General Question

antimatter's avatar

Does God need us to exist?

Asked by antimatter (4434points) February 16th, 2009

I had a long discussion with my priest last night when he said God is within man and gave a few bible texts to prove his point. Deuteronomy 32 – And Moses said – These people are here to council God.

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31 Answers

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Yes I do, my child. You are my everything.

eponymoushipster's avatar

No. God does not need us to exist. Humans are created in His image it says, but are not carrying around a lil’ bit o’ God or something. He created man out of love and to honor Him; but even this was not necessary.

Do you have the exact verse? The whole book of Deuteronomy is a recounting of the laws given to Israel, as a reminder of what to do and how to conduct themselves. All of this would be moot if the Israelites were gods unto themselves.

Foolaholic's avatar

I would say no. Now I’m not Christian or anything, but judging from what I know about God, I would say that a being of such infinite wisdom and power shouldn’t need anything to exist. We’re nice, because we are a ‘testament to his greatness’, but on the whole not necessary.

antimatter's avatar

Sadly I don’t have the bible verses with me but I will post them with this question when I get them again.

AstroChuck's avatar

Yes, since we made Him in our own image.

antimatter's avatar

@AstroChuck interesting answer I think I may not understand what you are saying, are you saying God is created in our imagination?

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m saying that man needed explanations for everything. Since man didn’t understand science he invented gods with human traits and appearance. We see Christ depicted with European features in western art. It would be unthinkable that the face of God could have olive skin, curly hair, and a semetic nose.
So the Bible tells us that God made us in His image. I think it’s the other way around.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

What I think AstroChuck means is that if cows worshipped gods, their gods would be bovine in appearance.

AstroChuck's avatar

@antimatter- I do think your question is a good one.

cookieman's avatar

So long as people actively believe in a god, he/she exists.

When we begin believing in another god (or perhaps science), “god” ceases to be real.

@AstroChuck is right on the nose as to the origin of these beliefs.

Think of all the elemental gods (sun, moon etc.) or the Greek or Roman or Norse gods. We study them now “historically”, but no one believes in their existence anymore. Eventually the same fate will befall the modern Christian God.

“He’ll” just be another chapter in a textbook.

madcapper's avatar

God doesn’t exist so why would he need man.

antimatter's avatar

Well I am to afraid to think about it, but the concept of God is sometimes a bit complicated. Whats weird if some one had cancer and they go to a church and they pray for him this person survives cancer over a period of time. And thanks God for it, the same thing is happening to me now. I received a retrenchment notice and I am finishing work end of March, that’s why I went to see our priest to tell him of my predicament and so he prayed for me. So if I do get another job before the end of March he will say that God helped me and if I don’t get another job by than and loose every thing he would probably tell me it wasn’t meant to be to get another job and God knows best. The concept of God or anything else makes me sick, so if I do get another job before March, who helped me God or me?
I tend to agree with @AstroChuck and @cprevite perhaps my conclusion is that we are to afraid to acknowledge that we may be alone and that there is nothing out there or in the after life.
I am thinking about it, why would God be interested in dude like me if He is busy with the whole universe? Why would He help millions of people with a simple requist to help me to find a job.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Silly question. You will get two distinct answers. Non-believers will say yes, working from the premise that He doesn’t exist at all anyway. Believers will say no, because to us it’s quite clear that He exists and that He is much more than just an imagination.

@antimatter that is a very common lament. Why doesn’t God heal amputees? Why doesn’t God cure my disease? Why doesn’t He make a corvette appear because I pray for one? Let’s face it, if it were that easy, than there would be no tribulation.. no hard times on earth.. which the bible makes it clear there will be in John 16:33 “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

discover's avatar

I think its more like parents wanting to have kids. They can live without kids, but they do like to have kids show love and affection to them

As for your question, i don’t think God is dependant on humans. Remember in Genesis, during Noah’s time, when men were wicked, God was about to destroy human beings.

He only stopped when he saw Noah was righteous and spared his family

cdwccrn's avatar

God created us because God is a God of community. Just as we need one another, so God needs us. We are God’s family.

steelmarket's avatar

God – He don’t need nuthin !

madcapper's avatar

If God is our father he’s a shitty one. Way to never be around dad!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@madcapper is life really that bad for you?

madcapper's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater yes. and no. I was just making a joke… because I have never seen this “Father” god of ours, have you?

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@madcapper I’ve seen His presence just as surely as that of gravity.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

God exists or 5 billion people are delusional.Take your pick. Flip a coin . Make a wager. Lose your turn.

madcapper's avatar

Definitely people are delusional. There is 0 and I mean absolute 0 proof of the existence of God. It is all based on faith of which I have none. How can anyone tell me that I am wrong when they have nothing to back their argument up besides dated, and I am sure, modified records of the life of his supposed son. Hell how can one even believe a book that says that “God created the Earth in 7 days?” No one could possibly know that without being God themselves to even write it. When I see proof of a higher power then I will believe. Rainbows and kindness aren’t proof…

cdwccrn's avatar

@naturalmineralwater: me, too. God’s presence is undeniable.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@madcapper, a thorough study of history will reveal at least a dozen gods with the same trademarks as the Jesus story, right down to the performing miracles and dead for three days before rising from the grave particulars. All lived hundreds, if not thousands of years before Christ. So which story is true? I’d go with the fact that people are delusional,too and one point never covered. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. There is none.

cookieman's avatar

@cdwccrn: How is it that god’s presence is undeniable?

AstroChuck's avatar

I think were treading where we shouldn’t. If we go there it’s not going to end well.
To many Christians faith is enough. Not to me, though.

madcapper's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra thanks! I have done the research and know the facts. Being an atheist takes being able to defend yourself a lot. I make sure I am on top of it because I don;t want to look like an asshole haha

fundevogel's avatar

I think this question requires very specific knowledge of God, when we don’t even have any way to know if said God exists. Any answer to this question would be speculation on speculation.

antimatter's avatar

thanks to all the partisipants I think no one will ever have the right answer and this may even end up between silyness and teading on thin ice. So once again thanks for answering my question, one answer will lead to another question and I will end up even more confused. Lets hope for the best and lets hope the truth will come out one day.

fireside's avatar

We all have our own personal journeys and explorations, it sounds like you are on the path.
I hope you find new work!

Briefly, the journey of the soul is necessary. The pathway of life is the road which leads to divine knowledge and attainment. Without training and guidance the soul could never progress beyond the conditions of its lower nature, which is ignorant and defective.


prasad's avatar

We are not different than God. God is like ocean, and we are like drops of it.

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