General Question

jonsblond's avatar

Do you find a woman more attractive if she is wearing make up?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) February 19th, 2009 from iPhone

Guys- Do you find a woman more attractive if she is wearing make up? Could you care less? Do you prefer a natural look?

Ladies- How do you feel about make up? Do you use it daily? Not at all? Just a little or a lot?

Personally I don’t like to wear make up. I get enough color on my face from the sun. I will wear a colored lipgloss, sometimes mascara, but that’s about it. Even if I wanted to wear more, my skin is so sensitive, it would break out all the time.

Just wondering how others feel about this or if I am in the minority.

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59 Answers

andrew's avatar

Yes, but if it’s too much makeup, it’s a total turnoff. Ladies, skip the foundation. You don’t need it.

jonsblond's avatar

@andrew You just made me feel better. The blue eye shadow has got to go too.

andrew's avatar

@jonsblond Exactly. But a great eye look, some mascara, and a little lip color… Phew! I’m done!

SuperMouse's avatar

I don’t wear makeup very often at all. Lately I have been attempting to put on mascara and lip gloss before I leave the house, but I usually run out of time. I tend to go with a tinted moisturizer with UV protection and call it a day.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m going to use my wife as an example. She is beautiful without make-up and I’m perfectly happy if she doesn’t wear any. When she does wear it, it enhances her already natural beauty and I admire that also.

If a woman is going to go the Tammy Faye Baker route, that is very unsightly, in my opinion, and I find that kind of excess to be totally unattractive.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

I never wear makeup. The natural beauty just oozes from my pores.

elijah's avatar

I wear eye makeup, lip gloss and occasionally powder if I’m somewhere that I want to feel more pulled together. I think I could count the number of times I’ve worn foundation on one hand.
I have a lot of shades of eye color, I wear it differently depending on the time of day or event. I like a heavy smokey eye when I go out.
My biggest pet peeve is women who where the same colors every single day, and no matter where they are.

eponymoushipster's avatar

I prefer minimal makeup. too much and you look weird and sometimes whore-ish.

andrew's avatar

Mmmmm… smokey eye. Yum!

erincollins's avatar

I try to wear make up everyday not much just powder and mascara. If i’m going out I wear a little more around my eyes, the smokey eye look.

tennesseejac's avatar

It all depends on the occasion.

If we are going out to a party and shes wearing a dress I like a little bit to give that finished look, but usually if we are just hanging out around town the less the better for me.

To me there is nothing sexier than a woman with no makeup (unless she really needs it), wearing tshirt and jeans with her hair pulled back… with maybe a little lip gloss

fireinthepriory's avatar

I wear mascara if I remember to put it on. Other than that I’m a chapstick and moisturizer kind of person, unless I’m going out, in which case I’ll wear some lip gloss in addition to my mascara.

I think makeup can definitely improve your appearance, but the trick is to make it look like you’re NOT wearing any. If you’re clearly coated in what looks like a thick tan paste and your eyelashes look like spiders, that’s gross! Subtlety is where it’s at.

mrswho's avatar

I don’t like wearing makeup but my sister got me wearing concealer on my dark under eyes, and now if I were to stop everyone would think I was sick or not sleeping. I wish I would have never started but now I wear it every day. I don’t like it, but I do look better with it, I look normal, as opposed to my sick-looking normal self.

jlm11f's avatar

I don’t normally wear makeup. There are a couple of reasons for this. The main ones being: 1) I am lazy. 2) I don’t really need it – I got lucky with smooth skin that doesn’t get acne people often think I have make up on when I insist I don’t, and I have long eyelashes already. 3) Like you I have very sensitive skin and so I am allergic to most make up anyway. Works for me.

Though when I have to dress up for any occasion, I will go with just some liquid bronzer/blush duo. I own tons of eye make up for some reason (I didn’t buy any of it), but it’s sad since I never use it nor do I have the patience for blending it in.

jonsblond's avatar

@PnL So jealous of the long eyelashes! I’m trying to get rid of your 666 but I think you have all my lurve. :P

peyton_farquhar's avatar

@PnL there you go! 6673.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I read an article about a study where they showed random men (separated into two groups) pictures of the same woman. One group saw a picture of her with make up (I saw the picture, it was a normal amount, not too much, but definitely there) and one without any.

The men who saw her with make up called her “gorgeous” and “very attractive” etc. The ones without said she was “ugly”. They had some like rating-scale too, and of course the average and median scores showed the make-up wearing woman rated a lot higher, but I don’t remember the numbers at all. I thought it was interesting.

jonsblond's avatar

@La_chica_gomela That is interesting. Food for thought!

chyna's avatar

I only wear a light shade of eye shadow and some mascara. I have light hair so I think I look bad in foundation and my skin is dry which makes it more noticable. I do like the smokey eye look on other women, but I can’t seem to pull it off. I end up looking like a raccoon.

tennesseejac's avatar

@La_chica_gomela I was not apart of that study so my position still stands, plus I love it when a girl can get ready in less than 10 minutes

arnbev959's avatar

I hate when beautiful women wear makeup.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Depends what she looks like without it. If she’s ugly as sin, please wear makeup !

