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Jude's avatar

How many times can you say that you have truly loved someone (not talking about friends and family)

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 22nd, 2009
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17 Answers

nebule's avatar

The First was the partner that abused me…I must have loved him to let all that happen.
The Second is the relationship I’m in now. But the love i have now runs so much deeper and because it is reciprocated I believe it really is true love and very special indeed.
actually three if you count Andy Garcia… can i count him too please?

veneziana's avatar

Once. The first time I met him I told my aunt I am going to marry him some day. I was 17. We have been together for 21 years and he still is the love of
my life and my very best friend.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

to many to count.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Besides friends & family, yes, there’s one I love with all my heart.

aprilsimnel's avatar

One. I hope he’s happy now.

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

Twice? Once? Maybe not at all? Sometimes it easy to look back and think “Oh, that was just a crush” or “Oh, that was just me thinking with my penis,” but there are still a couple of instances where it’s hard to tell what it was I felt. There are a couple of times where I’d like to think it was love, but for all I know it could just have been a stronger, more intense infatuation then the other little crushes and things I had.

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve only truly loved one person, my husband.

Love ya Blondesjon! Happy Birthday!

deepseas72's avatar

Twice. My first partner, when i was 19, and my current partner.

susanc's avatar

My heart opens involuntarily to many people most days.
But there are boundaries.
Maybe we’re talking about unconditional love here.

mrswho's avatar

None so far. Which irritated my ex-boyfriend when he said “I love you” and I would say “I know” and he would get confused. How could I love anyone that didn’t get an excellent Star Wars reference? I do however love my friends dearly.

forestGeek's avatar

Three. In retrospect i realized that only one of them was really right for me.

mcbealer's avatar

with apologies to Lord Alfred Tennyson…

”... I hold it true, whate’er befall;
I feel it when I sorrow most;
‘Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.”
In Memoriam A.H.H.

this comes to mind as I reflect on my four past loves…

@jmah ~ is this bad?!? my answer is the highest so far?
@lynneblundell ~ you can count him and I’ll count Dave Matthews which brings my new total to a whopping 5. whew!

augustlan's avatar

Twice. I married them both. I have thought I’ve been in love two other times (before my first marriage). Looking back, the first was just puppy love and the second was surely love- but it was a reckless, stupid love… not the deep, abiding love I know now.

steve6's avatar

forty or fifty unless you count guys

onesecondregrets's avatar

Once. Tragic flaw of us? We wouldn’t let one another love each other simultaneously.

xkris133x's avatar

I can say twice

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