Now why did they have to go and change it?
did they HAVE to do it? what food or product do you want to always be the same?
what packaging of your fave food or drink did the marketers upgrade or change completely? or what recipe became new and improved—you liked it perfectly as it was! your favorite morning newspaper changed the font styles and the way it opens or reads. they change soda flavors and update packaging for gum. do you still buy these things or are you turned off when the marketing department messes with yo stuff!
stop changing beer packaging! i need to find it!
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I liked when nurses wore those little caps you don’t see much of anymore. Thats not food or anything but how can I tell the nurses from the techs from the doctors nowadays?
Eyeglass frames. I will get comfortable with a style, then when I go back to get another pair, they “no longer make that model”. Same thing with shoes, neckties, watch bands, team hoodies, print papers, mice, earbuds, and…and….
Oh man, I am so there on glasses models. Also Olive Garden birthday cake.
Everything seems to be shrinking. Annoying, but expected.
But I hate it when they change the recipe of something.
My friends think I’m a little nuts, but I swear that
KitKats don’t taste the same anymore.
They taste less chocolatey.
Sure, force me to pay more.
But less chocolatey?
That’s just wrong.
I also found it sad when Laura Schudder
potato chips stopped coming in twin bags.
@nimis: could have to do with ever relaxing standards in the US as to what can be called chocolate.
Cake mixes became permanently ruined in the 1970s with a craze for pudding cakes. It resulted in denser, too moist cakes. I suspect the change became permanent because it is cheaper than using cake flour.
McDonalds Coffee!!! Their new brew designed to compete with Starbux is horrible. I liked the old McDonald’s coffee!!!
@EmpressPixie Also a possibility. Though the change
also coincided with a (temporary) change in their wrapper.
For a limited time, it was advertised as creamy chocolate.
Probably trying to rationalize/compensate for the fact
that they were putting in less chocolate. Boo.
You used to know a cop car when you seen a cop car. I got pulled over by a black honda accord with hidden blue lights. It looked really inconspicous. How am I supposed to know to slow down if I can’t see them coming?
@buster yeah, we go way deep cover like that sometimes, but if you can, check the license plates of the vehicle and if you are a little bit skeptical, ask for badge number and credentials (nicely, after he speaks and tells you or asks you do you know what you did?).
ask this, especially if he is in civilian clothes or does not have a badge showing.
“oh, i didn’t know i was going that fast, wow. you know what? sir, i’m sorry, but i have never seen a squad car like yours before around here. not that i don’t trust you, but is it too much to ask for your credentials?
@Nimis yes, the taste of kit-kats has changed. plasticky almost. you know?
@buster: also, in some urban and even some rural areas, teenagers do switch out their headlights for blue lights for whatever teenage reason. the younger set likes to light up things and have stuff glowing or blinking on their cars. be safe and alert. plenty of fools out there who want to be cops, but ain’t. you have a right as a law-abiding citizen to question.
They changed my Big Texas Cinnamon Roll recipe and my Jones Soda recipe. I’m still pretty upset about both of those. I liked the Jones Soda with regular sugar (though I still buy it: mmmmm green apple) instead of cane sugar and the Big Texas Cinnamon Rolls now taste a lot more like all other snack foods (though they don’t have five billion grams of trans fat now and I still buy them).
As for good change: I like the new packaging for Sierra Mist. I haven’t had it since they changed packaging though. (I’m not much of a fan – probably couldn’t tell the difference if they did change the recipe)
I liked the old fluther search when searching on my iPhone. When I search now I no longer get the iPhone version of fluther.
Facebook user terms.
They now own content you create even after you remove your account.
I actually liked the new Coke.
why did they have to change the size of laundry detergent? economy i guess, but hey, i have a family of five in-house and that smaller bottle ain’t cuttin’ it brother. don’t care if smaller is more powerful, i need enough blue juice in a big container that says, “yeah, he has laundry to wash and a lot of it.”
I hate that Dryer’s Grand ice cream went from the half gallon carton to the 1.75 quart carton to the 1.5 quart carton.
WTF is with that sh**?
That’s Edy’s For those of you in the east.
i concur. edy’s has slimmed down here in the midwest as well. the other day i bought ice cream—homemade vanilla in fact—and my wife and i fretted profusely about the slim look of the carton. WTF is really going on?
i want my ice cream tub big and american!!! dammit!
@AstroChuck: Everyone liked New Coke. Seriously. They did extensive, extensive research on it to see which recipe was better. But people rebelled against it psychologically. Coincidentally, we are now pretty much drinking New Coke. They’ve slowly tweaked the recipe over time to improve flavor/taste towards what they knew people preferred—New Coke.
I hate cell phones. They have robbed us of both the anticipation of loved ones calling and the patience necessary to wait for said call.
Also, when that call came, there was a concerted effort to distill meaning and pith from a truncated pay phone conversation (at 25 cents a pop)... now, while sitting on the john (fer cripes!) I have to endure rambling, stream-of-conciousness monologues about the latest episode of Desperate Housewives from someone who is operating a vehicle.
