General Question

jonsblond's avatar

What are your favorite outdoor activities?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) February 19th, 2009 from iPhone

I love spending time outdoors. I can’t get enough of it. If it’s snowing, I’m outside playing in it. If it’s really hot, I’m in the pool lounging. If it’s just a beautiful day, I prefer a long hike in the woods. I also have the garden to tend to which keeps me busy outside.

How do you like to spend your time outdoors?

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37 Answers

Emdean1's avatar

Playing Cornhole in the back yard.
Drinkin next to the pool,Cooking out,Biking,Running,Walking in the park, Mostly drinkin next to the pool :)

Bri_L's avatar

Hike in the woods, preferably bluffs. Sailing along the shore. Body boarding. I would love to try surfing.

dynamicduo's avatar

Geocaching. A GPS unit + The Website + Tons of passionate contributers = a really really fun global treasure hunt! Many people are surprised but delighted to become aware of the caches (what you’re looking for) that exist in their area. Try putting your zip or postal code into the Geocaching page and see where the closest cache is to you!

jonsblond's avatar

@dynamicduo I’ve geocached with my sister a few times.It is a lot of fun!

elijah's avatar

Croquet is my all time favorite thing to do. My brothers and I play extreme croquet. Besides that, going boating, fishing, bbqs , water sports, long walks with the dogs, anything during the summer.
I’m not so much a cold weather girl but I will occasionally go sledding, snowmobiling, etc.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Biking, rollerblading, ice skating, roller coasters, beachcombing, hiking, sailing.

Ah, sailing. I love sailing.

GAMBIT's avatar


Foolaholic's avatar

Ultimate Frisbee

elijah's avatar

Can Jam!

classyfied's avatar

Swimming or running!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Walking, playing Frisbee, running, softball, swimming, fishing, camping, volleyball, golfing, and hopefully someday – skydiving.

amanderveen's avatar

Hiking, camping, canoeing, swimming, and riding my motorcycle (now that I have my license). :o)

wundayatta's avatar

Outdoor sex is the best! I love the feeling of the elements on my skin, whatever is exposed. You feel that ecstasy and you are in nature at the same time. Nothing better! Of course, that’s only happened a handful of times in my life :-(

jonsblond's avatar

@daloon I would have to agree with you on that. Though sex on the beach isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Sand in places where you wish it wasn’t.

Bri_L's avatar

and swimming

cyndyh's avatar

I really love kayaking and hiking. Kayaking is more rare for me so I think I like that more right now. I also like swimming, any kind of small craft boating, body surfing, and trying to surf with a board. :^>

SherlockPoems's avatar

Sailing, Fishing, Trail Blazing, Shelling, Sledding wrapped up warm and cozy… then right to the lodge for a hot toddy, Bicycling and most of all Walking hand in hand.

Allie's avatar

Playing on park play sets. The swings are a favorite of mine. I also like climbing to the top of those dome jungle gym things and sitting there.
Hiking is fun. Always remember: Leaves of three, let it be.

ark_a_dong's avatar

I love skateboarding. Going on adventures is a close second.

tennesseejac's avatar

I like to pee outside and lately Ive been chopping wood (which is pretty awesome)

jonsblond's avatar

I love to do everything that you all have mentioned. Except peeing. It always hits my feet!

I also love getting lost in a corn maze.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i flew a kite the other day for the first time ever (though it was an inflatable one – not a balloon – but it had some air in it, so i don’t know if it counts) and it was so so so fun (until it got caught on a telephone wire and popped )):

also, i love walking. love walking. but not in the heat, then i just get really pissy and annoying.

row4food's avatar

I love being near the water. If I could, I would still row (now I coach) every morning to see the sunrise. Instead, it is winter and the river is frozen. I’ll have to wait until the ice clears.

When I’m not not at the boathouse, I love walking around the historic downtown of the small city I live in. I bring my camera wherever I go to take pictures of all the buildings and store fronts. I also love to go on long bike rides. Or simply have all the windows in my apartment open so the air flows through.

In the winter, I try to make it to the mountain to go snowboarding as much as I can. When I was in high school, I hated indoor training for rowing so much that I joined the cross country ski team, just so I could be outside.

mmm! I can’t wait til the weather is nice!

Darwin's avatar

I simply like to be outside. I like the smells and the sounds, and I like to watch for critters and see what they do. I eat outside, read outside, work outside and even nap outside. I would Fluther outside except often the sun is too bright during the day so I can’t see the images on the monitor. I have been known to Fluther outside at night on the screened porch, though.

In fact I became a zoologist simply because I wanted an excuse to be outside all the time.

onesecondregrets's avatar

A walk outside in any type of weather is awesome.

wundayatta's avatar

@jonsblond: yes, on the beach, a blanket is indicated, but really, it’s nice to have one along whenever you plan to do it outdoors.

Blondesjon's avatar

@jonsblond..Remember that time at the park and that other time at the park and the one time at the park in the back if the truck and that time in the park drunk on the 4th of July and in the empty pool and in the backyard and on the lawn chair and on Linn Street and by that tree out on the trails?

Yeah, me too :)

gooch's avatar

Hiking, fishing, hunting, and gardening

pathfinder's avatar

Swimming and drive on bike and growe some plants..

Blondesjon's avatar

@gooch…I only do the hiking when I’m hunting or fishing.

especially mushroom hunting

90s_kid's avatar

Walk around and just observe things. Though I cant get so observant, It is freaky.

steelmarket's avatar

Nothing compares to viewing the Milky Way galaxy on a dark, dark night.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I love to do practically everything outside, especially during summer. Walk, hike, swim, barbecue, go to the beach, river, look at stars, camp…. Everything. I love the outdoors so much. I can’t wait for Summer now!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I love being outside, so that is why I picked a career where I can be outside most of the time. Sure, it can suck when its below zero, but in the warm months, I see people trapped indoors and feel sorry for them.

Free time activities include working in my yard, an adventure all by itself. Walks along the river and squishing my toes in the mud on its banks always cheers me up.

jonsblond's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra I would hate to be trapped indoors.

adreamofautumn's avatar

Hiking, rock climbing, snowboarding, sandboarding, surfing/bodyboarding/skim boarding, bouldering, caving, CAMPING, tree climbing. Being in buildings tends to make me feel suffocated. I much prefer the outdoors.

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