General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

(If this is going to gross you out don't answer) Sex during menstruation?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) February 19th, 2009

I’ve known so many men who would never have sex with a woman while she is menstruating. Women (I’m talking same-sex sex here) tend not to care to much.

Do you care?
If yes or no, why?
Do you think there is a difference between men and women in this regard?
Any lebbians/bi women have an opinion?

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114 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

you never go on red.

Emdean1's avatar

I don’t mind twords the end in the begining don’t touch me

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Been there, done that. Many times. As long as both parties are okay with it, why not?

EnzoX24's avatar

My friend did that with his girlfriend. He told me it was the worst experience he’s ever had.

jonsblond's avatar

My husband doesn’t mind, but I do. Too messy!

tb1570's avatar

I don’t mind at all, in fact i like it b/c the girl often really likes it, and it supposedly is the best relief for cramps! Hell, I’ll even go down and dine at the “Y” junction for a while if the gob-stopper is still in. I’ve even been known to pull it by the little string w/ my teeth… However, it should go w/out saying that all of this would only happen w/ someone I truly care about and feel very comfortable w/.

AstroChuck's avatar

Better red than dead, I’ve always said.

elijah's avatar

Haha it’s called earning your redwings. I agree with @Emdean1 I don’t mind after a couple days, but not at first. I don’t think I would do this with someone I recently began sleeping with, but only someone who I was completely comfortable with. Also he would get the final decision in the matter. I wouldn’t let anyones face down there though. Just too uncomfortable for me.

dynamicduo's avatar

I don’t find it appealing or non appealing. I simply consider it to be messy and with a high chance of staining my bedsheets, so generally I avoid it. However, due to my birth control method I sometimes become very horny during my period, which makes for an interesting sexual dilemma.

tb1570's avatar

@dynamicduo Uh, just put a towel under your ass! Or if you’re still too worried, put a towel under your bf’s ass and jump on top and ride ‘im, cow girl!!!

brycekerr's avatar

Hit up the shower scene!

dynamicduo's avatar

I’ll put a somewhat gross out warning here about this comment :)

Yeah, that’s an option @tb1570. My menstrual fluid sometimes has a brownish tinge to it though (even bright red would be a bit shocking, too), and this sometimes affects the romantic mood or reduces the variance of sexual acts. I mean, I’ve never really tasted my own menstrual blood, so I can’t really say I don’t like consuming it, however the thought of sucking on something covered in said blood is simply not too appealing for me.

Shower sex though, that’s a great idea. And my shower does have a well anchored support bar (my apartment is close to a hospital and is built to encourage elderly people to reside in it). Maybe I should take advantage of it!

eponymoushipster's avatar

i’m not sure, but i may never have an erection again after reading this thread.

cyndyh's avatar

You don’t menstruate out of your clit. If you’re laying down face up any mess is below that.

tb1570's avatar

@dynamicduo Turn down the lights or light some candles, and use a dark-colored towel.

Shower is always a great idea!

natg3o's avatar

The only way we ever do it is in the shower. That way there is no mess :) And I definitely agree..only at the end.

Ashpea9288's avatar

In my experience it’s been the guys who don’t care much, and me who cares a lot :P I don’t like doing on my period, it just feels gross to me and kind of hurts for some reason, or at least doesn’t feel as nice. But every guy I’ve slept with hasn’t cared. If they want to have sex while I’m on my period I’m always the one saying “no thanks.”

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster LOLLLL…..don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jbfletcherfan i think “knocking it” will only make it worse.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster (laughing out loud here)

Emdean1's avatar

This thread is Amazing hahaah!
@tb1570 one word for you buddy WOW

miss_meg's avatar

EEEEW never! that is a bad idea!

Emdean1's avatar

Everyone is really eating this chat thead up…....NO PUN INTENDED (Ok a little)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Emdean1 gross. except for @tb1570 no one wants to chow on scarlet taco.

jamzzy's avatar

i have heard from a friend that it is impossible for the girl to get preggo from it… that true?

and if it is….i guess thats a plus? haha

Ashpea9288's avatar

@jamzzy Nope, women can still get pregnant while on their periods. Sperm can stay alive in a woman’s body for several days (kinda gross to think about), so while it’s pretty rare, it is still possible.

jca's avatar

I’ve done it. It was like pre-lubed. My ex used to say “if a man can walk through mud he can fuck though blood.” If both parties don’t mind why not go for it.

jonsblond's avatar

@jamzzy I was told that the best time to try to get pregnant is actually during your period. I have no facts to back this up though.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jca did she also agree with the phrase “Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed”?