I’m sure the world is a safer place because of them, but it is also a constant-annoying-stream-of-worthless-chaff-where-the-best-part-of-the-movie-is-interrupted-by-some-asshole-who-didn’t-silence-his-ringer-and-carried-on-a-loud-loutish-conversation-in-the-theater world as well.
And Kit-Kats do taste different now.
Also, what the hell is up with the damn sugar wrappers in the Olive Garden? They are…tubes. What am I supposed to wrap my gum up in? besides my cell phone
@Knotmyday i second the motion on cell phone age! because of them, we are held to standards that rule and say “why are you not answering your phone?”
uh, because i am taking a dump and my phone is on the counter in the kitchen??? can i have this private moment by myself?????
You have felt my pain! literally, if you had Indian food last night too…sorry
@Knotmyday love indian food! spicy, flavorful, exotic. one needs the camode to himself without cellular interruption. cell phone users, please don’t take it personally—we all walk away from our cell phones to keep them in safe places while we do other things.
now what the hell did they do to chocolate ho-hos and ding dongs? why is the chocolate so plastic?
and for you chicken wing lovers: is anybody irate about huge chicken wings the meat market tries to sell over to you? i abhor them!
give me regular-sized chicken wings please!!!
@EmpressPixie – I was going to come on here and say that I thought they changed Coke anyway after that fiasco and I’ve stopped drinking it. It’s too… something’s wrong with it.
And I feel like I can almost cite the date in 1981 when everyone started using freakin’ high fructose corn syrup for everything and ruined the taste of packaged foods.
McDonald’s French Fries. Back in the day, they were cooked in some kind of lard and loaded with salt! They were crispy and had flavor… They changed the stuff a couple times in the past 25 years since I worked there, and I can’t even eat the soggy cardboard they sell now. I know it’s better not to have trans fat, and I guess it’s really better that I won’t eat them at all!
The Coke today is not the same as New Coke. The problem with the taste of the Coca Cola of today is that it’s made with high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar.
@hearkat – They were once deep-fried in 100% beef tallow.
@Grisson : The new terms of service freak me out and Facebook has taken a lot of flack for it. They just posted the following statement:
”Terms of Use Update
A couple of weeks ago, we posted an update to our Terms of Use that we hoped would clarify some parts of it for our users. Over the past couple of days, we have received a lot of questions and comments about these updated terms and what they mean for people and their information. Because of the feedback we received, we have decided to return to our previous Terms of Use while we resolve the issues that people have raised.
@aprilsimnel: As gross as that substance was, and regardless of the health damages, They tasted SOOoooooooo GOOD!
@figbash Yeah. I’m taking a wait and see attitude before I post anything new.
1. Merenda, a Greek chocolate spread which was full of almonds. Not only did they completely take the almond one out of the market, but the hazelnut one tastes more or less like any other chocolate spread in the wordl.
2. Nudossi. Also a chocolate spread, but this one came from the former DDR, where “profit” was just the word “prophet” spelled wrong. The original (even until the late 90s) was so full of hazelnuts and cacao that it had an amazing taste, but was of course unprofitable. Then they changed it to make more money. And lost the taste.
3. Also a Greek product (at least I remember eating it in Greece): “Draculinia” was a type of crisps that came in two varieties, plain and tomato. Tomato must have sold better because they kept that, but I liked the other one better.
4. My old Nokia. I don’t remember the exact model number, but it was very practical, had a decent camera that took pictures really fast and did everything I wanted. Had very practical menus and enough memory (which could also be extended). My new one has a much more complicated menu, a better camera that takes a couple of seconds to load and another one to take a picture (too slow for when your toddler does something funny), and a much larger but slower memory that I don’t necessarily need. Plus it keeps turning off on its own and even lost some things once.
5. That old cinema I used to go to as a kid. Where the owners knew your name and the place reeked of pop-corn. And you came out back into the foyer, rather than being kicked out into some back alley at the end of the film (which is what seems to happen at multiplexes nowadays).
@figbash They have now removed the banner, and the terms have reverted to Sept 2008 (according to the terms page). The use clause says that if you delete your content, they can still display it to other users, but they can not use it for promotional purposes.
It’s a good change.
@charliecompany34 Yargh! What’s with all the plasticky stuff masquerading as chocolate?
It used to be that when yo went to school, you just needed to go with pencil in hand. Now they have all these teacher lists of all the supplies that are needed because the funding isn’t there, paper towels, crackers, hand sanitizer? You have to pay for the bus if you can even get one for a field trip. I liked the old days.
Djarum Special clove cigarettes used to be denser and thicker, then they started getting smaller, then they reduced the number you get in a pack, yet the price stayed the same.
Daiquiri Ice was the greatest flavor at Baskin-Robbins, and literally the only thing I ever went there for. I heard a rumor that it’s back after an extended retirement, but I haven’t had a chance to track any down.
I liked the Star Wars Trilogy better before they redid it, though I liked the redone redoing better than the first redo.
And I miss Crystal Pepsi too…
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