Anyone hear watch Top Chef? (the finale) SPOILERS!
I’ve been following the 5th season of Top Chef NYC for months…I just saw the finale of it tonight.
Does anyone else watch this show? I think it’s great.
I can’t believe Hosea won…all I can say is wtf. I really wanted Stefan or maybe Carla to win, but ew, not Hosea. Please.
Anyway, what do you top chef fans out there think?
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10 Answers
I was totally behind Carla, the first few weeks she was always on the edge of elimination but she stayed true to cooking from her heart and came on strong the last half. I think if she had stayed with sophisticated Southern instead of meat & potatoes she would have won. They liked her last minute crab appetiser. I think she overthought her other courses.
Between Hosea and Stefan, I just didn’t like the superior attitude of the Europeans. Probably they edited them to look worse than they were but they were annoying.
I think Jeff got a raw deal, he only had one less than stellar performance and I think that’s why they brought him back last week. But come in first or go home killed his chance. It would have been much more interesting if the final had Jeff instead of Hosea.
I guess you can say I’m a fan (of Project Runway, too) lol I love to see people doing something, The reality shows where they just sit around playing mind games are boring.
I was hoping Carla would win, but she screwed up. Stefan is a total $@#!&, so I’m glad he lost.
I also wanted Carla to win…but between Hosea and Stefan, I really would have wanted Stefan to win. I’m very disappointed in their decision. Yes, Stefan’s attitude wasn’t the best, but at least he had the skills to back it up. Hosea claimed to be a fish expert yet he can’t even fillet a fish well or cook it right? C’mon! If they judged the contest on consistency rather than just on the final meals, then Stefan should have won, hands down.
I was hoping that Carla would have won. Why did she let her sous chef influence her!?!
I was also wishing that Fabio would have made it to the final three. I think that he has a great career ahead of him in television.
@jonsblond – Ugh! I know right! She should have just stuck with making the tart! I really think she would have won if she did.
@KrystaElyse I think Carla’s problem was that she was too nice. There were a couple of times when she didn’t push and it almost cost her. I think she probably runs a great kitchen but being too collaborative is what probably cost her the contest.
I know Stefan is a total asswipe, but I wanted him to win over Hosea.
I liked Carla a lot too…had she made a GREAT meal then I was hoping she would have won.
Gah…sooo disappointing.
@seekingwolf I agree. I thought that Hosea was more irritating than Stefan.
After watching last night’s show, all I know is that I need to get back to New Orleans. God, I love the food and atmosphere down there!
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