Well I’ll step up to the plate, even if others won’t…
I generally find that it is best to switch up which areas are stimulated, keep it interesting and changing so I don’t get into too much of a habit or condition myself to only respond to one thing. I’ll definitely grab my boobs (look at my username, I mean, really.), but I can’t say I’ve ever grabbed my butt… I’m also fully aware of the fact that clitoral stimulation is an integral part of an orgasm, but that doesn’t discount penetration either.
I’m not a big fan of porn… I’ll watch it definitely (and read it!), but more for general entertainment. I don’t watch internet porn that often – too much crappy quality weird shit out there, and softcore porn on Skinemax and whatnot is laughable, and above all I don’t want to pay for it, but I’ll always be down to watch something good if/when I can find it. And literotica ain’t bad at all! But when it comes to masturbating, I’m generally fine just sticking to my own thoughts.
I have yet to find a full sized vibrator that I really like, so I’m generally just a hands kinda gal, but I do love my bullet which is a mini vibrator. I’ve heard good things about a full sized one that I think I’m going to check out.
Having a roommate has definitely cut down on my “me time,” and some of it is now restricted to the shower, but I still manage to get me done every other day, or maybe every third day if I’m stressed or busy. The number also falls when I’m having sex on a regular basis, going down to about twice a week, maybe even just once.
If you can’t tell by now, I’m very open about my sexuality, and I find nothing to be embarrassed about, nor do I find the issue taboo. All the more power to you girls who can talk about it!