Have you ever been together with a girl, other people called a slut?
What was the reason? Why not go for a classy girl?
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39 Answers
Calling someone a slut does not make them a slut.
I’d say the person doing the name-calling is a lot less classy.
yea but a person doesn’t just call a person a slut for no reason. Something must’ve gone down
Yes. I married one (my ex). And she was a slut. Still is, from what I hear.
If you call a girl a slut because she stole a guy, then it’s wrong.
If you call a girl a slut because she sleeps with every random guy that passes her way, then I would agree with you.
If she doesn’t respect herself, why should I? I don’t think it’s name calling. It’s the same as saying that girl is friendly, that guy is athletic, that girl is a slut. Guys can be sluts too.
Define slut, punkrockworld.
(really, I’m not being curt. The word means different things to different people. I wrote a long answer but realized it depends on what you meant.)
elijahsuicide: What if she stole a guy and sleeps with every guy that walks passed her.
@punkrockworld. Not necessarily. What if someone is just plain vindictive or trying to smear someone’s name or just being mean? What if something didn’t go down? Sometimes they might be unfairly labeling someone for no good reason at all.
I was the girl everyone called a slut. While I was still a virgin! Don’t believe everything you hear.
Don’t believe what other people say concerning a woman’s sex life! Some “friends” told my husband (boyfriend at the time) that I was a slut. Hmmm, they told him this because they were jealous that I was with him and not them. People only lookout for themselves.
augustlan: Why would they call u a slut though?
No one can actually steal another person. He chose to be with her.
If she sleeps around then he will learn in the long run that he made a mistake.
There’s nothing you can do about it except brush it off and find a new guy that has better standards.
@punkrockworld I did have many boyfriends, often more than one at a time (each knew he wasn’t the only one I was seeing). I wasn’t sleeping with any of them.
Well, here’s my long and probably TMI answer anyway.
First of all, I’ll go along with the term “slut” in my answer. However, who the hell are you or anyone else to stick a label on someone else’s sexual behavior?
I’m a woman. There is a circle of friends in which I have reason to believe I’ve been called a slut or something similar. Over the past 3 years, I have dated (and been intimate) with several guys who know each other, some as friends, some as very casual acquaintances. I’m willing to bet I’ve been described as a slut.
I’ve been interested in and liked every guy I’ve slept with, and I only consider one a mistake. This circle of people is mostly male, and there’s been mutual interest a few times. Dates, in depth talking, concerts, drinking, bonding, eating, laughing, learning, and yes, sex, occurred. I’ve remained friends with most of them and have never felt ashamed of my actions.
How does this behavior make me not a classy girl?
I don’t even want to get into that..
Thanks Likerader, I remember..
One man’s slut is another man’s treasure…
I think every girl gets called a slut at one time or another, either out of false stories, or a consequence of their own behavior. People always want to talk about sexual freedom. Just because you have the option of doing something doesn’t mean you should. Everyone has a right to be who they want and do what they want. Labels will always exist whether you like it or not.
If you don’t want to be labeled a racist, don’t say the N word. If you don’t want to be labeled a slut, don’t sleep with every stranger you meet.
@Likeradar I wouldn’t call sleeping with a few dudes slutty. I’m talking about girls that sleep with anyone and everyone. Not only is that gross, but it’s dangerous.
@punkrockworld What do guys want anyway? Classy on the street but a slut in the bedroom, right?
I’m just sayin’
@punkrockworld Maybe this was supposed to be one of those silly throw-away questions, but you got me hooked.
I’m curious how you can label someone an unspecific but generally derogatory term, then not have a way of defining it or way to defend your words.
@Likeradar Those silly throw-away questions usually get tossed. At least my last one did. :(
well yes and at the time I didnt know
“people” are stupid. if “everyone” (what does that even mean, some kids at a high school!?) says someone (esp a girl) is a slut, then it is usually some kind of gossip (isn’t that obvious!?)
if “something went down” is that really a big deal? people go through phases. sometimes we go through a horny phase (we’ve all been there!). i’m not gunna blame some girl for getting laid cuz she wanted to get laid. go her!
no one is either 1) a slut OR 2) classy. most people are a combo.
You haven’t met my ex-wife.
Although many people have.
Astrochuck: You crack me up!!
@ Likeradar: Look, I know one’s a slut when I see her k? Even though I am sure a lot of girls are called that when they are not, but that’s not my problem.My question was: Why do guys choose slutty girls over classy ones. The answer is easy: CUZ THEY COME EASY. DOESN’T TAKE THEM TOO MUCH OF AN EFFORT.
Yes, I have. And I’m really glad I didn’t listen to all the cruel torments that other insecure kids threw at her because she wound up being a wonderful friend. She still is.
World, why are guys pressed to be with as many women as possible but if a woman wants to be with different men, she’s looked down upon and called a slut? I will never comprehend that double standard.
