General Question

Spargett's avatar

How long can germs live airborn?

Asked by Spargett (5398points) October 14th, 2007

Say for instance, a room-mate is sick with the flu or the common cold. If they sneeze, then grab a door knob, how long on average will most germs survive on that door knob?

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2 Answers

joli's avatar

24 hours. Just like the bacteria in your mouth which is why we floss once a day, every 24 hours, to break up the bacteria that causes plaque. Those little critters take 24 hours to congregate and stay that way in a warm climate for same.

gooch's avatar

By germs if you mean virus it varies on the “germ”. Hepatitus B can live on a door knob for 72 hours. Bacteria can survive also for long periods. Some bacterium have been found in spore form that were thousands of years old.

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