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i basically just wear mascara and usually winged eyeliner. a little bit of coverup/foundation/whatever, but it’s not like caked on, i don’t really think it’s noticeable.
and clear chapstick, i apply it like an addict.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Someone sent me an e-mail of Goldie Hawn and Camron Diaz W/O makeup…...........very scary people !

tinyfaery's avatar

It depends on the girl. If she’s hip and fashionable and has cool make-up, sure. But granola chicks with no make-up are cute as well. My wife very rarely wears make-up and when she does it looks weird. No me gusta.

cak's avatar

Daily, it’s more likely to catch me in lip gloss (I love the Bare Minerals Buxom Lips), possibly mascara and that’s about it. If I am going out – maybe, just maybe a little of a mineral makeup blend on my face (chemo doesn’t lend well to great even skin) mascara and yep – lip gloss. If it’s a full on need to dress up, real life adult date with my husband, I’ll do the smokey eyes thing – he loves that look.

I’m not big on wearing makeup daily, never have been. Even when I do the full look – 10 mins, I’m done. I’ve been doing it long enough to know how to do it, get it on and get out the door!

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

tiny: Como un payaso ?

row4food's avatar

I’ve never worn makeup, I don’t own any. My mom never wore any, so that’s probably where I got it from. I just don’t like being unnatural, if that makes any sense. I did get dealt some really long eyelashes to begin with though ;-)

onesecondregrets's avatar

A day where I’m just going to work? No make-up works. Or just mascara. Or mascara and a light eye shadow , only one color. No eyeliner. Days where I’m going to work and class? Mascara and eye shadow. Or mascara, eye liner and eye shadow. Most likely a brown blended into a light color. I’ll either just wear eyeliner on the top of my eyelid, or only on the insides of my eyes. Rare that I do the top and bottom these days. When I go out? Smokey-eye all the way. Mascara, eye liner, eye shadow, all blended from a black/brown to a light color. Eye liner on the top and bottom.

I don’t use foundation or concealer. I’ve got pretty good skin. Always a light pink lip gloss.

I treat make-up like art. Well eye make-up really. Naive, but I’d love to be a make-up artist. I love to blend, love to make things fine with liquid eyeliner. Everything, haha. I admit, sometimes I get carried away. But my look varies a lot a lot. I feel comfortable going out without make-up but I prefer to have some on.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@onesecondregrets you’re cute enough, you don’t need any makeup.

i am kinda wondering why you’re in a hotel room in the smokey eye picture, though.

BONZO's avatar

I like ‘em like this

eponymoushipster's avatar

@BONZO so you’d bang a rodeo clown?!

amanderveen's avatar

When I was younger, I rarely ever wore makeup. Now, I won’t go without undereye concealer (I feel your pain, mrswho), but on a lazy day, that will do. If I’m going to work, I’ll (very) lightly brush on some mineral foundation (gets rid of any shiny bits and evens everything out), put on a dash of blush, eyeshadow and perhaps some tinted lip gloss. All in all, it takes about 5 minutes. If I’m going out, I’ll do more of a smoky eye, curl my eyelashes (I don’t really need mascara and I find it annoying anyways), maybe use a little eye liner, bronzer and lipstick or darker gloss. That takes about 10 minutes.

onesecondregrets's avatar

@eponymoushipster…Thank you for the compliment. But make-ups like Pringles- once you pop you don’t stop. Haha. But I don’t always wear it so it’s k. Somedays I’ll go au natural, like today. :).

..The hotel room, lolzz…My girlfriends and I used to travel, rent out hotel rooms and bar hop in cities around us. That was 6+ months ago when I had a social life and didn’t sit on Fluther all day, haha.

BONZO's avatar

@eponymoushipster yes, I would bang any kind of clown, except for Ronald McDonald (he is a whore)

SuperMouse's avatar

@BONZO, when I clicked on your link I thought I was going to see this. What was that they were saying about blue eyeshadow?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@onesecondregrets let me know if you come to Philly sometime. that sounds kinda fun.

@BONZO he is. but his milkshake brings all the boys to the play yard. he could show you how, but he’d have to charge.

Vinifera7's avatar

Where I work there are some makeup freaks. There’s one woman who always wears fake eyelashes. There’s another lady that wears this disgusting hot pink lipstick and doesn’t know how to put it on correctly, so it looks like a glowing pink ellipse.

miasmom's avatar

I don’t wear makeup, my hubby doesn’t like it anyway, so that makes my life easier…he calls lipstick “guy repellant” because he doesn’t like kissing me when I have it on.

When I was in 7th grade I thought my eyelashes were too long and I would cut them to make them shorter, they always grew back amazingly!

gooch's avatar

It depends on the occasion and the girl. If she wears it it needs to be minumal.