That seems to be the only kind of girl I have ever dated, but to me most of the time those are more interesting. I would like to think every single one of them as classy
I can name lots of so called “sluts” right now that I would like to get with
1. I don’t believe in slut-shaming.
2. Most so-called sluts are good girls who other people are saying nasty things about.
3. Girls can enjoy sex just as much as guys.
4. Why should there be something wrong with a woman enjoying sex? It seems to me like that would be the goal…
5. If I guy is going out with a girl only to sleep with her, and that is acceptable, why is it wrong for a girl to do the same?
6. Being a “slut” does not preclude you from being classy. Honestly, the two aren’t even related. “Sluts” have crossed the wrong person who started talking about them, whereas classy girls just haven’t run into that person yet.
7. A girl who enjoys sex and sleeps around may 1. still be very discriminating in her partners, 2. be much safer during sex than someone who only sleeps with their one, true love, 3. be on birth control already—always a plus for a casual encounter.
Yeah, it’s a crock. I remember one football player in high school calling me a slut. I was bewildered because I was 1— a virgin 2— definitely never dressed the part and 3— was in band, mock trial, choir, and all that nerdy stuff. Turned out that he was calling a whole bunch of us nerds “sluts” because he thought it was funny, but in the mean time, people actually bought it! Most didn’t, but some did.
Like Augustlan, I was the girl called a slut all through high school. I was a virgin and had very few boyfriends, but someone said it and it stuck. It was awful and terrible and do this day I have no idea where it came from.
Have you seen this girl have sex with everyone who walks past her? I’m guessing you haven’t. Heard it from other girls? Well girls can be nasty and say awful things just to hurt one another. Heard it from other buys? Well don’t boys tend to be about building a reputation as a “stud”?
If you are interested in this girl, talk to her before you pass her over. Get to know her, see what kind of person she really is, then judge her slutiness, or maybe lack thereof for yourself.
yes, and she was truly a slut. I should have seen this coming, and looking back, it’s amazing that I didn’t.
1. She came to the radio station I worked at hoping to make a pass at someone else whose voice she liked (who turned out to be too old and ugly for her). Ended up leaving with me.
2. She was too young to have lived on her own and had all these boyfriends already.
3. She worked in a bar (where I was not allowed to go)
4. It was always “separate lives, separate routines, I’ll call you when I’m free” sort of thing, even though she did say I was the love of her life.
5. A guy that had known her previously recognised her and felt quite uncomfortable. When I asked him about her, he said she had been “naughty” but wouldn’t go into details. Apparently, the details could have interested the porno industry.
6. Eventually, she started hanging out with a colleague who she insisted was “just a friend”. She went to his birthday party but I was not invited, and had to wait for her to come out at a certain time (and of course she was late).
Yes, I know it all seems obvious now, but back then I was in love. Luckily it did not last long, and I soon found out the truth about her.
As far as the name-calling goes (I just read the thread above now):
I once spent a week or so with a nymphomaniac. The woman would have sex with anyone, anytime. She was also a wonderful person. We ended up being good friends, and I never had a problem with her special “hobby”.
What bothers me now about that girl I described above (and I think this is also the point Augustlan is making) is not the sex. I don’t know how many times she cheated on me when we were together, and I’m guessing it may have only been with that one guy. But the overall behaviour, and especially the lies, is what would make me characterise a person (male or female) as a “slut”. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying sex at a certain age in our lives. As long as we’re honest and don’t hurt anyone.
What matters about a woman? Her character, her personality, her looks. Behavior has an important relationship to all those things.
How do you get information about a person? From talking to them, or being with them. From hearing about them from people who know them well, or from people who don’t know them well.
I’d trust the information I got myself much more than the information I got from people who didn’t know her. I’d make my own judgment about liking her or not.
What about her past?
What if she’s slept with a lot of men? What if she’s got a mental illness (that is under control)? What if she’s been raped? What if she has a horribly dysfunctional family?
To me, the question is not what she has done in the past, but what she has learned from what she had done, and what she will do in the future.
So, reputation? Not a good basis to judge. People say a lot of shit, and it’s hard to separate the shit from the gold, unless you do your own research. If you like a girl, then spend time with her. Find out about her. See how she behaves now. If it’s behavior you like, then cool, stick with her. If it’s behavior that hurts you, then say goodbye.
How is this different from any other relationship? Not much. It’s just what people say, and as you know, people say a lot of shit and very little gold.
just because people call a girl a slut doesn’t mean that she is. it could be that something went down between her and ex-friends, a malicious boyfriend, etc. that’s why rumours should be treated as such.
also keep in mind that each person is different. some guys may go for a slutty girl because they just want an easy lay. some of these slutty girls may have changed when they met whoever they’re dating. it’s an individual thing. if you’re thinking of someone specific, i guess you’d have to ask them.
if it’s a general question, there’s definitely no solid answer.
My ex-wife became a prostitute. I guess that would make her a slut.
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