General Question

mirifique's avatar

Can someone explain the process to obtain/file a patent for a web startup idea?

Asked by mirifique (1540points) February 26th, 2009

This question has already been asked but I’m wondering if anyone can give me a breakdown of the process and the time/fees required to actually do this.

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1 Answer

cwilbur's avatar has a lot of information on how to file a patent.

The more important question is, why do you think you need to do this? What will it get you? Basically, a chance at winning if someone copies you and you sue.

So if another startup copies you, you’ll put your precious resources into a lawsuit instead of into making your product better. If you even have enough resources to do both at once; if you put enough resources into successfully suing over the patent, you may have none left to make your company profitable.

And if an established company copies you, you’ll lose. They will have more money and more lawyers, and they’ll be able to drown you in paperwork and lawyer bills until you run out of money.

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