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jonsblond's avatar

Where's your spot?

Asked by jonsblond (44421points) February 20th, 2009 from iPhone

When my husband kisses me on the back of my neck, it gives me shivers. Where’s your shiver spot?

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41 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

As a guy I must say…
do I really need to say?

AstroChuck's avatar

What? I was going to say the neck, too.
Yeah. The neck. That’s the ticket.

jonsblond's avatar

@AstroChuck Phew! I thought you meant the toe.

Blondesjon's avatar

It rhymes with penis.

babiturtle36's avatar

Neck, inner thigh

galileogirl's avatar

The side of the neck for sure. Not only shivery but conveniently located both in and out of clothing.

natg3o's avatar

I love it when he kisses me right behind my earlobe. Shivers down my spine!

Allie's avatar

In the shower. Or on a blanket under the stars. Or one and then the other.

Huh? What?

iwamoto's avatar

my ear and underside of my chin, i can go all stiff (in the joints) when that happens

Vinifera7's avatar

I’m not going to go into details, but it sort of rhymes with “millennium”.

augustlan's avatar

My ass. Any part of it.

MissAnthrope's avatar

My neck and my ears. I go all melty. I love it.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

most woman say the inside of their leg but idk i aint into all of that

babiturtle36's avatar

It’s the anticipation

cak's avatar

My neck or anywhere on my back.

KingMalefic's avatar

The area of the “V” and nails… lightly… at first heh

KingMalefic's avatar

@LouisianaGirl : The “V” section created by the hips and obliques, the sides leading down to well even more fun bits hah!

KingMalefic's avatar

@jonsblond : its the out of bounds limit for the “happy trail” Hehe :-)

Gotta play close to the edge to keep it enticing :-).

augustlan's avatar

Ok. Is anyone else horny now? Or is it just me?

KingMalefic's avatar

@augustlan : ...^.- hahah. Some times I never have enough hands.

MacBean's avatar

[pinches Lan’s butt] :D

The insides of my arms, from wrist to elbow.

jonsblond's avatar

I love a good hike. :)

KingMalefic's avatar

@jonsblond : Who doesn’t a women going for a hike grasping and tackling a couple of boulders to reach the peak is always a pleasure the decent coming down can be a bit anti climactic. and messy depends hah

I as a male much more prefer spelunking hehe ;-)

Allie's avatar

@MacBean Oh my goodness, yes to the inner arm part.

I’d like to add that I agree with @babirurtle36 on the inner thigh answer, too.

Fingers up and down the spine feel good as well. And kisses right under the jaw.


aprilsimnel's avatar

Near the clavicle. Either side!

jonsblond's avatar

Inner thigh is more ticklish than goosebumpy to me. I’d be afraid that I might pee my pants!

augustlan's avatar

No fair MacB! You’re just teasing me…

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

so now we know why Auggie uses an A for her av….

Back of my knee. Under my breast. My navel. auggies ass could be one of my fave spots

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, back of the neck for me, too. Goosebumps just thinking about it. zzzzzhhh!

augustlan's avatar

Right about now, I think any spot on my whole body would do.

tb1570's avatar

I am a very physical person, so really my entire body could be called my “spot”—touch me anywhere and I’ll respond! But, the ear is really nice, and I absolutely love it when a women runs her hand through my hair or massages/gently scratches my scalp. And, of course, anywhere on or near my, um, “fellas” drives me absolutely crazy!!!

marmoset's avatar

inside of knees or elbows is always a nice spot!

nebule's avatar

I think i’d agree with auguslan; when its done well..anywhere

wundayatta's avatar

Anyone for a feather?

nebule's avatar

@daloon that’s just naughtiness! cheeky boy! ;-)

dollfacee's avatar

my neck.
my back.
my forehead.

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