What survival story amazes you the most?
Asked by
jonsblond (
February 17th, 2009
from iPhone
This can be a personal story or a highly publicized one.
The survivors of the Uruguayan rugby team crashing into the Andes amazes me.
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14 Answers
actually, the one you just listed was the first one that came to my mind.
I saw this story on Discovery Channel about a group of people whos boat crashed at sea. They lost the first aid kit along with food and water. They were at sea for like two weeks and had to do all extreme things to survive. One person fell down the boat and got eaten up by sharks. In the end, a helicopter found them and they were saved, but most of them were already suffering from hallucinations and infections.
Its pretty amazing Jesus survived a crucifixiction. He just got got up rolled away the stone and walked away.
@buster Tis amazing, but He actually did die first.. then resurrect ..so the big man is out on a technicality xD.
A friend once told me about his amazing experience in the Vietnam war. At the end of the war in 1975, he was a Green Beret working for the CIA, and was assigned to ensure the safe departure of the remaining South Vietnamese government officials from Saigon airport as the Viet Cong tanks rolled in. Unable to be airlifted themselves, he and his small team had to escape on foot.
Over the following days, they received instructions to sabotage several strategic targets, which they did.
Their mission over, they were given a rendez-vous point on the coast and told they’d be picked up by a US sub. The time came and went. They were given a new place and time for the pick-up, but that too came and went. This was repeated a third time. Finally, they understood there was no intention of picking them up at all. At this point, they were the only westerners in Vietnam.
They set off to cross Vietnam and Laos on foot, heading for friendly Thailand. They could never be seen, as there was no hope of being unrecognized. They had to live entirely on what food they could forage from the jungle. My friend, now a 6’4” and 250 pounds, emerged from the trek weighing less than 100 lbs.This was told to me many years ago, and I don’t recall how long this ordeal lasted.
He said that when he finally appeared before his astonished superior officer, he understood that the CIA’s intention had always been that the team would be sacrificed, and that their clandestine mission would never be known.
Well I knew a guy who was at war in Iraq when his truck got hit by an IED. All of the men inside the vehicle was injured badly. They were rushed to the closest aid station. The medics there saved all the soldiers lives. they stitched them up real good.
The story I heard a few years ago about the guy who was chainsawing trees out in a rural area, had one fall on his leg, couldn’t reach the saw, cut his leg off with a pocketknife, and then drove himself to the hospital to receive medical attention.
Now that is a survival story to rival them all.
I heard a story of a guy who was hiking in Israel alone, and he was climbing the rocks, and his arm got stuck in a crevice or something. He was stranded there, and was running out of water. When he ran out, he cut his own arm off and ran to the nearest road. He was in constant pain because he had to cut through he skin, muscle, bone and marrow. He survived.
the guy who was hiking in utah and fell into a tight crevass and was stuck for like 8 days, no water. drank his own urine. had to cut off his arm with his camping knife, and then hiked and rappeled down to find people. it was like two years ago.
all these stories make me realize that I am ALWAYS going to keep my pocketknife razor-sharp.
and that you should never, ever go hiking alone!!!
@May2689 right on! It’s the buddy system from now on!
there was another story a few years ago about a couple traveling with two kids (one about 3 and one a baby) and their car went off the road in a snowstorm and they were stuck for like a week till help came. the three year old had to drink breast milk. just thinking about being stuck in a cold car, no or few diapers, limited food, it’s amazing (being a parent of a baby I give kudos to them).
@jca I remember that story. Another good reason to breastfeed!
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