General Question

poofandmook's avatar

What do you do when you're bored at work?

Asked by poofandmook (17323points) February 16th, 2009

For those of you who have to work on holidays even though business is slower than molasses because everyone else has off but you… how do you pass the time?

I play with Play-Doh

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14 Answers

Dog's avatar

Fluther- but then again I work from my own studio on my own time…

chyna's avatar

That is a fantastic play doh fluther.

Grisson's avatar

That’s easy! Fluther.

tennesseejac's avatar

im “working” right now, and i know Fluther will soon be blocked from my work computer because i am always on

when there is nothing exciting here i grab the Tennesseean and tackle the crossword puzzle

eponymoushipster's avatar

fluther. and on thursday, threadless facebook contest. and google reader.

lataylor's avatar

go to fluther

cdwccrn's avatar

Since I take care of critically ill patients, I am thankful when I’m bored. It means my patients are stable. I check out the news highlights on the Internet.

critter1982's avatar

See how many rubber bands I can get on my cube neighbors head before he notices. He’s got a wig and can’t feel a thing.

I find random people tie both ends of their phone cord together with a wire tie, give them a call, and watch them pick up the phone and the whole phone comes with it.

I catch friends that keep their computers unlocked and send obsene and rude emails to other friends from their computer.

I’ve found an unused mouse put it in Jello, let it set, and replaced it with my cube neighbors mouse.

I have a very stern and serious cube neighbor. We decorated his cube with Christmas lights and a gigantic pink christmas tree. Needless to say he got mad and tore the lights out (actually ripped the cord in half). I wire nutted it back together ran the cord to my cube and plugged it back in. He’s fun to mess with.

I’ve put a buddies car for sale and hung papers all around the office. Needless to say it was a great price and he had many offers.

Oh and fluther. It’s hard to imagine I ever get any work done :)!!

rooeytoo's avatar

@critter1982 – funny stuff, glad I am not your cube mate though!!! My favorite is the buddy’s car for sale, I might use that one myself!

Vinifera7's avatar

Stock cigarettes and candy.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I Fluther (alot), read books and magazines, watch television or a movie, listen to my iPod, and surf the Internet.

gimmedat's avatar

I have never gotten bored at work…honestly. If I ever do, that’s when I quit teaching.

steelmarket's avatar

Surf Fluther, Gizmodo, Lifehacker, Dark Roasted Blend, Joomla – or go to B&H and drool over the cameras and lights.

But, like @gimme, I love my job and seldom find it boring.

anne09's avatar

watch tv,go to fluther, orkuting

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