General Question

Jude's avatar

Another word for adventurous?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 18th, 2009
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8 Answers

TenaciousDenny's avatar

audacious, bold, brave, courageous, dangerous, enterprising, foolhardy, hazardous, headstrong, intrepid, rash, reckless, risky, temerarious, venturesome, venturous


Grisson's avatar

“What’s another word for thesaurus?”—Steven Wright.

Jude's avatar

Haha, touche.

figbash's avatar

TenaciousDenny’s suggestions plus ‘swashbuckling’

Darwin's avatar

Also risk-seeking

mij's avatar

travel. oh anywhere i guess, try somewhere interesting…

Darwin's avatar

And in some cases either stupid or dead.

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