General Question

justn's avatar

What is a good 802.11 N router?

Asked by justn (1382points) February 20th, 2009

I’m looking for a wireless N access point to replace my wireless G access point.

Requirements are pretty simple, I only need it to have four ports, be a good quality unit, and relativly inexpensive (say under $60, but I’m open to suggestions). We have it set up on top of the entertainment center in our family room separate from our 8 port router in the back office.

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5 Answers

Fieryspoon's avatar

I have a mac and the airport extreme has worked very well for me. I don’t know if you can set it up for PCs though.

justn's avatar

I have a Mac as well, I just don’t want to spend the money on an Airport Extreme.

willbrawn's avatar

Linksys makes great routers. Have never had a problem with my g or n.

justn's avatar

@willbrawn Could you tell me the model number or give me a link to your N router?

HeNkiSdaBro's avatar

Once again I can highly recommend an amazing router, the D-Link DIR-655. It has great throughput which allows for great speeds when using high speed internet. It has three antennas and great range. It also boasts a USB port which allows for connected computers with a software installed to access a normal USB hard drive through the network. Great router… (approx 100 dollars), worth every penny.

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