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Jude's avatar

If you walk past a mirror, do you usually stop and check yourself out?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 20th, 2009
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18 Answers

queenzboulevard's avatar

I watch myself to make sure I’m behaving…jk and here’s another mirror Q

EmpressPixie's avatar

Not usually with mirrors, but with other reflective surfaces, all the time. Windows, shiny buildings, etc. I really love my winter coat, it’s super cute, kind of stands out (bright, leprechaun green), and gathers over the butt a bit like a riding jacket. So whenever I pass a reflective surface, I’ll often check out my butt. There. I said it.

If I’m not wearing that jacket, I don’t generally bother unless I see something very wrong out of the corner of my eye (like my hair pulling a Pippi Longstockings or something).

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Yeah, I gotta admit I do. I’m not beautiful, but what I am, I want to look as good as possible.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes I do and while I’m looking myself over, I try to imagine myself as a narcissist but I usually end up disappointed in the end. It’s not easy being me.

syz's avatar

I avert my eyes.

stewartwb's avatar

I check for one critical issue: Do I have any lettuce stuck in my teeth?

Mr_M's avatar

Can’t. The mirror usually breaks (like it did with Herman Munster).

Mr_M's avatar

BTW, I once saw a woman at the mall use the reflective EDGES of her cell phone to check herself out. Thought it was a good idea, actually, like when I need to check my tie before a meeting. Now, they even have a cell phone with a totally reflective surface.

emmy23's avatar

haha ya actually. I just always want to make sure that I look decent to be out in public. This does not mean that Im conceited, it really means that I have low self asteem. If i had better self asteem then I would not have to look in the mirror. I would already no that I looked good.

Mr_M's avatar

I know what you mean. Sometimes I’ll look in a mirror and could SWEAR I resemble a monkey.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Mr_M If you’d take those red glasses off, then you’d know for sure. LOL :-)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I always do, because I have been trying to see myself as other people see me, and if I can catch a glimpse of myself when I am not paying attention (harder than it sounds) maybe I’ll understand the way people react to me.

I’ve got to stop carrying that blood-soaked axe with me everywhere I go.

elijah's avatar

@EmpressPixie that coat sounds sooo cute!

onesecondregrets's avatar

I wouldn’t say it’s checking myself out as much as it is just checking on how I look. You know, no boogers all hangin’ out my nose, no flyaway hairs or anything.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I totally check myself out. Mirrors, windows, whatever. I may be a narcissist, but at least I’m a hot one!


MacBean's avatar

I’m with @syz. I avert my eyes. I don’t actually find myself unattractive but I still hate seeing myself.

Mr_M's avatar

When I walk past a mirror, I don’t stop to check myself out. I stop to blow myself a kiss.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

When I stop it is usually to check my hair and girly stuff like that but I don`t wear make-up so I don`t worry bout that or maybe to put some chapstick on.

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