General Question

EnzoX24's avatar

How does one go about making homemade sauces?

Asked by EnzoX24 (1991points) February 23rd, 2009

When I was young I used to watch my grandfather make chili from scratch. The two of us would watch cook-offs on TV, admiring all of the different chilies, hot sauces, and barbecue sauces. For years we had talked about making our own special hot sauce and barbecue sauce.

Sadly, he passed away a few years back and we never got around to it. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot of the promises we made to make the world’s best hot sauce and barbecue sauce, and I’ve decided to go through with it. The only problem is I have no idea how to make sauces. Does anyone know what the basic steps would be to make sauce? Where would you begin? Also do you have any suggestions I should attempt first?

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6 Answers

Dog's avatar

I would start with a cook book to learn the lingo for cooking and research the internet for specific sauce recipes.

Once you have the basics down you can experiment with your own sauces.

kwhull's avatar

Replace the lable on a bottle of Tabasco. That is the perfect sauce!

My husband makes a sauce for the grill that he likes to use on ham. It is never the same but always wonderful. Every holiday someone requests that my husband makes a ham! It has honey, tequila, cayene and other things that I cant remember.

Artem's avatar

Well, the best way to learn to cook is to learn from somebody. However, in the case that you don’t have someone to learn from, you need to start on your own. However, you should take this with a piece of advice. Be liberal. Take a recipie, and unless it’s something necessary like cooking time, do whatever you like. Flavor it how you like it! If you think it would taste good with another type of vegetable, or another spice, or if you want to make substitutions, go for it! There is a lot of trial and error in cooking, and you have to admit to yourself that you’re probably going to fail at first. But take it from me. I used to only be able to cook a single dish, (ironically, it was a 7-style chili) and after doing just that (with a little tutelage from my mother on cook times and basic principles) I can now cook dishes from scratch. So… just go for it! Find a recipie or two that sounds good, and just make it. ...then try something else. Don’t wind up just making the same thing over and over.
Edit: Also, something you might want to look for (to start with barbeque sauces)... try googling “ketchup based barbeque sauce recipies” That’s just a start.

PupnTaco's avatar

Steven Raichlen has a whole book on sauces, rubs, and marinades. Highly recommended!

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@kwhull That sounds amazing. But I would be dead. I’m highly allergic to cayenne.

I agree, check out some books from the library or maybe hit up some recipes websites and try making some first. Then experiment with ingredients to make your own.

Good luck!

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