Homophobia, antisemitism, racism, assumptions about people who are fat, short, tall, religious, not religious, smart, savant, disabled, daredevils, introverted, agoraphobic, mentally ill, physically ill, physically unusual, gifted, not gifted, long hair, short hair, creative, non creative, analytical, anti-social, alcoholic, addicted, computer geeks, computer illiterate, overly sexual, sexually repressed, asexual, ugly, pretty, money poor, filthy rich, dress differently, famous, have tattoos, too young, too old, have piercings, have toupee, don’t have toupee, eat no meat, eat meat, hate cats, love cats, political, anti-political, for war, against war…
No matter who we are or where we live there will be someone somewhere who will judge us negatively for living our lives. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone worked on themselves rather than looked for another group to bash?