General Question

Allie's avatar

Whose perspective is The Office filmed from?

Asked by Allie (17551points) February 24th, 2009

So.. Uberbatman was wondering about this and we started discussing it. I thought maybe it’s from the point of view of another worker in the office, but not one of the characters. Does anyone know who it is behind the camera? (Not behind the camera literally, but you get it.) Is it always the same person? Is any information about this mentioned in early episodes?

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7 Answers

Perchik's avatar

It’s supposed to be a documentary style.

elijah's avatar

I thought they were filming a documentary.

StellarAirman's avatar

Yeah it’s not a character it’s as if a film crew was making a documentary about the office.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yeah, it’s almost like the style of a reality show (I’m not saying it’s real, obviously) Just the style.

Mtl_zack's avatar

It’s a guy following the people of the office, hoping to exploit the characters actions/blackmail them/make a tv show/study them. Michael ALWAYS looks right into the camera because he’s a “rising star in comedy”. Jim looks to say like “did you get that?” I think it’s just for “the records”.

dynamicduo's avatar

Yes, it is explained in the early episodes why the camera crew is around. They are filming a documentary about Dunder Mifflin. This doesn’t really explain why the cameras start appearing in non-work related things, such as Michael and Jan’s dinner party though.

It must be fun for those actors to actually be able to acknowledge and act up towards the cameras, compared to traditional filming where it’s only the newbies who look at the camera lens.

nobodylikesmycookies's avatar

The characters are sometimes very much aware of the presence of the film crew.

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