What did you think is more likely to happen, an alien invasion or a Terminator style uprising of computers/machines/robots?
Personally, I think it would be awesome if either of these happened in my lifetime, but sadly, I’m not holding my breath for it.
However, due to rapidly advancing technology, I think the machine uprising is more likely. This article (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,496309,00.html) talks about its possibility. It didn’t exactly have me running to build a unpenetrable shelter in my home, but the idea of it is pretty cool (IMO).
On the other hand, I do believe aliens exist. For all we now, space is infinite, so I can only imagine that somewhere out there life sustaining conditions exist. As far as how technologically advanced these lifeforms are, we’ll never know unless they land here, or somewhere in the distant future we find them.
This is definitely a random Friday afternoon question (only an hour and 10 minutes left until 5:00!!!!), so let’s hear your thoughts.
P.S. A zombie uprising would also be incredible, but unfortunately I can’t foresee that ever happening.
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36 Answers
Uprising of the machines. Possibly through use of our brains as some sort of processor which totally brings zombies back into the equation.
This is teasing you with zombies. It is already movie bound, I believe.
I’ll go with more likely scenario number 3: “Hell freezing over.”
I think it’s more like a disaster flick:
Comet hits earth and brings with it some alien form of Montezuma’s revenge flu bug. And it begins spreading around the globe.
It takes a meetings of the greatest minds on Earth to figure out what to do:
Morgan Freeman, Jeff Goldblum, Bruce Willis, Sharon Stone and Queen Latifah all get together and find a way to save the day.
@fireside How do we stand a chance if Will Smith isn’t there?
However, I do like your comet hitting Earth idea. That doesn’t sound like as much fun of an apocalypse as the other options.
Sadly, Will Smith died trying to stop the comet with his big smile right near the beginning of the “difficult times”
But if you want to liven up the apocalypse, don’t forget about the black cloud of dust that now covers half the earth. There are people all crowding into cars and buses and boats trying to get out from under the cloud. But the earthquakes and volcanoes make traveling a little bit more difficult than your typical rush hour.
Did I mention hurricanes and tornadoes?
Oh, and the power goes out globally.
I think Jesus will come back at some point, so, as we are all sinners, we are all fried! But then, the zombies is also a possibility
I think all the nerds will die before either happens.
@eponymoushipster So you see the apocalypse as more of a “Revenge of the Zombie Nerds” type deal? Interesting.
@TenaciousDenny yeah, pretty much. instead of brains they’ll assault us for whatever star wars memorabilia we have stored up.
“I want to eat….your R2-D2 minifigs!”
And NOW zombies are officially back in the picture.
On zombie pride and prejudice. Hah, I pre-ordered it the day it was announced. I can’t wait ‘till it hits shelves.
@shockvalue Wow, I didn’t mean to rip off your question like that.
@TenaciousDenny Haha, not at all! Just more proof that this is what is on everyone’s mind. All the time. Attack is imminent, so we might as well discuss our options as thoroughly as possible.
If nerds die, I’ll need to find somebody else to fix my gadgets (lol)
@flameboi We nerds will only die once your computers can fix themselves.
i certainly think that the computer thing would be more likely to happen first, but i’d prefer the alien invasions, if i had my choice.
ummmm i didnt really understand the question but I love my computer too much for it to be invaded by aliens.
I think that the most likely scenario is a comet landing on all the banking centers followed immediately by the rest of the world coming out of recession.
I think alien robot chimpanzees will invade the world and bite everybodies face off.
I for one welcome our new robot chimpanzee overlords.
@eponymoushipster – you know the brown-noser always dies the worst death, right?
What do you think is going to happen to our alien robot chimpanzee overlords once the giant alien robot tiger zombie ghost shows up? hmmm?
@fireside probably Ziegfreid and Roy run for the hills.
B. Computers will take over before aliens invade.
I think Earth’s present environment is the most germ-laden habitat in all of space, and no alien can simply fly right up and take over. We humans have, through millions of years of toughing it out, earned the right to be here. Any alien will ooze blood and his outer layer will melt off the moment he opens the hatch.
Secondly, Terminator machines pose no threat as some moderately intelligent flutherite will simply write some SpongeBob virus or something that shuts them all down.
As for zombies? Naaah!
That leaves, as I mentioned before, “Hell freezing over.”. Unless of course there is no Hell. In which case I may yet make it outta here in pretty good shape.
Aliens because they are real and can do it now if they wanted.
I really hope it’s robots. Robots are cute. Some of them.
Edit: I really hope it’s cute robots. Can I keep one?
@Allie Did you watch Wall-E recently? LOL
@essieness Not recently, but I’ve seen it. Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you that I kind of have a thing for robots, even before Wall•E.
@Allie Who’s to say the aliens won’t be more cute? For all we know, they are small fuzzy and adorable.
@TenaciousDenny You bring up a good point. If the aliens are cute, I will adopt one of those as well. My alien and robot can be best friends! I hope the alien has an antennae. How adorable would that be? With a little bobble ball on the end. Aww.
I think it’s much more likely that intelligent aliens exists on one of the billions of planets in the universe and that they would attack us than it would be for computers/robots/machines to take over the world, because they lack one thing that comes with life—the desire to be on the top of the heap!
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