General Question

Trustinglife's avatar

What is a great subject line for a spam email?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) February 22nd, 2009 from iPhone

Be creative! Have fun!

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35 Answers

skfinkel's avatar

Secret ancient wisdom: three everyday herbs to lose weight while finding love and everlasting personal happiness.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Make your dick three inches longer with the help of a Nigerian prince who has some pills he has to sell in order to receive his $1,000,000 inheritance, which he’ll share with you. XxX

jlm11f's avatar

Anything that appeals to laziness and achieving the impossible.

“Lose weight in a healthy manner, without the exercise!”
“Great sex without any strings attached”
“How YOU can be a millionaire in 40 days”
“Make people do things for you for free. Hypnotism”

90s_kid's avatar

Something about weightloss >.>

nebule's avatar

please don’t delete me (just yet) i’m just another lonely piece of spam flying through the ether

Trustinglife's avatar

Please listen to my story!

90s_kid's avatar

Sure, I would never delete you!
clicks the “Mark as spam” button

Lightlyseared's avatar

Don’t open this email.

90s_kid's avatar

Yeah that always gets ‘em.
But not me :^D

Bluefreedom's avatar

“How to be sexy, smart, and successful in ten easy lessons. Guaranteed.”

LocoLuke's avatar

“Be the next Bill Gates!”
some (many) restrictions apply

eponymoushipster's avatar

“Handjobs and meatball grinders!”

girlofscience's avatar

You ate my child, and I’m pressing charges.

90s_kid's avatar

Don’t you think that’s a bit too harsh?

girlofscience's avatar

@90s_kid: No. I don’t.

We’re (hypothetically) talking about the SUBJECT LINES OF SPAM EMAIL.

Don’t you think it’s a bit harsh to spam people in the first place? I don’t think the creators of spam email are too concerned with the emotional well-being of the receivers.

90s_kid's avatar

Well, spam is spam I guess. And there are some crazy people in the world.

Trustinglife's avatar

Does she think you’re a loser?

90s_kid's avatar

Naah, she jut has something against me.

girlofscience's avatar

@90s_kid: @Trustinglife was answering the question, not asking you if I think you’re a loser.

But I kinda do, anyway.

eponymoushipster's avatar

wow cross-thread flaming. <runs away>

90s_kid's avatar

Sorry, I am too used to it.

fireside's avatar

Well, since he has 7 out of the past 22 responses, I guess a good subject line for Spam would be: 90s_kid

90s_kid's avatar

Yeah really.
Make that 8 out of 23!

fireside's avatar

24, actually

25 now

90s_kid's avatar

9/26 And I’m not done

Trustinglife's avatar

“90s kid will send you $1,000,000.”

eponymoushipster's avatar

“90s_kid will come and spam the forum of your choice, especially if you are a Nigerian prince who sells penis pills.”

fireside's avatar

90s_kid has just inherited $120,000,000 and is unable to access the funds directly. He will have the funds transferred into your account if your PM him with your full banking info and SS#. All he asks is that you only keep $2,000,000 of the money and send the rest to him via wire transfer.

eponymoushipster's avatar

90s_kids desperately needs money for a new avatar pic, as his current one makes him look like Jodi Foster at age 12. Please send your credit card number and current address to him via this email.

jlm11f's avatar

[mod says:] Okay, that’s enough spam topics about 90s_kid. I am sure you guys can be creative without being insulting.

fireside's avatar

The University of Fireside can guarantee you a college degree overnight!
Just send your check for $10,000 and specify the degree you want.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@PnL okokok. but i seriously got the last one just today.
howsabout this:

“Is this you?” <picture of two ladies touching a peepee> “It could be! Buy my pills!”

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