General Question

janbb's avatar

Anyone have any recommendations for reasonably priced and good restaurants in Paris?

Asked by janbb (63361points) February 23rd, 2009

We are going over next week to visit our son and daughter-in-law. We plan to do a lot of patisseries and cheese/bread picnic-type meals, but would also like to eat out some. Any suggestions?

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8 Answers

augustlan's avatar

No, but I’m so jealous! Have a wonderful time, and eat a pastry for me!

Harp's avatar

I can offer some great cheese and bread and pastry recommendations if you like, but not restaurants.

Artem's avatar

Any of the smaller back-alley delicatessens. These are little pastry/chocolatier shops that often produce some of the most amazing treats you can ever imagine! But what’s most important is that, if you can, ask the locals! Try the younger generation if you don’t speak any french, but a surprising number of native french speak English to some extent, and it’s fairly easy to string along the conversation if you put in a little effort.

Harp's avatar

I do have something for you after all. A few decades back, a company bought several of the classic early 1900s brasseries and restored them to their former glory. It really is like traveling back 100 years; the decor is quite authentic and the waitstaff are dressed in the traditional manner. Wonderful casual atmosphere. The food is nice, though not cutting edge. I think you could probably get out of there for around 20–30 euros /person (not including drinks).

This “link”: lists all the brasseries that belong to this group over in the right-hand bar. Each one is decorated a bit differently, but I remember Flo, Vaudeville, La Coupole and Julien as being the prettiest. I think they all offer similar menus.

TaoSan's avatar

Reasonably priced? Good luck! Stay away from the Champs Elysee, they charge like 15 Bucks for a cup of coffee, and that was 10 years ago!!!

There’s a lot of good street eateries, make your pick.

The one restaurant still vivid in my mind after all these years was in the Eiffel Tower. It was called “Altitude 96”. To this date I remember that most succulent Rib Eye!

Excellent cheese selection for desert too.

Of course that’s all a little over 10 years ago, so I don’t know about today.

Make sure to see Versailles, be ready for the most chaotic drivers in the world, and a city comprised entirely of one way streets without left turns forever. A tip about driving in that chaos. There seems to be a silent agreement between drivers that everyone cares about what happens right in front of them. If you try to keep track of everything front and behind you’ll go crazy! Especially around the Arc de Triomphe.

janbb's avatar

@ Harp. That sounds like a good suggestion but the link didn’t come through. Can you repost it?

How’s the finger?

@ Taosan – Thanks for the tips. We ate at Altitude 69 about five years ago and found it good too.

Harp's avatar

Oops, sorry! Here it is

Finger’s going back to the doc tomorrow

TheFonz_is's avatar

just go to the Montmartre metro station, all the cafe’s here are reasonable (apart from the ones next door to the moulin rouge) and it will give you a parisienne view of life for an hour

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