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Jude's avatar

For you, if you'd truly loved someone, do they always stay in your heart?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 17th, 2009
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21 Answers

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Yes, they do. Always, in a special place.

srtlhill's avatar

Yes always.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I believe so, yes. When you truly love someone, it means that there was something good about the situation, even if things ended badly. It’s not humanly possible to forget a special person or moment in your life. If you do, then it wasn’t true love to begin with.

mzgator's avatar

Those that I have loved and lost or loved and left always have a place in my heart. My loving them made my heart ready for my true love.

adreamofautumn's avatar

Always. I don’t think you ever truly get over someone that you really and truly loved.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@adreamofautumn, that is so true. Fortunately, the heart is flexible, and the need to be loved deep, that we can make room for more than one person.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I certainly think this is true but it has one exception for me, unfortunately. I had a very difficult first marriage and I walked away from it with no love in my heart for my first wife because she ended up treating and hurting me so badly.

As for everyone else in my life that I’ve loved and cared for, there will always be a place for them in my heart, forever.

Allie's avatar

Yeah, I think so. I think you can get to a point where you don’t love them like you used to, but I’m not sure you ever completely stop loving them. The type of love just changes.

srmorgan's avatar

I recently exchanged some e-mails with the first great love, read infatuation, of my life. We met six weeks into Freshman year of college and were together through the summer and it ended. That was 1968.

Our conversations now are as fresh and new as they were then, even though there is a grandchild on the way for her.

There’s always affection that remains within you over all those years. You can’t lose it.


tinyfaery's avatar


Just trying to be different.
Of course I was kidding.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes. I’ll never see him again, but yes.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

The left ventricle to be exact.

wundayatta's avatar

Obviously heart is a metaphor here, but I’m not sure I have the right idea about what it is a metaphor for. Does it mean that you always love them? Does it mean you always remember them? Or does it mean something else?

Jude's avatar

For me, it means that I think that I’ll always care about them. I broke with an ex that I had gone out with for 10 years, about a year and a half ago. Even though I am not in love with her anymore, I still care about her very much (as does she). We went through a lot (good and bad), and to this day we’re great friends. Anytime that she would need me, I’d be there and she would be there for me, as well.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@daloon For me it differs from circumstance to circumstance. There are those that you literally never stop loving and then there are those that you remember fondly, just because it was such a big part of your life.

onesecondregrets's avatar

Maybe they’re right when they say true love never dies, any kind of true love.

Yes, they always stay in my heart. No matter if they’ve caused me any kind of pain or not.

Ulmaxes's avatar

do you mean, as in, romance, etc. love, or just love in general- friends, family, etc.?

mcbealer's avatar

@mzgator ~ that is very profound and true. Thanks.

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