Emdean1's avatar

@eponymoushipster Though you are the most disgusted you still read on! :)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Emdean1 it’s like a car wreck, Em. can’t look away.

actually, i just had this discussion with a coworker. She has a friend, whose boyfriend, like @tb1570 , licks around the “placed” sanitary device during lovemaking sessions. she was freaked out by it. i was freaked out by it.

then i saw it here.

eponymoushipster's avatar

uh…exactly. i’m pretty sure that’s one of the signs of the apocalypse.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster Now that IS over the top!!!!!!!!!!

Blondesjon's avatar

@jca…I’m wiping tears from my eyes for your ex’s “mud/blood” comment. That is hilarious.

I also believe that for eating at the carcass you are awarded The Red Badge of Courage.

i’m sorry mr. crane…

elchoopanebre's avatar


Mental image:disgusting
Curiosity to know more about this subject:nonexistent

eponymoushipster's avatar

i envision the whole operation being like that scene in Carrie.

Blondesjon's avatar

@eponymoushipsterI know!!!

that was so hot…

fireside's avatar

lol, it’s not like they spurt blood out at you.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@fireside perioqueffing?? like sharting?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@fireside uhhh….nah. I won’t say it.

fireside's avatar

well, at least not during the foreplay part…
I certainly don’t see this happening

veneziana's avatar

I think I am going to vomit.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@fireside awesome. it’s like a red fountain of sexytime.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster I thought you didn’t like it???

cyndyh's avatar

Folks, it’s really not that much blood even if you have a really heavy flow. Sheesh. Just take a shower.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jbfletcherfan don’t, but i’m just saying…

@cyndyh – it’s not the blood, it’s the chunks.

cyndyh's avatar

It’s not like she’s serving it to you in a bowl. “Eating” is just an expression.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

LOLLLLL….....this is all cracking me up! :-)

fireside's avatar

@cyndyh – Is that why I always got in trouble for bringing a knife and fork?

cyndyh's avatar

Don’t you know that if it’s served in a cup or bowl you’re supposed to use a spoon. LOL!

poofandmook's avatar

never. NEVER. Mainly because the smell of menstrual fluid makes me ILL.

Allie's avatar

I’ll pass on the sex while Aunt Flo is around, no matter which degree. Once she’s gone for good, normal activity may resume.

buster's avatar

I like my pussy like I do my steaks. Bloody as hell.

eponymoushipster's avatar

is this a bad time to tell the story about the girl with M&Ms and her boyfriend in junior high?

eponymoushipster's avatar

one time, in junior high, a girl decided it would be “hot” for her boyfriend to get a candy treat that melts in your mouth, not in your hand out of her “candy shop”. yeah. well, he didn’t get them all, and let’s just say she had to take special medication for what got left.

not cool. but there’s also a story of a girl who tried tampons whilst not on her period. that one’s worse. it was stuck (no suprise), so her mom got it out. with knitting needles.

she didn’t wear tampons into her 20s.


tinyfaery's avatar

Well, this certainly went awry.

eponymoushipster's avatar

haha. it was sorta related.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster OMG! Yeah, the first one would DEFINATELY cause an infection. That’s not where they’re supposed to melt at all! It almost serves her right to be so stupid.

Second one…equally stupid. There’s just times you shouldn’t go poking stuff up there.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jbfletcherfan yeah, like during your period. BOOYA! brought it right back to the topic question! <pumps fist> wildcard, bitches! YEEHAW!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster Yeah, you did good, Mr. Monkey. Okay, now. I’ve been drinkin’ here, so I gotta be real careful what I say. But that IS the time when you DO go pokin’ stuff up there. But there’s a right way & a wrong way, you know? No, I guess you wouldn’t. :-(

eponymoushipster's avatar

<—looks at banana, drops it, runs away.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster LOLLLLLL…...just remove that peeling first, my friend! It…ah, well. Just do it! LOLLLLLL

Kiev749's avatar

… my god. i couldn’t even finish the thread in one sitting. i had to come back to it… Reluctantly… its like a restaurant door… when stuff is commin out… you don’t go in.

eponymoushipster's avatar

<—<yakking violently>

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

been there, done that as far as fornicating goes. Wife refuses now. never muff dived in the red hole of surprise, but it can’t be as bad as rimming, could it?.

