Where are my Askville Friends?
Asked by
Skippy (
February 23rd, 2009
Can we all get together and chat? No Drama, No Fighting
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73 Answers
Hi Skippy. Welcome to sanity.
So what’s the news from over there? Still as bad as it ever was?
Haven’t been there for almost a week. Too busy, so i decided to lurk today, and find a note everyone is here! Was more crap going down, or just the same ole ka-ka?
I have no idea. I haven’t been there in months. I don’t miss it a bit, either.
Hasn’t really been any change. Things are pretty similar to how they’ve always been. Lots of anger and such when it comes to any question that has to do with religion or politics. Lots of immaturity about what constitutes NSFW and TMI. And for reasons surpassing my understanding, a phenomenal amount of questions that end in “Could I be pregnant?”.
MrItty: I kind of love the “could I be pregnant?” questions. (Hint: If you are asking, the answer is yes.)
I think I answered one of them. My answer was “Are you male? Are you a virgin? If the answer to both questions is ‘no’, then yes, you could be.”
Hi everyone, it does seem to be getting way worse on there or maybe I am just ‘burned out’ with AV!
@MrItty good answer!
We were discussing fluther on askville. I decided to come check out fluther again, and here you are talking about askville.
Hi, guys! Gee, it’s good to see you all here. I’m with you all. AV is nothing but pregnancies, how do I transfer pictures from point A to point B, what’s wrong with my lap top, what book was this, what movie was this that I saw in 1977, blah, blah, blah. It’s boring as hell anymore! And the in-fighiting is getting real old. Personally, I’m on here a lot more.
It all comes down to this – Fluther is a much, much better website than AV ever was. And this comes from someone who has been a long time AV member, who, incidentally, almost never visits there anymore and for good reason. Fluther is the best, no doubt about it.
Hi all, I went back a couple of times to see if the gold would be exchangeable again but I guess not. 10,000 and a whole year and not even a lousy mug!
It must have been very interesting during the elections and after must have been a hoot. People over here would not understand death threats for saying Al Gore might be right about drying clothes outside. lol
Speaking of death threats is Sgt Deputy Dawg still saving the world via Photoshop? What a bunch of characters!
Hi all I just thought I would stop by and see what is happening over here. I haven’t been here in a while.
Hi, Skippy! I still check in over there every once in a while, but I think this forum lends itself more to discussion. I got tired of seeing questions asked over there by people who don’t want to or know how to google.
Are they still doing Bogus questions and New User questions for customer service?
I like the fact here that you can’t ask questions anon.
I am so happy to see all of you. Since my laptop crashed and burned, I have only been reading at the office. And what I’ve been reading, I just don’t want to be a part of.
I’ve tried to add you all to my fluther so I can “follow you around” even thou I’ve been here awhile, I’ve not done alot.
If I never see a prego question again, it will be too soon!
Hi, Skippy! It’s nice to see you here. I check in at both places daily, though I don’t spend the kind of time at either that I used to spend at Askville. I’m just not that motivated.
I agree that Fluther is the better site these days. There is a lot of ho-hum stuff on both sites, but lately I’ve been seeing more interesting questions and answers here. At Askville, the really nasty exchanges seem to have subsided since several more controversail members have left, but a lot of what is left is boring, even aside from the the Bogus questions. I think a number of people are deserting the site, or at least just posting on the discussion boards. There have several days where the “Askviller of the Day” was someone who had only one best answer during the week. That says something.
There must have been a demographic shift, there used to be a lot of elderly Christians telling us how we weren’t Christians. Maybe the new folk are teenagers from Alaska.
What about the guy who told us we were heretics headed for hell?
I noticed that Tabby – really stinks and that person wasn’t even around very long.
Seems this is the place to be. We all need to meld into the Fluther pot.
I’ve belonged here for about 7 months,but not had much activity.
I understand the folks here are nice! That’s a huge plus. AND the questions are real and interesting, like we all seem to like!
@Skippy you can follow me if you like. I’ve just added you to my fluther. :-)
Now that I have more Fluther Lurve than Askville Gold, I’ve barely been going back even to judge appeals.
Welcome to the Light Side of the Force. :)
Hey, y’all! (I’m practicin’ my Southern-style now that I’m relocatin’ to Texas…) I lurk over yonder (AV) now and agin just to see whats up on the bacon posts..and thanks, EP, for clearing that question up for us…and also thanks again for the 12 Yats, I couldn’t help myself this last xmas..
I gottta admit, personally, I miss Mr_M, though. Anyone hear from him?
