General Question

kelly's avatar

How do you find an mailing address for a movie actor?

Asked by kelly (1926points) February 22nd, 2009

My 1934 Chevy and I were cast as a period correct picture car in Michael Mann’s “Public Enemies” for filming in Chicago this past spring. Actor Peter Gerety (playing Dillinger’s attorney) drove my car into a scene with Johnny Depp as John Dilliger. I want to contact Gerety to ask if he would sign a copy of a picture of my car taken on the set the day he drove it.

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6 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I would look for an official website for the actor. There is probably a ‘contact’ link there.

SuperMouse's avatar

You can get a free trial of IMDB Pro, they contact information for most actors there. It will more than likely be the name of his agent or publicist.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

is ask your agent, or the place that cast you.

fireside's avatar

IMDB Pro is probably the easiest way to go.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Just ask the paparazzi.

Dog's avatar

You will have to go through the agent or publicist. Anti – stalking laws are pretty strict now. If he has a web site they may be able to hook you up.

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