Thanks everyone for the laughs, this was the most fun thread I’ve seen in a long time.

dynamicduo's avatar

Oh my friends… if this is the first occurrence of you learning or witnessing something via the Internet that you wish you had never learned or seen or thought about…. well be very glad that it was via this relatively damage-free textual method and not some of the more interesting graphic methods. Seriously. You’ve dogged some bullets.

Bri_L's avatar

I take my cues from my wife with that. I trust her to tell me if she is in the mood or not and I tell her the same. If there’s a flow and she says go then I do.

augustlan's avatar

I didn’t mind, and have never had a man that minded. In fact, sometimes I thought they acted like I was in heat!

tb1570's avatar

@eponymoushipster What are you not understanding? As far as dining at the Y junction during Aunt Flo’s visit goes, if the gob-stopper is left in place, there is no blood, no flow, no nothing! You just leave it in there until you’re ready to bump uglies!

I wonder why so many women are ashamed of their own bodies?

poofandmook's avatar

this thread wins the award for most nicknames used in reference to female anatomy.

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uporo's avatar

Pfft… I don´t care. Probably just turns me on more.

TaoSan's avatar

Can’t be a good captain, if you haven’t sailed the red sea :)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@tb1570 uhm. no.

@TaoSan even Moses waited for the Red Sea to part, then he walked on dry land.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Doesn’t bother me. If my wife is feeling up to it despite the lovely side effects.. I’m not gonna complain.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Guys, just think of it as helping her to relieve the camps. As stated way back up there, orgasms DO help with that. See what a humane service you’re providing? LOL

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jbfletcherfan do orgasms and violent wretching combined do anything?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster LOL…no, I guess that wouldn’t work, would it? That’d kind of defeat the purpose, I think.

elijah's avatar

Just think of it as a little extra lubrication LOL.

Jack79's avatar

not really, but it depends on the girl and her particular conditions. I’ve had sex on those days on several occasions, though sometimes if I’m in a long-term relationship where we get to see each other a lot, we just pick a different day.

jca's avatar

Clots, anyone?

tinyfaery's avatar

Ok, this has gone too far. Jokes and fun aside, such abhorence toward menstrual blood is sexist and mysoginistic. Menstrual blood is clean; it was meant to protect and help nourish a baby for 9 months; it’s much cleaner than anything else that is going on down there. Please stop unless you have an actual answer to the question.

Blondesjon's avatar

@tinyfaeryyou can’t close the lid that easily now pandora :)

laureth's avatar

I have had bad experiences with guys who thought it was sick and disgusting. So they don’t get any play from me – I guess they’re choosing their priorities.

The guy I married has his priorities straight. He owned a set of navy blue sheets for just such an occasion. Doesn’t mind at all, and thinks that if anything, a little more lubrication is a feature, not a bug. Suffice to say, he doesn’t have to go without nookie. ;)

cyndyh's avatar

@tinyfaery: I think it’s an interesting question, and I think you’ve found something of an age/maturity line rather than a gender/sex line. People who are either older or have been in long-term committed relationships for a while, with a few exceptions, don’t seem to have a problem with it. My fella and I don’t have a problem with it. We’re in our 40s and have been together for more than a decade.

I will tell you that if I was ever with someone who didn’t want to because I was bleeding, then he wasn’t going to get any of that again. It’s a lot like a grown man not wanting to get “girl cooties”. I can do without that kind of guy.

While menstrual blood is clean it is messy and can stain. So, it’s understandable when people take precautions with towels and shower immediately afterward. I think most people above are talking “messy” and not crazy old-testament “dirty” or “unclean”.

Where the other folks are concerned, I understand where you’re coming from. But I chalk it up to “immaturity” instead of outright “misogyny”. This sort of thing can be educational for those folks. I just feel sorry for the young man who’s not going to get any the next time he tells a woman he might yak if she’s bleeding. :^> I think he will live and learn.

jonsblond's avatar

@cyndyh I’m one of those exceptions. Besides the fact that I hate the mess, the first couple of days I am so crampy, I just don’t want anyone to touch me. I totally agree with everything else you said though.

augustlan's avatar

@cyndyh My experiences date back to my teenage years, and include long term and very short term relationships. I have never had a guy not want to play during my period. I wonder why that is? Just lucky, I guess ;)

tb1570's avatar

@tinyfaery & @cyndyh I totally agree, but as I questioned in an earlier post, why is it that many of the people who show revulsion to this subject are women? Why is it that so many women are ashamed of one of their own bodily fluids?

poofandmook's avatar

I for one am repulsed by it, and I’m a woman.