He’s around. I’ve seen him commenting as recently as a day or two ago.
I saw Mr. M earlier today! He’s jumpin around here somewher!
BR What part of Texas ya goin to?
My brother lives in San Antonio and a gal I used to work with is in Dallas!
I’m Houston bound it seems; I’ll get a chance to be around Family (for better of worse) for the first time, and their economy is better than here…Today was last day of work, Yeeha! I’m freeeeeeeee….to start over again..sigh
They’re right. Mr. M hangs out ‘round these parts these days. And you’re welcome! I just think it is so great that the owners/creators and moderators actually care about this site enough to make sure people are getting along and troublemakers don’t stick around.
In Houston, you’ll have to watch for those huricanes!
How exciting to be starting again! I’m sure you’re scared too, but the fun will win out!
Yes, it is very scary; not what I had planned to be doing at this age, but this is one of those ’ Man plans, God Laughs’ things…My sister is giving me a place to live, (a trailer; don’t laugh) so I have a place to go.
Atleast you’ll have a roof over your head. That’s great! I am sure that we will have some laughs over your new adventure!
Hello Skippy and everyone else! Welcome back :)
PnL Thanx! Good to see you again too!
I’m happy to return, and now with so many of my AV friends moving over here, it’ll be so much easier to get involved!
I hope we all increase the value here at Fluther!
@BluRhino , How ya doin?!! Good to see you too. No, I’m off Askville forever. The Askville “Powers that Be” allowed some people to really ruin that site. Those people can have it. Definitely a “non-random sample” of people there now for the most part. I used to think there was a clique. I realize now it’s not. It’s a cult. Oh well.
Well, Its sure good to see you and those glasses again!
Hi skippy, it’s been quiet at AV lately.
Hi Skippy!
Hi Blu!
Hi all!
Hi, guys. I’m just checking in again. Good to see familiar faces here.
Skippy, we lived outside of Dallas for 22 years in Rockwall. Great town. I miss it like crazy.
Hi people. Here, there, everywhere… and then nowhere online! Life will calm down in August… At least that’s what I keep telling myself!
Hi again to the rabbit, the cat & the headache man, LOL.
Better today, thanks. Got my meds yesterday, so I’m on my way with that. Am fighting off a cold now. Thanks for asking, honey. :-)
I will. I’ll email you after the 6th.
HI everybody!
AV is really dead so I am not even using my computer much except to play games lately. Miss talking to people!
Hi lollipop! Whatever you do…don’t play Bejeweled on Facebook! It’s highly addictive!
So who is left over there? Did Goldie leave?
Nope. Goldie is there. I still hop over there. I have some friends that I just like to go say ‘hey’ to. I think Goldie would go down with the ship, and I feel the same way. It has been part of my day for two and a half years. It’s hard to give up a bad habit. :0)
He’s still there, but not as much.
Someone should tell him that it can get very funny when you deal with this demographic.
I quit Facebook about a month ago now. I got tired of all the games and had to much trouble trying to figure some things out.
If anyone wants me you can find me on here occasionally or on AV but lately I haven’t even been there that much.
@lollipop I’ve got your number on both places. :-)
@autumn43… I just beat the pants off of CAK, mamasu, AND katy! Bejewled QUEEN FOR THE DAY! HA! The beauty of it… I just started playing that on FB tonight!
Anyone who still loves me after everything can message me here… and get more info if you don’t already know!
I’ve been sitting here wondering what would happen if this was on AV!!
@Tantigirl. It wouldn’t have been answered nearly as intelligently and entertainingly if it was featured on AV. Just another reason why Fluther is better.
I enjoyed coming up with a nonanswer answer on this one. The questioner seems to have a lot of curiosity about other’s intimate lives. I can imagine the epidemic of strokes she would cause on AV. They would cause a bigger kerfuffle than a gay question. Would this be a cause for expulsion or is sex more acceptable than politics?
Hey, All! I lurk here and on AV but I prefer Fluther. Lots of pregnant questions here too. I guess they aren’t teaching biology and “health” in the schools the way they used to…
@DandyDear711 It’s a youger demographic ergo the pregnancy and how do I get him to ask me out questions. At least not many ‘what would you buy an 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc yo grandchild 4 Xmas?” like AV
There are still a lot of ‘dumb’ type questions on this site as AV, it is just a different site with a different group of people. That is the only difference I see.
The only real ‘bonus’ of this site is there are ‘live on duty’ moderators! Hooray for that!!!
@DandyDear711… This is what happens when the conservatives get into sex education. :P
Wondering back after a long absence
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