me off…there’s an entire list that goes on, but I’m an angry person in general so I get…pissed easily….But a lot of things…But when people hate on others I know. When I see something I don’t like to see and it’s something…That others should see either…Racism towards others, liars, people in general I can say for the most part. Right about now I’m pissed….

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