Booty calls? Why do guys try to get girls this way?
Asked by
Nichole (
February 25th, 2009
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37 Answers
It takes two to tango. Don’t single out guys. Girls do it, too.
The answer is in the question. Boooooooooty.
but guys tend to do it way more then girls
Guys (in general, there are exceptions to every rule) are more easily able to have intimate relationships (aka GETTIN IT ON) without emotional attachment. Women have a harder time separating the two, so they tend to prefer to be in love (or at least get to know the dude) before they jump in the sack with them.
Plus, guys are just generally more perverted, IMO.
The better question might be, why would a girl ever answer a booty call? If she goes, her booty must be calling too!
Because if someone agrees then the guy doesn’t have to go find a professional and pay them.
@Tenaciousdenny i disagree 100%. I will admit as a guy ive had a “friend with benefits” who i did become emotionally attached too, but she didnt but also had one that was vice versa.
The booty call is simple, im a) drunk and its late and i want some or b) i want some
@Triiiple I said there would be exceptions. I generalized, and I stand by my generalizations.
Darwin i think that when a guy want to pay for sex their just really desperte.
@TenaciousDenny: I have to disagree (& I’m a girl, albeit a much older one!) But you’re right, that’s your opinion and is probably formed from your own experiences. However, I’ve known many guys who are emotionally charged and connected where sex is concerned; and many girls who would sleep with just about anyone when drunk or horny. Exceptions abound!
Jeez, all these people disagreeing with me. What is this, a place for thoughtful debate?!?
@bythebay Do you happen to have the phone numbers of these girls? Can you hook a brother up?
@TenaciousDenny: As I mentioned, I’m old now and my glory days are behind me, as such, my glorious and freewheeling friends are in their 40’s – and most are married with kids!!
Those extroverted girls are still out there – in droves, keep your eyes open to the possibilities!
Guys have balls so that makes us want it twice as much. :D
oh good one. just because guys are horny doesn’t mean they can think they can get a girl just becasue they ask.
It works. You are over thinking a plate of beans.
well im glad you think that its just that simple
@Nichole Don’t be hating on men now. Girls who respond to booty calls are just as guilty as men. And girls make booty calls too.
im not hating on men. i love men actually.
i just that all the men i know who booty call end up really hurting the girls.
@Nichole: You can only get hurt if you answer the booty call…and if you know it’s a booty call and that hurts your feelings…don’t answer! :) Geez I hate to admit it, but johnpowell is right!
@Nichole – They are desperate when they make booty calls, too, but why pay when you might get it free? If the calls don’t work out then there is a choice of paying or making friends with yourself.
sometimes people can think they can handle a booty call but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way
@Nichole: Self respect, boundaries & expectations. Have them in line before you answer “the call”.
sometimes people dont’t think @bythebay .. like most guys they think with penis.
@Nichole – if you have been the recipient of such calls and don’t like them, just say no. Guys have been known to “think with the other head” way too often but you don’t have to agree with their thoughts.
@Darwin so your not okay with booty calls? didn’t you just say they were no big deal
@Nicole – I don’t make them and I don’t accept them. I have too much self-respect for that. However, that doesn’t mean I have to get all hoity-toity and never speak to the caller ever again because “how dare he!”
That also doesn’t mean other people don’t make them or accept them. Your sex life is your own business, but if such calls bother you, just say no.
When I asked one of my cousins a similar question, he told me that for him, it was a numbers game. He was going to flirt with and attempt to sleep with as many girls as would let him, because he likes sex. That’s it. That’s all. And if a girl said no, it was no thing, he was on to the next one.
You can’t take it personally when some dude is horny and ringing you up. If you’re not interested, just say no, don’t sweat it and go back to sleep. You’re under no obligation to do anything you don’t want to do with a man.
I’m a Christian guy and don’t do such thing.
I have a girl that booty calls me waay more than I booty call her. We’ve kept it quite simple, and it hasn’t gotten complicated in the least. I don’t go out with her, or might see her out from time to time, but it isn’t awkward.
I will agree that women are just as guilty as men when it comes to booty calls… if you say no to a booty call enough times, you won’t get the calls anymore. And if you say yes sometimes, then expect a call from time to time.
I would never try and booty call someone that I haven’t been with before…and I’m sure most men just don’t start going through their phone calling each woman in his contact list to get laid. You only call people you have been intimate with at some point, or have had some sort of intimate relation with.
And I disagree with the numbers thing. I like sex just as much as another guy, but you won’t see me going girl to girl trying to hook up at a bar. In fact, I would avoid hook ups at bars anyways. I would say most men are not like your cousin Aprilsimnel. It sounds like he’s just trying to find someone to sick with his unit.
bottom line is… women make booty calls too, maybe not quite as much, but you cannot deny them making the call. If you don’t want to be a booty call, tell the person calling you that, and you’ll probably notice they won’t call you again.
Well, he just likes sex. I haven’t seen him in years, but he was getting girls all the time when I knew him. Maybe that’s all they wanted too. ::shrugs:: Have never been the requester or requestee of a booty call, so I just went with what I knew.
Guys do it because it works, or because they think and hope it will work. It’s as simple as that.
women do it because it works, or because they think and hope it will work. It’s as simple as that.
No one would make a booty call if it constantly went “unanswered”, so my answer is… because they can. Which is pretty much the same thing cwilbur just said.
@Nichole maybe you only notice that guys do it more because you’re trying to confirm your belief that they do. i’m assuming you’re a chick, so i’m guessing, whether you realize it or not, your instinct is to single guys out rather than girls.
but i think, as tenaciousdenny said, the answer is in the question. (:
Guys get sex this way because they can, certain females make it very easy. Why would a woman accept sex from a guy if she knows her sugar walls are all he is after, and he could care less for her as anything more than human jackoff rag? When I was a teen we had a name for gals like that. Some guys know that all they need to is show a woman some fake attention and she will fall like a house of cards, thinking it is her that he is interested in and not what she has between her legs.
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