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Triiiple's avatar

Why do people call Blunts, L's?

Asked by Triiiple (1356points) February 25th, 2009

Ive never known but always hear my friends from NYC say it or some people here in FL.

Why do they call a Blunt an L?

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10 Answers

Jayne's avatar

Why do you call an L a Blunt?

Jamspoon's avatar

@Jayne Touche good sir.

There’s a way of rolling joints with two papers, you stick them together to form an L-shape and it makes rolling a cone easier.

Though I can’t see that really being useful with blunt papers.

chelseababyy's avatar

Urban Dictionary Says:

An L is a marijuana joint, created with 2 papers that before rolled, has an L shape to it, but normally the L is on its side with the long side going across instead of going up and down, and the smaller end going up and down, then you put the marijuana (preferably mixed with tobacco) in the L, roll it, then enjoy your L joint.
Contrary to popular believe, it’s not technically a blunt, a blunt is a cigar re-rolled with marijuana, or you can just buy an already non-rolled blunt paper, an L is a good stepping stone to a blunt, you can fit 1g-1.5g in an L, whereas a blunt can go 3g-5g.

Triiiple's avatar

There we go, thanks for the answer. This girl was annoying me about it. I hate when people call it an L ><.

Emerson's avatar

From what I’ve heard it’s because some people call bowls “B’s” so that was already taken. “Wanna go smoke a B?” would be a bowl and “Wanna go smoke an L?” would be a blunt. This is all just speculation though.

Triiiple's avatar

I never really specify when i ask people if they wanna smoke, i just as “yo wanna smoke/chief?” i dont care what its out of, that will be figured out.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

For me, a blunt is a blunt, a joint is a joint, j, or bone, and a bowl is a bowl or a pipe. I’ve never heard anything but the L shaped spliff referred to as an “L.” Maybe your friends just aren’t very weed-cultured.

Triiiple's avatar

@TitsMcGhee obviously it isnt just them, people also put that on Urban Dictionary. Just a long gone fad i guess. hits blunt

Jeru009's avatar

All of you guys and the urban dictionary are wrong!!! The reason that we here in NYC call blunts L’s has nothing to do with the shape. I’m 38 years old a was smoking weed before people started rolling blunts. Smoking blunts originated in NYC. The reason that you call a blunt an L is because before Dutch masters, Phillies and White owls the original cigar that was used to roll blunts was a brand called EL PRODUCTO!!! So in reality its not L but EL the nick name for an EL PRODUCTO cigar. That double paper thing is european and has nothing to do with blunts being called EL’S.

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