General Question

natg3o's avatar

Would you rather have Mexican food or Applebees for dinner?

Asked by natg3o (104points) February 24th, 2009

They are kind of on different ends of the spectrum and to be quite honest we can’t figure out where we want to go! What would be your first choice?

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47 Answers

jrpowell's avatar


Les's avatar

As long as it isn’t a chain Mexican restaurant, I’d go with the Mexican. Applebee’s = Crapplebee’s.

jonsblond's avatar

Mexican for sure. My last three experiences at Applebees were terrible. Bad food and bad service.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Real Mexican. Applebee’s barely counts as food.

eambos's avatar

I wouldn’t eat.

chyna's avatar

I vote for Mexican.

Allie's avatar

I will steal JP’s burrito.

eponymoushipster's avatar


Applebee’s is food poisoning waiting to happen.

adreamofautumn's avatar

MEXICAN!!! Why WOULDN’T you want Mexican food???!!!

KrystaElyse's avatar


I went to crapplebees the other day and I had the worst service ever. I ordered the bruschetta burger and the panini bun was soggy, my burger was rare, my fries were way too salty and not even hot. I sent it back. Hooooorible!

bythebay's avatar

Mexican, for sure.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

aw man, at first i thought this was going to be an open invitation to dinner for the jellies.

anyways, i vote mexican all the way (:
i’ve only been to applebees once or twice though, but still, i can’t imagine it’s any better than mexican food, especially with all of the votes already against it haha

wundayatta's avatar

How could there be any question? A taqueria.

cwilbur's avatar

If the Mexican place is good, I’d go there.

Are there seriously no other options?

ladytmerie's avatar

Mexican…..unless it’s not authentic.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@ladytmerie that’s a good point, is it real mexican or taco bell mexican?

poofandmook's avatar

You know, everybody hates Applebee’s… but the Applebee’s places around here in Jersey are pretty decent.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Any place with old license plates and knick-knackery on the walls is a little to awesome for me.

patg7590's avatar

mexican fer sure. I have applebees all the time. Unless its 1/2 off late night appetizers and you’re poor.

jrpowell's avatar

Hey Allie.. I can deal with that. Give me back the engagement ring..

charliecompany34's avatar

you’re probably already eating, but i hope you chose mexican. now “mexican” at applebees? i dunno. they bring some loud fajitas to your table that gets everybody’s attention when it comes out the kitchen, but the taste is very american, if you get my meaning.

Judi's avatar

Applebees grosses me out. Especially after my plumber friend told me what the kitchen looked like. The food is a poor excuse for sustanince. Yuck!

babiturtle36's avatar

I agree! Applebees sucks ass. Get Mexican!!!!!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Mexican…hands down!

cak's avatar

Does Applebees really count as food? Really? I think that is debatable!

Mexican! Especially from this little place near me. Yum, fresh and perfect!

Likeradar's avatar

I love Applebees. I hate Mexican food of all sorts. It’s a sickness, I know.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Being from Phoenix, Arizona and close to the border with Mexico, we happen to have many excellent and authentic Mexican restaurants here in our vicinity and they put any and all Applebees restaurants to shame. That about says it all.

loser's avatar


eponymoushipster's avatar

@loser stop being such a…a….. loser! ;)

poofandmook's avatar

@likerader and loser: Lurve for Applebees! I knew I couldn’t be the only person who likes Applebees.

Dr_C's avatar

Applebees is ok… but i can tell you as a citizen of mexico i’ve had the privilege of traveling ALL OVER the US for various medical conferences…. and i can tell you there are maybe 2 half-way decent places to get mexican food in the states… and they’re both in southern california :p

loser's avatar

@ephonymoushipster I yam what I yam…

cak's avatar

<- experienced one too many stomach issues after eating Applebees.

Vinifera7's avatar

Applebees is overpriced, mediocre food. Go with Mexican.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

But they DO have good bahama mammas.

chyna's avatar

@jbfletcherfan You absolutely cannot overlook a good bahama mamma.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@chyna that’s right! With a cherry & a pineapple slice in it. :-)

chyna's avatar

@jbfletcherfan I went on a cruise once and had quite a few bahama mamma’s. Best I ever had.

alive's avatar

mexican for sure!

steelmarket's avatar

Tex Mex = muy bueno

Knotmyday's avatar

Yo quiero Mexican. But I require a Brutus (and nachos) from time to time, so hey.

buster's avatar

I have been to Applebee’s once and regret it. I love burritos and cabeza. Viva la Mexico!

Allie's avatar

Burritos and head… kinky!

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Allie. How about a cat burrito? Could we get you one of those? :o)

Allie's avatar

The burritos and head statement was in response to @buster‘s answer.
(link doesn’t work)

But I like burritos all ways. =]

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