Jack79's avatar

tiny the word “gross” appears in your own question line. People feel differently about it. Just like we do about eating worms (a healthy source of protein in many cultures), touching harmless insects, or kissing people with AIDS (which as we all know can only be transmitted a certain way). Getting “grossed out” is an irrational reaction that does not have to be explained based on scientific evidence.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a period. However, my husband does not mind what so ever. I on the other hand, am too self conscience though and often feel that it’s too messy.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’ve done it many, many times, but mostly in the shower. Generally I’m in too much pain to bother at the beginning, but after that I’m all for it, especially because I naturally get really horny while I’m on my period. And it definitely does help with cramps. Close to the end of my period, I’ll do it anywhere and it doesn’t bother me at all. I have pretty light periods for the most part anyway, so whatever.

cyndyh's avatar

@jonsblond: Sex is already messy. It can seriously help with the cramps. If the cramps are bad I highly recommend a towel and some experimentation. You could feel soooooo much better. :^>

@augustlan: Yeah, some of us are pretty lucky. :^> I’m not saying that everyone who’s young has problem with it or that everyone who’s older doesn’t. I’m just saying that seems to be a general trend.

@tb1570: I don’t know why women would be repulsed by it. It might be shame for some, but it also may be an anticipation that their partner would be turned off by it. I don’t know. It could also be for young women that there’s no access to a shower immediately afterward. I’m thinking that’s not something you’d want to be worrying with in the back seat of a car or at your parents’ house when they’re off shopping and could come home at any minute.

I don’t understand when people are self-conscious enough to want the lights off every time, either. I never thought that was unusual, but maybe it is.

laureth's avatar

@cyndyh – I think women (girls in this case) are socialized to be disgusted by periods from a young age. There are tampons and commercials for them (“He’ll never know!”), sprays that make you smell more like an old lady’s bathroom than a menstruating woman (“Nobody will know!”), the way girls are taught to hide all evidence (including wrapping used pads like mummies before throwing them away), and all the things that Mama tells us from earlier generations. It takes a special kind of self esteem to get past all the programming.

elijah's avatar

@laureth Not everyone who is discreet does it out of shame or embarassment. Pooping is natural, but I don’t want to smell it off of someone who didn’t clean themselves properly, nor do I want to see use toilet paper laying around the bathroom.
Many young girls are embarrassed to say they have their period, like you have said it’s a maturity issue.

laureth's avatar

It’s true that discretion doesn’t necessarily equal shame. However, I think there’s a difference here. When I was a kid, you didn’t advertise that you pooped, but people weren’t ashamed that they had to do so. My grandma was a freak about menstruation, though, and told me that I must never EVER let people know it’s happening, and wrap up the mess and stuff it really down far in the trash so no one will ever know! Now, if I blew my nose, it was OK to toss that mess on top of the trash.

elijah's avatar

Yeah I can see what you mean about that. My grandma would yell at me if my bra strap showed. I think it’s a generation thing.

cyndyh's avatar

laureth: It’s a lot like advertisements for shaving. With men they’ll show stubble before being shaved off and then a smooth face. With women they only show smooth legs afterward. When I was a kid you wouldn’t even see a woman putting razor to leg much less see her with hairy legs shaving that off -which you still never see on a commercial.

laureth's avatar

So true!

fireside's avatar

Disney says menstruation is one routine step in a normal natural cycle.

lovelace's avatar

thanks everyone! for making sure i never ever ever try this! LOL

casheroo's avatar

I’m not a fan, unless it helps with my cramps…but I’m usually in too much pain to even attempt it.
We call it going “virgin style” and my husband gets a towel, so we don’t have to change the sheets lol.

Facade's avatar

Feels good to me :)

casheroo's avatar

@Facade was it you that said you have to be married to have sex ( i could be completely wrong!) i thought you were only dating?

Facade's avatar

@casheroo Yes. That’s what I think is right, so what we’re doing is wrong.

Cici's avatar

hell no- na ah, im in way too much pain and feeling like a bloathed whale to be making sexy shapes in the bedroom.

justus2's avatar

@Facade I think to be doing something you already think is wrong and knowing you think it is wrong is also wrong in itself, although I dont think there is anything wrong with pre marital sex at all, obviously you say you do.

sakura's avatar

This thread has been a VER nteresting read :) Well done flutherites :) For me its a case of not in the first few days because of cramps/feeling rotten etc… but towards the end no probs!!

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