Jayne's avatar

I often don’t notice when girls wear makeup. If is sufficiently excessive that I do notice, it tends to put me off a little; among other things, I like practicality in a person. On the other hand, there is probably a whole bunch of people that I consider attractive in their natural state, whom I have never actually seen without makeup, and have simply been completely unaware of their maquillage. However, I am not a very harsh judge of appearances, so I doubt my world would collapse upon its foundations if global supplies of cosmetics were to dry up.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I have some dark marks on my face from wearing makeup, developing zits from said makeup and picking at said zits where doing so left scars. I notice them more than other people, but they are there and it’s upsetting (any suggestions for ridding them would be appreciated).

I only wear full makeup when absolutely necessary, such as on job interviews. I don’t think I’d wear the foundation-type stuff on a date. It’s too much and makes me uncomfortable, which would be counterproductive, I feel. Some colored lip gloss, eyeliner and mascara will have to do. My face is just too sensitive. Also, the gent sees my real face. If he doesn’t like it, well, no harm, no foul.

Women who wear too much I’m almost scared for. I can’t imagine what their skin must be going through.

Judi's avatar

This is the trick. To wear make-up that makes you look great without looking “Made-up.”
@andrew ; I love you sweetie, but you don’t know what I look like without foundation, and if you could tell I was wearing foundation I would be wearing to much!
I admit I’m a make-up whore, but my goal is for people to look at me and say, “What pretty eyes,” Not “What pretty eyeshadow.” You should never notice that I am wearing make-up, just that I look good. It starts with good skin care but works out from there.
I LOVE make-up and could spend hours in sephora, but but you would never know it unless you saw me without it!

wundayatta's avatar

I like to look at pretty women—with or without makeup. There’s something about a hard-bodied woman who has been running, and has sweat pouring off her face that I find totally sexy.

essieness's avatar

I wear light mineral foundation, a little blush, and mascara every day. Usually a little eyeliner, but just black or brown on my top eyelids. I don’t feel overdone and I’ve never been told otherwise. I have a really uneven complexion, otherwise I’d LOVE to go without foundation. I’m so jealous of girls that can get away with it. I don’t like wearing lipstick and usually just stick to Chapstick.

augustlan's avatar

Daily: Nothing. I am lazy. When I think of it: Curl my invisi-lashes and put on a light coat of mascara. It is amazing how much better I look just doing that and throwing on a pair of earrings! Daytime event of some kind: Concealer where needed, light-colored eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, a little blush, neutral lipstick – almost completely blotted off. Evening event: Same as daytime, but add a darker eyeshadow, more extravagant eyeliner, several coats of mascara and a darker lipstick – almost completely blotted off. I hate the way lipstick feels, and would use liquid lip stain every time if it came in more than one color.

figbash's avatar

When I wear makeup, I don’t look better, per se, I just look like me wearing makeup – so I don’t bother too much. I do have to polish it up for work, though, so I usually go with a neutral eyeshadow, curl the eyelashes and then hit it with a light layer of mascara. I use flavored lip balm, stain, or a tinted gloss on my lips and call it done in about 5 minutes or less.

If I have a special occasion to go to though, I can definitely have fun with it all. I like to focus on one area either the eyes – smoky and extravagant or lips – dark and winey.

jca's avatar

I wear makeup every day but not a lot. Mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow, and maybe a little blush. I never was big on foundation at all. Lipstick, sometimes.

I think that makeup makes a woman look more put together, and at work, more professional. It seems that here in New York, in the metro area most women seem to wear some makeup, but more upstate they are not big makeup wearers. This has just been my observation.

onesecondregrets's avatar

@eponymoushipster…it’s all kinds of fun, and will do. :).

melanie81's avatar

I think it depends on the person. Some girls look GREAT with just a little mascara and lip gloss. Others (like myself) look like they got hit by a truck if they’re not wearing eye-liner…even when I get 9 hours of sleep, people think I’m sick or tired if they see me sans a little eye makeup.

So to answer the question, I always go with just a little….but the small amount of eye-liner I use is a must. I usually go for that, some mascara, mineral powder, and chapstick.

fireside's avatar

I don’t mind women wearing makeup as long as it is barely noticeable.

A little sparkle here and there, or some light coloration is fine, but much more than that and it gets distracting.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I wear thin eyeliner, mascara and shiny chapstick. I hate foundation and have never worn it a day in my life. I use powder sometimes, but only because my face can get oily.

I very rarely wear eyeshadow. If I do, it’s because I’m going out for a night or something. If I wear lipstick it’s generally a pink color, so it still looks natural. But generally the most I’m made up is how my userpic is.

answerjill's avatar

I don’t really do makeup on a daily basis, but I carry around some lipgloss in my backpack and sometimes I put that on. When I do decide to “go all out” and wear makeup—eyes, cheeks, lips, etc.—I get compliments, which is kind of fun.

jonsblond's avatar

@answerjill welcome to the 1000+ club! :)

answerjill's avatar

Hey, thanks!

Aster's avatar

I only wear makeup, and not much, when I leave the house. Maybe I’m not doing the right thing.

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