General Question

kevbo's avatar

At what point do you put out a cigar?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) February 16th, 2009 from iPhone

I tend to smoke them too far down. What’s a good rule of thumb?

Abstinence preachers need not apply, but thank you for your sentiment.

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8 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

@Kev: When I get close to you?

lefteh's avatar

How far down you smoke a cigar is a very personal choice. Some people recommend you stop at about the two-thirds point, while others smoke the whole thing. The rule of thumb I always played by was that I stopped when my fingers felt the heat.

kevbo's avatar

@gailcalled, gladly if I’m ever so fortunate.

Standswithacane's avatar

If it’s a bad one I can’t take much at all, but a really good cigar I’ll smoke it until it’s nothing but a stub. I take the same approach with wine… If it’s bad headache wine, forget it. If it’s good finish it off.

kevbo's avatar

I think I’ll try 2/3 next time. It’s usually really good, and then I go too far and it doesn’t taste as good and makes me nauseous.

steelmarket's avatar

It’s nature’s way of receiving you
It’s nature’s way
It’s nature’s way of retrieving you
It’s nature’s way
It’s nature’s way of telling you
Something’s wrong, something’s wrong, something’s wrong

For some reason, I had this old Spirit tune running through my head, @kev…

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Personal preference. That’s all it is. Although I do find it weird when people light one up, take two puffs, then put it out and save it for later.

Jax's avatar

You don’t put out a cigar, you leave it in the ashtray “to die” when you’re done. You’re done when the taste gets infected by the heat. Meaning you get warmer stronger tasting smoke, when this occurs depends on how fast you smoke it and how long/thick the cigar is.

That’s why most cigar smokers have one over drinks, to make it last longer. And I’ve been told lighting up a cigar for the second time is a sin.

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