General Question

Jude's avatar

If you could choose any era, in what era would you most like to have grown up?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 21st, 2009

It’d be the Roaring 20’s for me.

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15 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

2300s. Just think about the possibilities of where we may be…. wow.

SuperMouse's avatar

I am a child of the 70’s and I like it that way. The 1970’s had it all; disco, punk, bell bottoms, bad hair, platform shoes, Burt Reynolds, Watergate, two candy bars for a quarter, The Godfather Parts I and II, The Paris Peace Accords, The Bob Newhart Show, barrel dining room sets, Lee Press-On Nails, and the AMC Pacer,

KrystaElyse's avatar

The Elizabethan era and the 50’s for the fashion or 70’s for the music.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

As the quality of life that I enjoy would probably not be available to me in any other era than today, I pick today’s era. However, I also think it would be really interesting to live in the twenties. Flappers ftw.

Adina1968's avatar

I am a child of the 70’s too and I loved it!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

The 20’s or the 50/60’s.

tb1570's avatar

The Mesozoic.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I second tb1570, the Mesozoic was where it was at, baby! Rar!

basp's avatar

pioneer days for me.

ark_a_dong's avatar

the 90’s would have been dope.

essieness's avatar

The hippie era. I just read The Gospel According to The Beatles and got super bummed that I have to live in this no sex, no drugs, stick-up-our-asses era.

Mamradpivo's avatar

Early Roman empire days, under Augustus, as long as I was rich. You could do pretty much anything you wanted, and it was encouraged.

chelseababyy's avatar

God, this is way hard.
Maybe the early Greek Mythology ages, just because I’m Spartan. So that’d be hardcore.

And if not then. Then the 20’s or 40’s.
I definitely should not have been born in ‘89. Totally wrong era for me.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

not sure. i like to think that being around in the 50s would be awesome, or the 20s, or the 60s. but i’m not sure if i’d actually want to grow up then. it sounds lovely and everything, but i don’t know if the pros outweigh the cons. there was a lot more prejudice, etc back then, so i don’t really know.

DrBill's avatar

In the year 2525, and I would teach history.

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