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Jude's avatar

If you had to choose would you rather live for a week in the past or the future?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 16th, 2009
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16 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

Future for me. Why live somewhere where things have already happened, when you can live in a world you can’t even begin to imagine? As well, by going to the future you’d have a chance of gaining valuable knowledge and bringing it back to the past, versus going to the past with your knowledge and being seen as a god. Well, that may appeal to some as well.

cookieman's avatar

I would live a week in the past to confirm some memories I have. See how accurate they are. Problem is, there’s about three or four weeks I’d like to revisit.

I’ll live the future when I get there.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I would like to have had one more week from the past to spend with my father before he passed away from cancer.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

The past. There are definitely things I would like to re-experience, like a week from my trip to Europe with my family or some such thing. If I had my druthers about it, I would choose seven specific days to relive. That would be the ultimate experience.

That sounds so good right now too…

aprilsimnel's avatar

The far, far future. Just to see what changes there have been after I’m purportedly gone.

Jayne's avatar

Do I get to see what I’m buying first?

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

The past, the future may not be there for us. You could be six feet under.

antimatter's avatar

The far, far future and get all the lotto numbers, game results of all the sports, and even game shows. Than I will bring all that back win every thing and use all the money to help animals, help people, help Greenpeace and run for president.

Dog's avatar

I would re-live to see those who have passed that I loved and this time I would pay attention and appreciate every second of it.

shockvalue's avatar

@Dog That’s exactly what I was going to write. I’d give my friends a proper goodbye, a chance to let them know how much they mean to me.

antimatter's avatar

I forgot to say and steal a operating system that’s better than Microsoft and Linux and than exploit it to make even more money to do what I want to do. Build my own spaceship after I ran for president and develop property on the moon and other planets.
And all that simply from one week in the future.

Jack79's avatar

well the future would be really useful (like spend the whole week reading history books or writing down all the lottery numbers and then coming back and playing them)

but I’d be more interested in seeing the past, have questions answered about some vague points and live things that I have only read about. And leave the future to be enjoyed whenever it comes.

hammer43's avatar

well the past, because I feel I missed out on alot of great things from the past because I wasn’t born yet.

laureth's avatar

The past. There are things that happened long ago that are just as mysterious to us now as the far future is. That is where my heart lies.

tabbycat's avatar

Loving history, I would prefer to go back to the past—to see how my various heroes lived, to see how things we take for granted came about, and perhaps to learn from it.

90s_kid's avatar

Future scares me.

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