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Jude's avatar

When I was in a Mexican border town (near Pharr. Texas), we had this partically deliscious concoction served to us from a street food vendor, I want to know what it's called?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 17th, 2009

Corn cut right off of the cob was in a cup, with some crumbled white cheese of some sort over top, and a bit of hot sauce. Does anyone know what it is called? I got to wash it down with the best margarita I had ever had..

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11 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

Mexican corn. Seriously, that’s what it’s called. Google it

Divalicious's avatar

@cheebdragon Lurve to you!

And now I’m off browsing recipes. Mmmm, hungry.

Jude's avatar

@cheebdragon There it is! Thanks!

cheebdragon's avatar

There is guy who walks down my street every afternoon selling Mexican corn out of a shopping cart.

steelmarket's avatar

You are a lucky man, @cheeb !
I only have the ice cream truck come by every other day in the summer.

steelmarket's avatar

@cheeb! @cheeb! My sincere apologies !!!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Pharr Texas, there’s a name I haven’t heard in years. Do all the town streets have unusual names?

ajl's avatar

In Mexico, it’s called Elote (which just means corn) if it’s on the cob, esquite if it’s off the cob. It’s one of my favorite foods.

arturodiaz's avatar

It is called coctel de elote. Muy bueno, hay un puesto de churros y coctel de elote como a dos cuadras de mi casa. De hecho creo que encontraran esa madre en basicamente todos los rincones de México.

Yeah, you can find the coctel de elote pretty much in every corner of every city, town or small ranch in México. Good stuff, it is made of corn, white cheese, butter, some cream, lemon and you can also put some hot sauce, normally salsa sonora or salsa habanera, salsa tabasco also works well with it. But I prefer it without it.

Darwin's avatar

If you are anywhere in South Texas you can also find it in various fruit stands or ice cream stores such as La Paletera. They call it “copa de elote.”

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